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Battlefield 3: Unlock Attack Helicopter Upgrades

In Battlefield 3 for the Xbox 360, each type of vehicle you use has several upgrades you can unlock by getting points with them.

Here is the complete list of upgrades for the Attack Helicopters, and how many points you need to unlock them.

Check out my other guide if you’re looking for the complete list of unlockable vehicles upgrades in Battlefield 3.

300 points – IR Flares
800 points – Heat Seekers
1,600 points – Stealth
2,800 points – Autoloader
4,400 points – Zoom Optics
6,500 points – Proximity Scan
9,000 points – Air Radar
12,000 points – Guided Missile
16,000 points – Extinguisher
20,000 points – Maintenance
25,000 points – Thermal Optics
30,500 points – Laser Painter
37,000 points – Below Radar
44,000 points – ECM Jammer
51,000 points – Guided Rocket
60,000 points – TV Missile