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Easter Egg Locations in Saints Row 4

What would a Saints game be without some Easter Eggs from movies and video games, right?

Here are some of the Easter Eggs found so far, and where you can find them.

Dead Island Reference Easter Egg

Proceed through the main story until you get to the point where you leave the simulator.

When you exit the simulator, go talk to Keith David. Talk to him enough and he’ll eventually mention the Dead Island game.

Developer Shooting Gallery & Loud Locust Weapon

Saints Row 4 gives you access to a special area to shoot at the developers faces, and to pick up a special gun as well.

Locate the Let’s Pretend store at the bottom left corner of the map, and shoot at the Employees Only door in the back of the store until it opens. Look around for a colorful shooting gallery, and you’ll notice the developers faces on them.

Also, look for a pistol in a chair nearby called the Loud Locust. You may recognize this name from a similar gun in Men in Black called the Noisy Cricket.

Minecraft Reference Easter Egg

During one of the Security Deletion missions, one of the targets will be a character you’ll recognize from the Minecraft game.

Terminator Reference Easter Egg

Throughout the game, and especially in the Ghost in the Machine story mission, you’ll encounter enemies called Murder Bots. You’ll notice that these look a lot like the original Terminators from the Terminator movies.

The Matrix Reference Easter Egg

During the main story mission Zero Cool, a character named Zinyak will tell you that your race is doomed and forces you to pick a door, similar to when Neo had to pick a door in The Architects room in the third Matrix movie.

Tron Reference Easter Egg

During one of the Virus Collection missions, you’ll have to retrieve a bike that looks a lot like a Light Cycle from the Tron movies.