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How do you kill crying wolf mgs4

How do you kill crying wolf mgs4
OK heres what i did,the moment the cut scene ends you see that tank directly in front of you? go under it,equip the solid eye switch to night vision then pull out a rifle i used the SVD, wait for her to appear,until that happens you can shoot down the shouldn't take long for her to pop up though cause she'll be looing for you as well.
but if you have a hint that shes around, you'll see somthing blue flotng around witha Chinese letter on it, that's the sad symbol(her symbol) follow it with your rifle! you'll see her open up her hatch and aim her rail gun,when she dose so,aim for her head and keep shooting like crazy! it'll take alarge amount of HP from her. she should be down in no time if you do it right. there are many ways to kill her but in my opinion i think this is the easiest way,you just have to a tad bit patient.