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Xbox Kinect Meets Xbox 360

I pre-ordered m my Xbox Kinect from Amazon and it arrived on launch day just as I had planned. UPS delivered it to our door step while I was at work. I got a call from the kids saying that it had arrived. They saw it as they were coming in house on their way home from school. Boy where they excited. Probably a little more than me but not much because I was just as intrigued by this new gaming technology from Microsoft that I had only seen in videos and pla[censored] with a little at the malls. Below are some comments about the new Xbox Kinect Games that we have pla[censored] so far.

• Kinect Adventures Game – this one is really fun and great for the younger kids. My son especially likes the obstacle course / roller coaster game within the Adventures Game disk. It is pretty neat to see them jump up and down and run in place as they are playing this game.
• Kinect Sports Game – this one is for the whole family. I really enjo[censored] watching the wife and daughter play soccer. Soccer is probably the best mini game within the assortment of games that come with this disk. The other games are fun but it is great watching everyone play the soccer game.

• Fighters Uncaged – this one is for the boys or tough girls. By far this one is my favorite for me. It is really a different feeling to watch the character on the screen react to your kicks and punches. This game is so cool that you can even distinguish between a head kick, mid body or waist kick and even knee or leg kicks. The lag time is a little slow but you will get the hang of it. I can wait until the games catch up to this technology. Great game for exercise, you will sweat with this one.

All in all, I am really impressed with this new Xbox Kinect technology and the initial release of Xbox Kinect Games that have been created for it. I have the Kinectimals, Your Shape and Star Wars Kinect games ordered. I can't wait to see how they perform and how the kids and wife react to them.