The Unexpected Bug
Genre: Action, Shooter
Game Review
#$^%*@&! Alert alert, an unexpected bug has occurred when the robots are initializing their engine! Now all the robots are on a rampage, they have all turned into killers now. You are in a hot pursuit, trying to avoid and kill the robots before you get eliminated. Remember to boost the scientist with upgrades and help the scientist fix his robot's bug.
In this flash game, there are two modes: Story and Hardcore. In story mode, you need to reach to the max distance and fix the bug in order to complete this mode. The story mode itself is already quite difficult. I'm at the peak of every upgrade possible and still couldn't beat the game. After around 100 attempts then I beat the boss in story mode. You can say I'm not an arcade pro. Meanwhile in hardcore you need to run and resist as long as possible. You basically collect points in hardcore mode you have to unlock achievements which gives you hardcore points. Certain achievements lowers the hardcore difficulty boosting your combo duration, bonus, and so on. I personally think the achievement-based hardcore run is a nice concept, making the run not so easy as it seems.
One thing that I don't like is their keyboard layout. I'd rather have the glitch under the spacebar, as 'E' makes me miss jumps quite often. The best way to solve is to allow us to configure our keyboard layout especially in platform games. On the other hand, I think the mechanic of the game is rather interesting. It combines running and shooting into one. Now I need to find a way to use my left brain to jump and my right to aim. Too bad they don't work together! ^^ The animation is simple yet effective. The sprites are visually attractive and creative too. Imagine rocket cats, green winged dogs, floating monkey... Who would have thought of that? After all, this game deserves 5/5 stars, nice work.
The Unexpected Bug Guide
List of Upgrades in The Unexpected Bug
Body - Increases your body power, enhancing jump and movement ability.
Life - Adds hearts to scientist.
Glitch - The scientist learns how to stop enemies. Poin in this upgrade increase effect duration and decrease recharge time.
Weapon - Gives a weapon to the scientist. Weapon qualty increase with points purchased.
Bonus - Increases bonus spawn rate a lot.
2X Jump - The scientist learns how to double jump. Points in the upgrade increase the power of the double jump.
VAR TPX - Something in the scripts is changed after this bug...
Recommended Build for The Unexpected Bug
1. Weapon
2. 2X Jump
3. Life
4. Glitch
5. Body
6. Bonus
7. Repeat this build 4x then get VAR TPX
List of Achievements in The Unexpected Bug
Runner 1 - Reach more than 1000 distance
500 points in story and 250 points in hardcore
Runner 1 - Reach more than 1000 distance
500 points in story and 250 points in hardcore
Runner 2 - Reach more than 2000 distance
1000 points in story and 500 points in hardcore
Runner 3 - Reach more than 3000 distance
2000 points in story and 1000 points in hardcore
Runner 4 - Reach more than 4000 distance
4000 points in story and 2000 points in hardcore
Killer 1 - Kill more than 5 enemies
500 points in story and 250 points in hardcore
Killer 2 - Kill more than 15 enemies and score a x4 combo
1000 points in story and 500 points in hardcore
Killer 3 - Kill more than 30 enemies and score a x8 combo
2000 points in story and 1000 points in hardcore
Killer 4 - Kill more than 50 enemies and score a x12 combo
4000 points in story and 2000 points in hardcore
Rich 1 - Collect 1 coin
500 points in story and 250 points in hardcore
Rich 2 - Collect 4 coin
1000 points in story and 500 points in hardcore
Rich 3 - Collect 8 coin
2000 points in story and 1000 points in hardcore
Lucky 1 - Grab more than 1 bonuses
500 points in story and 250 points in hardcore
Lucky 2 - Grab more than 4 bonuses
1000 points in story and 500 points in hardcore
Glitcher 1 - Glitch more than 5 enemies
1000 points in story and 500 points in hardcore
Glitcher 1 - Glitch more than 15 enemies
2000 points in story and 1000 points in hardcore
Jumper Kills 1 - Destroy 10 enemies by smashing their heads with a jump
1500 points in story and 250 points in hardcore
High Jumper 1 - Use double jump at least 50 times
2000 points in story and hardcore
High Jumper 2 - Use double jump at least 100 times
4000 points in story and hardcore
Combo! - Score a combo
500 points in story and 250 points in hardcore
Like A Boss - Reach 4000 in story and kill the boss
Unlock hardcore and 5000 points in story
The End? - Finish the story with a lethality of 90% and an accuracy of 50%
5000 points in story and 2000 points in hardcore
Runner 1 - Reach more than 1500 distance
Platforms width will increase and 500 points in hardcore
Runner 2 - Reach more than 3000 distance
Platforms width will increase and 1000 points in hardcore
Runner 3 - Reach more than 4500 distance
Platforms width will increase and 2000 points in hardcore
Like A Ninja - Reach more than 6000 distance
Platforms width will increase and 4000 points in hardcore
Killer 1 - Kill more than 25 enemies
Enemies life will decrease and 500 points in hardcore
Killer 2 - Kill more than 50 enemies
Enemies life will decrease and 1000 points in hardcore
Killer 3 - Kill more than 100 enemies
Enemies life will decrease and 4000 points in hardcore
Lucky 1 - Grab more than 10 bonuses
Bonus spawn will be enhanced in hardcore
Jumper Kills 1 - Destroy 15 enemies by smashing heads with a jump
2000 points in hardcore
Jumper Kills 2 - Destroy 30 enemies by smashing heads with a jump
3000 points in hardcore
Killing Spree 1 - Reach more than 5000 distance with at least a lethality of 90%
Enemies life will decrease and 2000 point in hardcore
Killing Spree 1 - Reach more than 7000 distance with at least a lethality of 95%
Enemies life will decrease and 4000 point in hardcore
Glitcher 1 - Glitch more than 15 enemies
Glitch duration will be increased and 1000 points in hardcore
Ace Of Hearts - Loose and get back at least 5 hearts
Rare bonus spawn will be increased and 2000 points in hardcore
Hardcore Combo A - Score a x10 combo
Combo duration will be increased and 1000 points in hardcare
Hardcore Combo B - Score a x20 combo
Combo duration will be increased
Hardcore Combo C - Score a x30 combo
Combo duration will be increased
C C C Combo Breaker - Score a x50 combo
Combo duration will be increased
Pro Gamer - Get more than 4,000,0000 score in a single hardcore run
Do you still need a reward? OK, hardcore mode will be more easy
Game Master - Play this game more than 100 times
2500 points in story and 2000 points in hardcore
Moneybox - collect a total of 250 coins
Rare bonus spawn will be increased in hardcore
Debugger - Kill the boss more than 5 times
Speed will be decreased in hardcore and 2000 points in hardcore
Crazy Shooter - Shot more than 25,000 bullets in lifetime
Weapons fire rate will be decreased in hardcore
Expert Traveler - Reach in lifetime more than 1,000,000 of distance
Platforms width will increased in hardcore
Leprechaun - Collect more than 500 bonuses in your lifetime
Rare bonus spawn will be increased in hardcore
Super Mario - Kill more than 500 enemies by smashing their heads with a jump.
Weapon damage will be increased in hardcore and 2000 points in hardcore
Monster - Kill more than 1000 enemies in lifetime
Speed will be decreased in hardcore and 1000 points in hardcore
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500 points in story
Credits - Click the eye icon and check credits!
500 points in story