Stardew Valley holds some cool mods for you. Find out here, what are they and how do you install them.
A few days after release of the Stardew Valley, the community produced some mods that make the game even more popular. Before you install the mods, you should definitely save your game progress / score. Sometimes an error may occur, which result from the change in the environment. So go play it safe and save your data first:
C: / Users / [Windows User name] / AppData / Roaming / StardewValley / Saves
To install a modification, you have a XNB file with the respective mod file overwrite in the directory. For safety, you should save the data again to in an emergency to be able to access it again.
C: / Steam / stemapps / common / StardewValley / Content
However, some mods require the installation of a package that bears the name SMAPI. In Mod forum you can find if this package is needed or not.
Meanwhile, there are really many mods for Stardew Valley. Ultimately it is up to you, for which you decide and what prepares you joy. Our guide, however, shows up on some interesting and especially useful mods for Farming Simulator.
AnimeStyle Portraits: Mod to anime portraits
In fact, many gamers have had announced their displeasure about how unfortunate it is that the portraits of the characters are so pixelated and blurry in Stardew Valley. For this reason, a set of portraits were designed, in which all the characters are shown as Japanese anime. Thus, the portraits are much more detailed and thereby change almost the entire way your character. Notice, however, that with this mod only the portraits to be adjusted, which appear, for example, talking to each NPC. The in-game models retain their shape. However, the gamer by the Mod "AnimeStyle Portraits" get a more accurate idea of the game and better empathize therein.
Calender Anywhere: Mod for calendar anywhere
The calendar, which can be found on the notice board in front of Pierre's General Store, turns out to be an important tool in the weave of friendship with all NPC's. How annoying to miss a birthday or the festivals. With this modification "Calender Anywhere " you have the option to have quick access to the calendar at any time. If you installed the mod, then you have to only right click your watch above, the calendar appears. A really nice relief in the limited time available in Stardew Valley.
Durable Fences: Mod for permanently existing fences
The fences that you have fixed on your farm, frequently break down: A storm, a storm and already is again a hole in the fence. The Mod named "Durable Fences" now facilitates your life in Stardew Valley because of the expiration of the fences is thus completely eliminated. Cows, chickens and horses are now no longer move from their area.
Easier Fishing: Mod for facilitating Fishing
In Stardew Valley, some fish are in fact quite persistent and they catch turns out to be an almost ridiculous hard task. With the Mod "Easier Fishing" now the toughest fish remains on the hook and your income at Stardew Valley is incidentally secured.
Horses to Dragons or Pegasi: Mod for Dragon and Pegasus Horse
A particularly great mod is certainly transforms your horses in kite or Pegasus Horse. The Mod "Horses to Dragons or Pegasi" is made especially for lovers of this magical figures. The texture of the figures is worked beautifully.
In-Game Cheat Menu: Mod for a cheat menu
The time at Stardew Valley is scarce. With this "small" cheat menu you can gain more time by ways to save or upholds health infinity. Of course it is tempting to give the gold itself and build a real agricultural farm Reich. The menu is very easy to use: It is home to all sorts of cheats that can be activated by check boxes.
Items Show Sell Price: Mod to display the rates
With the Mod "Items Show Sell Price," the sales price of each of your items will appear in your inventory easily. It is a pity that this was not already integrated from the start in the game. But no problem, this mod facilitates you faster to determine what value your items so that you can rather choose to hide their retain and sell.
Pokedew Valley: Mod for Pokémon Lover
With this mod, a perfect crossover to Stardew Valley was created. In Pokedew Valley you can see, for example, like Ash, your cat like Meowth, your dog like Fukano, the horse as Ponita, the chickens as Torchic and the bats in the mine as Zubat and much, much more. A brilliant addition to your Stardew Valley-life.
Stamina rain: Mod for regeneration of stamina
How often have you already missed the energy and stamina to make your way through the mine or increase a large supply of wood and stones? With the mod "Stamina rain" regenerated 1x stamina every 3 seconds. Now you can finally create something, because you can spend a lot more stamina for a task.
Time Speed: Mod for determining the time
The days in Stardew Valley sometimes seem too short, to create something. Sometimes they also go by not fast enough. With the "Time Speed Mod" you can determine how much time you may gather. By default, pass here 10 minutes in seven seconds - how nice that would be the one time or another in real life...
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