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Destiny – Vehicles Guide

The world of Destiny is huge, encompassing several planets and moons. In order to travel around effectively, you'll need to use vehicles to your advantages. There are several different types of vehicles available for your use, coming in all different types of forms – whether it's just for travel or also geared for combat. Some vehicles are only available in multiplayer maps, while others you can use and upgrade in your single-player game. 



The Goliath is a heavy powered land tank. It hovers over the ground, and the jets are the weakest point of the entire tank, and should be targeted when trying to take one down. In addition to having high-powered plasma launcher as well as several machine guns on the sides, the Goliath can also deploy a minefield. 


The Interceptor is a land vehicle with mounted cannons for combat. This cannons are high-powered, but very slow to fire. This vehicle itself is slow, but powerful for combat. This vehicle has a short, single boost for acceleration. 


This is a land combat vehicle that has two machine guns. The vehicle is found in patrol and the crucible map First Light. This vehicle can boost forward and dodge side to side. 


The Sparrow is a land-based vehicle that is used to hover over the ground quickly. You can upgrade this  vehicle to travel faster and more efficiently, or you can upgrade it cosmetically. There are many different variations of this vehicle, including the Shrike. 

Your Spaceship

Your spaceship isn't controlled directly, but it's your basic vehicle that gets you from point A to B. You can go over options in this vehicle and prepare for missions. This vehicle won't actually help you in combat, but you can upgrade your spaceship and purchase new cosmetic looks for it.