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Video: Follow Our Top 5 Bayonetta 2 Tips To Be A Better Witch

Know your Wicked Weaves from your Umbran Climaxes

With Bayonetta finally making her debut on a Nintendo console, it is entirely possible that you've never played the original game, so this sequel might seem a little overwhelming.

But don't let this stop you from playing one of the best games of the year on any system, because we've come up with the Top 5 tips you need to survive the constant onslaught from the hordes of angels and demons that cross the titular character's path. If you want to do well at the game, then you'll need to study this video carefully, and learn the many lessons contained within.

These tips will also help those you managed to pick up the Wii U version of the original game.

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If you liked this video please remember to subscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube. Also don't miss our Bayonetta 2 Let's Play video from yesterday.