Star Wars: Battlefront collectibles locations guide in both Battle Missions and Survival Missions.
Battle Missions in the game contain a variety of collectibles –- 5 in each battle mission. These collectibles are well hidden and sometimes require a Jump Pack or Fett’s floating ability.
Survival Missions, on the other hand, contain 5 collectibles each. Similar to battle missions, these collectibles are well hidden and require some serious effort in hunting them all down.
This guide details the location of all 60 collectibles that can be found in the game:
Collectible #1
After gaining control of your character, head left and jump up to climb the ledge. Once you’re up, check the left side of the area to find a collectible.
Collectible #2
You need to jump on top of the area directly above the large cave in order to find a collectible on top of it.
Collectible #3
There is a subtle entrance leading inside the main cave near the tall tank. You need to head inside the cave and search the sides near the entrance to find the collectible.
Collectible #4
You need to head over to the tall tank near the shuttle and find the collectible located on the backside.
Collectible #5
The final collectible on this battle mission is located near the huge hole in the middle of the area — search the sides to find it.
Collectible #6
After gaining control of your character, run straight ahead and head right from the TIE wreckage in order to find a collectible on the mountain.
Collectible #7
Once gained control of your character, head straight and climb the cliff ahead to find another collectible atop it.
Collectible #8
You need to head over to the very center of the area and climb to the very top of the cliff there to find another collectible.
Collectible #9
You need to head over to the area with a huge hole right next to a tall tank and find a collectible in the area.
Collectible #10
Head inside the large cave and find the last collectible of this battle mission between two E-Web Blasters.
Collectible #11
You need a jump pack in order to head over to the top of the GR-75 Rebel vehicle and search the frontal side of it to find a collectible.
Collectible #12
Head to the very opposite side of the area from where you picked up the previous collectible and drop down from the end to find another collectible.
Collectible #13
You need to head directly below the transport in order to find another collectible in the open area.
Collectible #14
You need to head over to the dragon skeleton and find a collectible placed near the bones.
Collectible #15
This collectible is located outside of the map which can be collected by heading to the opposite side of the sail barge.
Collectible #16
You need to climb on top of the transport vehicle and head to its rear side to find a collectible lying there.
Collectible #17
This collectible is located directly below the sail barge near the dragon skeleton bones — quite straightforward to find.
Collectible #18
This collectible is located inside a carrier near the rare side of the transport vehicle.
Collectible #19
You will find this collectible in one of the carriers located near the rear side of the transport vehicle.
Collectible #20
The final collectible of this battle mission is located near the hole of the Great Pit of Carkoon.
Collectible #21
The first collectible is located near the computers on the right side of the area; near the start.
Collectible #22
You need to head right after exiting the initial base and find another collectible hidden in bushes near the intersection.
Collectible #23
Continue ahead after getting the previous collectible and find it behind a tree.
Collectible #24
You need to head inside the initial base and travel to the second floor. Once you get there, head over to the opposite side of where you originally spawned and find the collectible in the right side alleyway.
Collectible #25
The final collectible of this battle mission is located near the tank on the backside of the shuttles.
Collectible #26
After gaining control of your character, head over to the second floor of the area and check the left side to find a collectible — it’s located on a ledge.
Collectible #27
You need to head out of the base, head right, and find another collectible past the last door on a highpoint.
Collectible #28
You need to head over to the shuttle and find another collectible inside one of the closed wings.
Collectible #29
For this collectible, you need to head over to the left side from the landing pad and inside the forest — the collectible lies a little ahead.
Collectible #30
You need to head back inside the base, go upstairs, and find the collectible near the power generator.
Collectible #31
You need to head inside the doorway behind the AT-ATs and find the first collectible near the computers.
Collectible #32
For this collectible, you need to drop down into the AT-ATs pit and find another collectible near some crates.
Collectible #33
While coming inside the hanger from the outside area, climb and reach the backside of the right AT-ATs in order to find another collectible.
Collectible #34
This collectible is located near one of the shipping containers inside the hanger.
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