Guide: How to Perform Every Fighters Fatality in Mortal Kombat X on PS4
Finish them

Mortal Kombat X is a slick fighter for sure – but let's be honest here, the fatalities are the real draw. With many of these murderous moves locked in the Krypt, you may be missing a few finishers in your game's combinations list. Fortunately, we've teamed up with Push Square reader Melucine to bring you a complete rundown of every gruesome manoeuvre in NetherRealm's latest's roster. Wipe down your DualShock 4, and get ready to fight – just remember, there may be minor spoilers ahead.
Combinations are correct when facing your opponent from the left side of the screen.
Control Key
- F – Forwards (Right)
- B – Backwards (Left)
- U – Up
- D – Down
Cassie Cage
- Bubble Head: (Mid) F D B F Square
- Selfie: (Close) D F D B Circle
- Bug Me: (Mid) B F B X (Cross)
- Heart Broken: (Close) F B F Triangle
- Inner Workings: (Mid) D U B
- Head Out: (Mid) F D D U
Erron Black
- Sand Storm: (Mid) D B F D Square
- Six-Shooter: (Far) B F B F Triangle
Ferra & Torr
- Better Than One: (Close) F B F B X (Cross)
- Play Time: (Mid) D B F B B
Jacqui Briggs
- Blown Out: (Close) B F B F Triangle
- Fist Pump: (Close) F D B Circle
- T-Wrecks: (Close) F B D Triangle
- Jax the Ribber: (Close) D B F F
Johnny Cage
- Here's Johnny: (Close) B F B F Square
- Little Improv: (Mid) F B F F
- Head Case: (Close) D F D B X (Cross)
- Knife to Meet You: (Far) D D F Square
- Tele-Copter: (Far) B F B B
- My Puppet: (Far) F D B U
- Dark Fan-Tasy: (Mid) D F B F Triangle
- Splitting Hairs: (Mid) B F D D
Kotal Khan
- Be Mine!: (Close) D B F Square
- Tight Squeeze: (Close) F B F B Triangle
Kung Jin
- Target Practice: (Close) D F D B Triangle
- Pinned Down: (Mid) F B D D Square
Kung Lao
- Face Grind: (Close) D B D F Circle
- Flower Pot: (Close) D F D B Square
Liu Kang
- Sore Throat: (Close) D D B F F
- Splitter: (Close) B F D U
- Face Feast: (Close) D B D B X (Cross)
- Tasty Treat: (Close) F B F B Triangle
Quan Chi
- Mind Game: (Far) F B F B Circle
- Both Ends: (Close) D F B F Triangle
- Bug Eyes: (Close) F B F Square
- Conducting Rod: (Far) D F B F Circle
- Bad Breath: (Close) D F D F Circle
- Acid Bath: (Close) D D B F Square
- Stop Ahead: (Mid) D B F Triangle
- Who's Next!: (Mid) D B F U
- The Grinder: (Mid) D B F D U
- Flick Trick: (Mid) D U D U R2
Sonya Blade
- Target Marked: (Close) D D B F R2
- Head Hunter: (Mid) F B D B Triangle
- Chest Cold: (Close) B F D B Circle
- Bed of Ice: (Close) D B D F Circle
- Whip It Good: (Mid) D F D B Triangle
- Head Cage: (Mid) F B D D Square
What's your favourite fatality in Mortal Kombat X? Are there any secret finishers in the game that we've overlooked here? Finish us in the comments section below.