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What do you do after you killed the last person on assassins creed 2

What do you do after you killed the last person on assassins creed 2
The guy behind killing Ezio's parents becomes the pope and gets some sort of god staff and you have to fight him in a church but you used an apple to multiply yourself. He is lying on the ground but cheats and stabs Ezio in a cutscene and Ezio follows him into a special chamber and they start babbling something about God and the staff so you fist fight him over the staff and Ezio defeats and spares him. Then it goes to Desmond Miles as the rogue lab is attacked by the guy who first found Desmond. You play Desmond to kill them while the credits roll. You then get away with all your buddies. While the credits roll completely they mention something about 2012 and doomsday. Details are a bit sketchy because I only watched my cousin play it.