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Deus Ex – Human Revolution: How to Cloak

In Deus Ex: Human Revolution for the PC, PS3, and Xbox 360, there is a cloaking system you can purchase from the augmentation map by using some Praxis points.

The default cloaking system costs 2 praxis points, and gives you three seconds of invisibility per energy cell. This isn’t a very long time, so you’ll probably want to upgrade the cloaking system to get an additional four seconds per energy cell (with both upgrades).

To use the cloaking system, simply press the corresponding button on the screen. On the PS3 and Xbox 360, it’s mapped to D-Pad Up. Press it again to deactivate, otherwise it will deactivate when you run out of energy.

Remember, enemies can still hear your footsteps unless you are crouching, or you have augments to walk, run, or sprint silently.