Learning Basic Coding Skills to Mod Minecraft - For Dummies

To mod Minecraft, you have to write code. Luckily, the LearnToMod Software walks you through that! One of the first things that you should learn is how to use drones to build structures.

Drones are invisible robots that can move and place blocks of certain types, or even spawn entities (like Creepers)!

For example, this code:

  1. Creates a Drone and names it d.

  2. Tells d to place a Brick block in Minecraft.

    The code you use tells your drone what to do.The code you use tells your drone what to do.

Since Minecraft always starts with the function named ‘main,’ what you will see when you run this mod in Minecraft is this:

You can do cool stuff with your code.You can do cool stuff with your code.

You can also move drones. For example, if you wanted to make a row of bricks, you could do this:

Make your drones do your bidding.Make your drones do your bidding.