Battalion Commander
Genre: Upgrades, Action
Game Review
We have Battalion Commander by IriySoft here. Battalion Commander is an addictive, action-packed bullet hell shooting flash game. It plays like a linear top down shooter where enemies come at you from up top as you keep going forward. Battalion Commander shares a lot of similarities to their other game in this sub-genre, Band of Heroes.
You play as a lone commando trapped within enemy territories, and as you keep going forward you can rescue POWs from cages which increase your squad and firepower. Mainly riflemen, snipers and grenade shooters! Along the way you face all sorts of enemies from their own riflemen, machine gunners, snipers, bunkers, towers, huge tanks, helicopters and airstrikes. Enemies wear red Camo while friendlies wear green making it easy to differentiate between the two. If the leader ever dies, the battle is over. You will gain experience and rise in rank from Private to Colonel.
Increased rank gives you more base hit points, allows you to command a large troop of allies and gives you access to the wide variety of upgrades. You can upgrade yourself to have better weapons/powers as well as your squad to fire faster and other perks. The game’s mechanics are easy-to-understand; only require your mouse to move your troops as they automatically shoot. Activating air support with a simple mouse click. The objective is very clear. Basically, get to the end of the level which turns out to be easy as you continue to upgrade your commander.
In my conclusion, I find Battalion Commander to have great graphics, great shooting, smooth gameplay. One flaw is that there are quite a lot of unnecessary periods of rest between "waves" of enemies that got kind of uneventful. I am just saying the pacing is a slightly off. Otherwise, definitely worth playing through though! A very nice way to kill time which I spent an hour or so completing. ^^
Battalion Commander Guide
List of Upgrades in Battalion Commander
Weapon: Double Pistols - The leader wields two pistols.
Ally: Rifleman - Unlocks allies Rifleman. Riflemen shoots bullets straight forward.
Skill: AirStrike - Launches deadly air steike which hits every enemy on the screen.
Stamina - + 20% movement speed.
Ally: Grenadier - Unlocks allied Grenadier. Grenadier throw grenades which explode either when hitting the enemy of after the timeout.
Logistics - + 100% to the money and XP magnet radius
Weapon: Shotgun - The leader fires spreads of Bullets.
Fireteam: Rifleman - The game starts with one Rifleman in the squad.
Attached Grenade Launcher - Rifleman throws a grenade instead of each 10th shot.
Master Sergeant
Small Arms Mastery - + 20% fire rate of leader's Double Pistols and Shotgun
Fireteam: Grenadier - The game starts with one Grenadier in the squad.
Skill - Every ally launches a burst of fire straight forward.
2nd Lieutenant
Fast Start - The Squad Starts the game in the car.
Ally: Marksman - Unlocks allied Marksman. Marksman shoot right in the target.
Battle Experience - Enemies drop 20% more money and XP.
1st Lieutenant
Weapon: Minigun - The leader fires bursts of bullets.
Fireteam: Marksman - The game starts with one Marksman in the squad.
First-Aid Kit - When the leader health drops to 0, he restores 50% of health. Works only once per game.
Extra Ammo - + 4 bullets to Shotgun and Minigun.
Ally: Automatic Rifleman - Unlocks allied Automatic Rifleman. Automatic Rifleman shoot burst fire.
Inspiration - Skills reload 30% faster.
Weapon: Rocket Launcher - The leader launches 4 homing missiles.
Drilling - All the allies get 50% fire rate boost.
Skill: Heroic Dash - The squad becomes invulnerable and the running speed rises for 3 seconds.
Lieutenant Colonel
Big Guns Mastery - 30% faster Minigun and Rocket Launcher reload.
Ally: AA Specialist - Unlocks allied AA Specialist. AA Speciallist launch homing missiles.
War Supplies - + 30% to bonuses drop rate.
Nanobots - The leader regenerates.
Future Armor - + 100% HP to all allies
Salvation - The leader and every ally restore 50% health when skill is activated.
Recommended Build for Battalion Commander
1. Logistics
2. Stamina
3. Ally: Grenadier
4. Weapon: Shotgun
5. Attached Grenade Launcher
6. Fireteam: Rifleman
7. Small Arms Mastery
8. Skill: Napalm Wave
9. Fireteam: Grenadier
10. Battle Experience
11. Ally: Marksman
12. Fireteam: Marksman
13. First-Aid Kit
14. Extra Ammo
15. Inspiration
16. Drilling
17. War Supplies
18. Future Armor
19. Salvation
20. Nanobots
21. Weapon: Minigun
22. Ally: Automatic Rifleman
23. Weapon: Rocket Launcher
24. Big Guns Mastery
25. Ally AA Specialist
26. Skill: Heroic Dash
27. Fast Start
Battalion Commander Walkthrough
Battalion Commander gets easier over time to win as you progress and unlock more upgrades. For me, I will equip myself with Shotgun and Napalm Wave. Simply reasoning, because spread bullets is more effective to kill and Napalm Wave have fairly short cooldown time. I win the game at after upgrading Nanobots according to my recommended build.
If you've noticed, I leave Minigun, Rocket Launcher, Heroic Dash and Fast Start at the very end of the build. Personally, I find Minigun and Rocket Launcher less useful than Shotgun. In my opinion, Heroic Dash is pretty terrible in practice... All the enemies are able to target, including behind them. While you and your allies are mostly just able to shoot straight ahead. "Heroic Dash" should be called as "Horrible Death". ^^ Fast start is actually quite useful but unable to toggle it off and may cause lag. I feel it's best to upgrade it last.
Pro-tip: A fast way to get quick cash and xp. Buy the Fast Start as soon as you can, when you start the mission, try it hit as many foot soldiers as you can. After your car explodes and you can collect all the dropped money and xp, quit the level and restart + repeat. Very fast way to get all the upgrade and ranks, however it's a grindfest.