The action-based MGS game, Metal Gear Solid Rising: Revengeance, released with a lot of speculation on how it would do. Luckily, the game is a lot of fun and hacking-and-slashing through enemies as Raiden never gets old. In addition to solid gameplay and a new story, MGS Rising: Revengeance has a lot of secrets and unlockables for players to discover. Use our guide to find them all.

Cheats & Secrets
Giant Watermelons
In the VR training tutorial, you will come across an area with many carts filled with watermelons. If you slice up all the watermelons, a giant watermelon will appear in one of the corners.
Infinite BP
There are two places that are best for doing this. To use the exploit, save your game and quit. Then load your saved game again to reset all the enemies and chests in the area. For the most BP, do this in the following areas:
File R-01: Coup d’Etat – Get to the area with the Ferris Wheel. In this area is a chest with a large Holo-Chip (5,000 BP). Get it, then save with the Codec and restart to get it again and again.
File R-02: Research Facility – After fighting Mastiff UGs, drop down into the sewers. Kill some Tripods and go back to where you dropped down. There will be a new spawn here that only appears after defeating all the other Tripods. Defeat it and it will randomly drop two large Holo-Chips. Get these, save, and restart.
Infinite Items
To use this exploit, collect all the items from chests in the area. Then, press Back/Select and choose “Customization”. Exit this screen and the item chests will have reset. Do this as many times as you like.
Invincible Cat
At the start of File R-01: Coup d’Etat, there will be a cat on the beach. You can try to slice it, but the cat will do some incredible backflips and dodge your every move! If you like cats, you can also see one in the cutscene right before battling the Monsoon boss. When your perspective is in first-person mode, look to the right where PMC soldier is hanging out. If you wait a little bit, he’ll start playing with a kitty.
Slicing Off Clothing
In the VR training tutorial, Raiden can practice slicing cardboard enemies holding a woman hostage. If he slices at her shirt just right, he might accidentally slice off her clothing! At another area in Denver, Raiden will be heading to the World Marshal HQ. On the way, there is a pinup poster that has police tape over it. You can slice the tape off to reveal the whole poster. Finally, there is an instance where you free some civilians from soldiers. Chase after them as they flee and you can slice off their clothes in Blade Mode.
Solid Snake
You can have a conversation about Solid Snake in File R-01: Coup d’Etat. Call Kevin on the Codec at the start of the level. Then, finish the first battle and go into the building for another conversation with Boris. Then call Kevin again on the Codec for a conversation about Raiden’s current title. Once that conversation is over, call Kevin one more time to talk about Solid Snake.

Difficulty Modes
You can unlock two new difficulty modes – Very Hard and Revengeance. To do this, press these buttons in order at the title screen: up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B (O), A (X). If you do it correctly, there will be a little sound and Raiden will say something. You can also beat the game on Hard to unlock Very Hard, and on Very Hard to unlock Revengeance.
Blue Cyborg - Beat 50% of the VR Missions. This outfit increases defense, but decreases strength.
Desperado Cyborg - Finish File R-04: Hostile Takeover on any difficulty. This one decreases the chance of getting spotted.
Gray Fox/Cyborg Ninja - These outfits are only available as a pre-order bonus or through DLC.
Mariachi - Beat File R-02: Research Facility on any difficulty.
MGS4 Body - This outfit is only available as a pre-order bonus or through DLC.
Red Cyborg - Finish 30% of the VR Missions. This one will increase strength, but decrease defense.
Standard Body - Beat the game on Hard or higher difficulty.
Suit - Finish File R-00: Guard Duty on Very Hard difficulty.
Yellow Cyborg - Successfully complete all VR Missions. It increases defense, Blade mode meter energy use, and resupply.
Battle Tested - Beat the game on Normal or higher difficulty level after you get detected at least 50 times.
Cyclone - Beat the game on Very Hard difficulty in under three hours without ever dying.
Divine Wind - Beat the game on Revengeance difficulty in under three hours without ever dying.
Gale Force - Beat the game on Hard difficulty in under four hours without ever dying.
Hard Worker - Obtain any rating in every Ranked Battle, including all optional or hidden fights.
Jack the Ripper - In Blade Mode, perform at least 1,000 slices on enemies.
Light Breeze - Beat the game on Easy difficulty in under five hours without ever dying.
Light Drizzle - Beat the game on Normal or higher difficulty in 12 hours or more.
Lightning Bolt - Obtain a "B" or higher rank on all difficulty modes.
Lightning Speed - Beat the game on any difficulty mode in under two hours.
Massive Deterrent - Beat the game on Normal or higher difficulty without killing a Cyborg, Armored Cyborg, or Cyborg Berserker.
Mr. One Percent - Earn at least 300,000 BP during a single playthrough on Normal or higher difficulty.
Naked and Unloved - Beat the game on Hard or higher difficulty without upgrading Raiden's Life or Fuel Cell Capacity.
Ninja - Kill 50 or more enemies with Ninja Kills during a single playthrough on Normal or higher difficulty.
Passing Rain - Beat the game on Normal or higher difficulty in under eight hours.
Precision Machine - Sever at least 30 body parts of every type without destroying them in Blade Mode during a single playthrough.
Rain Shower - Finish the game on any difficulty in 10 hours or more, with 10 deaths or more, and use over 20 recovery items.
Samurai - Beat the game on Normal or higher difficulty while only using the High-Frequency Blade as the primary weapon.
Strong Wind - Beat the game on Normal difficulty in under four hours without ever dying.
Sworn to Secrecy - Beat the game on Normal or higher difficulty with less than 35 detections total.
Thunder God (Master Of Thunder) - Get an "S" rank for every chapter on all difficulty modes.
Thunderstorm - Beat the game on Hard or higher difficulty without ever dying or using Repair Nanopaste.
Armor Breaker - Collect all the ID Chips/Left Arms. This weapon can randomly destroy an enemy's armor.
High-Frequency Long Sword - Get 1st Rank in all the VR missions. This weapon has a longer range, but moves slower.
High-Frequency Machete: Find10 Data Storage items. This weapon is faster than the default sword.
High-Frequency Murasama Blade: Beat the game on any difficulty. This weapon is similar to Raiden’s default sword, but can be upgrade to be more powerful.
High-Frequency Wooden Sword: Discover all four soldiers in cardboard boxes (Man-in-Box). It will randomly make a Cyborg disappear when they are hit. This counts as a non-lethal defeat.
Pincer Blades: Finish File R-04: Hostile Takeover on any difficulty. This weapon is slow but powerful.
Pole-Arm: Finish File R-01: Coup d’État on any difficulty. This is great for groups of enemies.
Stun Blade: Find all of the data storage items. This item may stun an enemy.
Tactical Sai "Dystopia": Finish File R-03: Mile High on any difficulty. This weapon can pull enemies and stun them.
Blade Mode Wig - Beat the game on Hard or higher difficulty. You must also collect all the ID Chips/Left Arms. In Blade mode, you will be able to slice through armored enemies.
Infinite Wig A - Beat the game on Normal or higher difficulty and also collect at least 10 ID Chips/Left Arms. This wig gives unlimited sub-weapon ammo.
Infinite Wig B - Beat the game on Normal or higher difficulty and also collect at least 20 ID Chips/Left Arms. This wig gives unlimited fuel-cell energy.