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GTA Online – Where to Steal a Buzzard Attack Helicopter

In GTA Online, you can purchase a Buzzard Attack Helicopter at any level for 1.8 million bucks.

Unless you were doing the bike and car glitches, that’s a lot of money! Why not just find one to steal instead?

I found a really easy one to steal that doesn’t even give you any wanted levels for taking it.

Go to this location right outside the airport.

Buzzard Attack Helicopter location in GTA Online

You’ll see a ramp on the right side of the fence, which I think is made out of trash..

Ramp over fence to get the Buzzard Attack Helicopter in GTA Online

Take a right up ahead around the building and you should see the pretty Buzzard sitting there.

Where to get the Buzzard Attack Helicopter in GTA Online

There can be two spawned here, but obviously there may just be one or none at all based on other players stealing them as well.

I’m working to see if these have any kind of set spawn timer. Please leave comments below if you have verified any kind of spawn rate.