How to Make the Most of Food in Minecraft - For Dummies

You can eat foodstuffs in Minecraft by selecting food and holding down the right mouse button for a second. Your character then finishes eating, and part of the Hunger bar is refilled. Minecraft PE players eat by simply selecting the food and then touching and holding the screen.

If you eat a poisonous food, the poison lasts for only a short time, as shown on the display. During those seconds, a lot of hunger and health points are lost. However, many players survive after eating poisonous food from time to time. Some enjoy experimenting with poisonous foods, especially pufferfish, which makes the screen turn wavy and green.


In addition to restoring the Hunger bar, eating food prevents the Hunger bar from depleting for a while. When the Hunger bar starts jittering, you’re becoming hungry again, and the meter continues to deplete.

Different types of food increase or decrease how long you can play before the Hunger bar begins to deplete again. In this process of saturation, the higher the saturation number, the longer the Hunger bar remains before your character needs to eat again.

Food Saturation Comparison Food Item Saturation Number Apple 2.4 Baked potato 7.2 Bread 6 Cake slice .2 Cake whole 2.4 Carrot 4.8 Clownfish .2 Cooked chicken 7.2 Cooked fish 6 Cooked porkchop 12.8 Cooked salmon 9.6 Cookie .4 Golden apple/enchanted apple 9.6 Golden carrot 14.5 Melon slice 1.2 Mushroom stew 7.2 Poison potato 1.2 Potato .6 Pufferfish .2 Pumpkin pie 4.8 Raw beef 1.8 Raw chicken 1.2 Raw fish .4 Raw porkchop 1.8 Raw salmon .4 Rotten flesh .8 Spider eye 3.2 Steak 12.8 Cooked mutton 9.6 Cooked rabbit 6 Rabbit stew 12 Raw mutton 1.2 Raw rabbit 1.8

Unfortunately, foods with the highest level of saturation, such as golden apples and carrots, are uncommon and require crafting. As with eating sushi in real life, eating raw meat (avoid raw chicken!) offers a high level of saturation and food points, and you can easily find it in most biomes.

Because cooked meat is the best food option early in the game, build a furnace before starting a farm. Porkchops, even when eaten raw, are a great food source when starting a new game because pigs can easily be found, and are a lot of fun to catch!

If you’re in one of the few biomes that’s short on food, such as a desert or mesa, you need to excavate, find a village, start a farm, or switch to Peaceful mode as soon as possible, or you’ll run out of food very quickly!

Another way to make food points last as long as possible is to limit strenuous activity — no sprinting or jumping, and avoid taking damage.

However, don’t worry too much about exhaustion and saturation points. Most players simply continue working through the challenges as they occur and eat regularly whatever food items are handy.

The table shows how different activities in the game can affect your exhaustion levels.

Exhaustion Levels Action Increase in Exhaustion Level Walk and sneak (per meter) 0.01 Swim (per meter) 0.015 Break a block 0.025 Sprint (per meter) 0.1 Jump 0.2 Attack an enemy 0.3 Receive any damage 0.3 Suffer the effects of food poisoning 0.5 per second (15 total) for raw chicken or rotten flesh; 1.5 per second (22.5 total) for pufferfish Sprint jump 0.8 Regenerate 1 health point by accumulating18 hunger points 3.0

If you don’t want to repeatedly run back to your home to eat, you should carry road rations with you, such as steak or bread.