Fallout 4: GTX 570 vs GTX 970 Graphics Comparison

While I was writing my review for Fallout 4, the worst possible thing happened: my graphics card gave up the ghost. My GTX 570, which is close to the GTX 550 minimum recommended for Fallout 4, wasn't cutting it; the constant crashes were making my game impossible to play. I had the GTX 970 sent overnight, and the difference between the two was amazing.

I took some screenshots mirroring those I took before I made the switch, so you can see the dramatic difference in textures. The most notable differences seem to be in the foliage, particularly tree branches, and in the patterns on the ground, like brick or asphalt. I should probably do some more tweaking, but in general the after photos seem softer and less garish.

Be sure to click the images for enlarged versions.

Diamond City


Top: Nvidia GTX 570, 
Bottom: Nvidia GTX 970


Top: Nvidia GTX 570, 
Bottom: Nvidia GTX 970

Red Rocket Station

Top: Nvidia GTX 570, 
Bottom: Nvidia GTX 970

What do you think, worth the price I paid for the GTX 970?