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What is metal gear solids story

What is metal gear solids story
It's about a legendary hero named Naked Snake, starring David Hayter. In Metal Gear Solid:Peace Walker, a scientist named Huey developed AI Weapons. They are so powerful that it could start all-out nuclear war and can launch a nuke. The weapons sometimes can be impossible to stop. It all started in 1974. Huey is not a bad person. He wanted to help the world. Somebody named Coldman asked Huey to develop some kind of super weapon to prevent nuclear war. Huey then worked for Coldman. After years of research, Huey developed a variety of AI weapons, powerful enough to almost destroy this world. He developed AI Weapon, Pupa, AI Weapon Chrysalis, AI Weapon Cocoon and finally, AI Weapon Peace Walker. In the game, Snake must go through a neverending story to stop the AI Weapons and prevent all-out nuclear war. Coldman did not keep his word about helping the Earth. He wants to use Huey's work and research for a De ter rent. Betrayed by Coldman, Huey then joined Snake and helped Snake build their own AI Weapon, called, Metal Gear ZEKE. AI Weapons are like giant robots that are unmanned and have some sort of its own brain. Huey's inventions were really good. You can give the AI Weapons simple commands like, attack that, or go there. You can search AI Weapon (Cocoon, Pupa, Chrysalis, Peace Walker) on Google to see how they actually look like. It's hard to describe the AI Weapon(s). As you move closer to the end of this game, you will find missions that are intense and more difficult, depending on the skulls at the side of each mission's name. This game is on PSP. You can have your OWN army in the game and develop weapons like the Thompson, variety of assault rifles, pistols, etc. You can send your troops or "Dispatch" your troops to war. But you won't go to war with them, you have more missions to do. You can also have your own Armored Vehicle, Tank, and Helicopter by completing missions that require you to battle Attack Choppers, tanks and armored vehicles. Only kill the soldiers on the field to force the captain out of the vehicle . Kill him and the vehicle is yours. Make sure you lay some damage to the vehicle first. It's a really good game. It's on sell in EB Games and Wal-Mart. $39.99
July 4, 2010