Were can you find good childrens games
Were can you find good childrens games
Ages 5-7 at www.uptoten.com that's a great website for younger kids safe and kid friendly. Ages 5-7 pbskids.com fun for kids.Ages 6-8 playhousedisney.Ages 10-12
DragonFable.com fun,safe,kid friendly.Ages 10+ www.aqworlds.com
!!!ONLY LET YOUR KIDS PLAY www.aqworlds.com if they are allowed to free chat!!!
!!!there is a form of safe chat on the game on servers Twig,Twilly,Zorbak,Truffles they have a list to choose from of chat words.All of these games are virus free no downloads safe and kid friendly.
Aqworlds.com and Dragonfable.com has violence but no blood or injuries your character simply hits them with preview of blood or gore.
Aqworlds has chat safe chat and free chat.
Age recommend for dragonfable and aqworlds is 10+
Ages for pbs and uptoten are ages up to 7+