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How many people play warhammer online

How many people play warhammer online
That's a very difficult number to come by for any game. A quick Google search will yield numbers ranging from 100k to 1 million. As with all statistics one has to be very skeptical about the numbers and their sources. Typically, any number quoted has an agenda attached to it. The main challenge with getting a realistic number is that each source has their own agenda and therefore their number is skewed. We can probably assume that Mythic's numbers will be higher than a number quoted by someone or some organization that favors World of Warcraft.
Another difficulty with coming up with an unbiased number is that everyone has their own unique definition of what "How many people play <insert MMORPG here>?" means. Here are some examples: - Number of unique serial numbers sold. - Number of people currently subscribed. - Number of people currently subscribed and paying the monthly fee (notice this is distinct from the number above as it does not count the 10 days free people).
- Number of accounts that have people actively playing over the last <insert some ambiguous time period here>. etc. Some people have even used the number of servers as their chief indicator but clearly none of these numbers tell the whole unbiased story.
In short, more than 100k but less than 1 million is about as close a number as is possible to get.