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Batman: Arkham Origins – Deadshot Guide

Batman: Arkham Origins has plenty of villains who are out for your blood in order to cash in on the reward offered by Black Mask. One of the villains is Deadshot, and you can optionally take part in his side quest in order to challenge him. You’ll have to know how to trigger this particular event in order to find him. Use our guide if you’re having trouble.

Batman: Arkham Origins (PC, WiiU, PS3, X360) Guide Screenshots

Finding Deadshot

After you encounter Copperhead, you can start the Deadshot mission. Head towards Executioner’s signal like you are going to continue the story. On the way, you’ll get a message from Alfred telling you that someone is sending out an S.O.S. from the Bowery. If you are ready to start the Deadshot side mission, head there now.

Investigating the Crime Scene

At the Bowery, there is a helicopter that has crashed. You need to investigate the cause of the crash. Set up a crime scene investigation and follow Batman’s instructions to find all the clues and evidence in the building. Take your time so you don’t miss any of the smaller clues, and once you are done head to the corpse.

Now you need to investigate the laser using Detective Mode. From there, you can find the location where Deadshot fired from. Head to this location at the radio tower and scan the bullet here. Deadshot will now contact you and tell you to meet him at Gotham Merchant’s Bank.

Challenging Deadshot

 Go to the bank and get in through the roof. Deadshot is waiting inside. He will be accompanied by some other enemies – take them out first. Then focus on Deadshot, attacking him afar as much as possible. He can do a lot of damage with a single attack, so avoid him and counter as much as possible. 

When you get him down to 1/3 health, Deadshot calls in more reinforcement. Take these thugs out before focusing your attention on Deadshot again. When you get him down, he’ll take a hostage to try to save himself. At this point, getting too close to him will cause him to kill the hostage. Instead, hide from him using the environment. 

Wait for more thugs to appear. One of the thugs will be carrying a jammer. Take the group of enemies out and move up to the second floor. Do not approach Deadshot from the front! Instead, sneak around so you are behind him. Perform a silent takedown to stop him and successfully complete the mission.