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How to unlock the Penetrator (Dildo Bat) in Saints Row 4

Ahh yes.. what would a Saints Row game be without a giant Dildo Bat? Naturally The Penetrator makes its return as a hidden weapon in Saints Row 4.

Want to learn how to get your very own Penetrator Dildo Bat? Awesome.. read on!

How to Unlock the Penetrator in Saints Row 4

The Penetrator can be found pretty early in the game. After the main story mission #4 titled “The Fundamentals”, you’ll be able to find the fabled Dildo Bat in a cave on the east shore in Brickston.

If you need help finding the cave, head to the east side of Brickston, and look for the highway that heads east across the river. Facing the entry to the highway, go to the left and you’ll see a cliff area. Drop down off the cliff slowly and you should land inside of a hidden cave where you’ll find the Penetrator, it all of its infinite glory!!

How to unlock the Penetrator dildo bat in Saints Row 4

It’s so realistic, don’t you think?