10 Most Wanted Shooter Games of 2011

Assuming every title on this list isn’t delayed and actually gets released, this year promises to be one of the best years in video gaming ever, especially with first and third person shooters. You might think I’m exaggerating, but the onslaught of sequels to some of the best games ever made suggests otherwise. It’s hard to turn your nose up at Uncharted 3 and say “sequel-itis, harrumph!” if you enjoyed the first two games (and you probably did). If you do, that’s okay, too. You’re not fooling anyone.

Dead Space 2

dead space 2

The first game had dead babies that launched spikes from the small of their backs to latch onto your face. That's a scary enough concept to think about without having to wonder about what Visceral Studios will be putting into the new Dead Space. 

This one has dead teenagers, in a mall infested by Necromorphs. Hordes upon hordes of pesky, dead teenagers for you to blow away. It's an amusing concept, but the thought of being set upon by countless skinny fingers and ripped to shreds isn't particularly pleasant. 

Isaac, the game's formerly mute protagonist speaks now. I guess coming to terms with the death of his girlfriend Nicole has finally jarred him into speech. Though with the Sprawl (that's where you'll be trying to survive) so full of dead people and nothing else, it's a wonder who he'll be speaking to. 



Not to be confused with the Australian-designed electric railgun, Bulletstorm is Epic Games' latest take on the bros-with-guns-who-spout-one-liners genre. 

Bulletstorm is so over-the-top with its one-liners and violence that it almost resembles a satire of itself. It'd be almost laughable if it didn't also look like a total blast to play. Featuring tons of combat moves and a huge variety of weapons, Bulletstorm lets players perform "skillshots", a system which rewards you for causing as much mayhem as you possibly can in the most creative way possible. The more unique the skillshot, the more points you'll receive to upgrade your character to perform more moves and more exaggerated skillshots. It's a shooter that encourages you to have fun while having fun. 


rage game

Before there was Quake, there was Doom. Before Doom, there was Wolfenstein 3D. Each of them, milestones for the FPS genre, and the products of id Software. 

John Carmack is back with a new game called Rage. True to id Software's style, the game is made up of a single word. With Rage, I'd expect nothing less than the next generation of first person shooters, or at least an expensive tech demo with the next big engine. Either way, it's something to be excited about. 

Set in some post-apocalyptic desert, the game looks like a cross between Borderlands and Fallout 3. It's got state of the art visuals, killer vehicles, and wide open area for you to go nuts with. What more could you ask for?

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