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Is there any free mmorpg game for kids with 2D graphics

Is there any free mmorpg game for kids with 2D graphics
I have been playing this game called Mytha. Its a online MMORPG turn base game where you create a party (5 hirelings) of your choice from wizards, knights, barbs, necromancers, elven archers, alchimist, dark knight, rangers, sorc, paladins, also you can have mobs on your team like demons and dark fairys. You battle on a grid just like Shining force. You cast magic spells, use spells like Power Heal and Blaze you can summon undead and other meat shields, This game has no advertisement at all and a very low player base.
When you start the game you start with a random group of 3 hirelings, you have the ability to pick up free rangers and replace those hire. In the begining you could start out with rats, large rats, alch, elven archers, rangers. The game is a little confusing when your new, but if you give it a shot you really could see what a great game this is. I seen other people posting links so I will go ahead. Please give it a try for 1 hour, you have to get past the turtorial island to see its full potenial.

Code of Everand is aimed at kids, I think. Free to play, safe chat and plenty to keep them occupied. No player vs player fighting, only outwitting monsters using traps and spells.