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The Sims 3: Enable Cheats on PS3 and Xbox 360 Versions

In The Sims 3 for PS3 and Xbox 360, you can gain access to an item that will bring up a cheats menu with a list of pre-programmed cheats you can use.

Open or establish a family in town. Once you have control, hit Start and then hold LB, LT, RB, RB at the same time on Xbox 360, or L1, L2, R1, R2 on PS3 and you will get a notification that Spoot is available to purchase in the home decor section.

Purchase Spoot and click on him to access the cheats menu.

Please note that turning on cheats will disable challenges, achievements / trophies, but it will allow you to save it before turning cheats on so you can restore it back to normal.