Who is freckleslam
Who is freckleslam
freckleslam is a famous hacker on toontown, who has the capability to log off, delete, disconnect, ban, and/or permanetley ban your account, or delete a toon. there Are many fake freckleslams, however, the real one is known to be the only one that can walk sideways. if you have a paid membership on toontown, and happen to run into freckleslam, immediateley log out, especally if he comes to you and talks. freckleslam is known to have the hacking ability to come into private parties and estates, change the names of your gags, doodles, and even the name that appears above your home. freckleslam is known in general as a EXTREMELY dangerous hacker, and can cause damage to accounts, which may not be recoverable by toontown.
tips on how avoid this danger are: 1. if he appears in the playground, LEAVE THE PLAYGROUND. immediatley log off if he comes to you and talks. 2. although its hard to stay away, dont go to nutty river, and nutty summit. he is mostly found here. 3. if your toon or account is deleted, mark the date and time of when it happened, and call the toontown service as soon as possible. if you are able to call them within 7 days, you have the chance to recover your account and/or toon. hope this has helped.