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The Division - Weapon Mods: Effects and bonuses at a glance

The Division - Weapon Mods: Effects and bonuses at a glance  

In Tom Clancy's The Division, there are six different types of weapons that you can modify with up to five types of weapon mods. You will also notice that the mods are displayed for weapons in different colors as well as the weapons themselves. In this guide, we show you what types of weapon mods there and what effects they have.
The Division: Weapon Mods - levels and types
The color display of the Weapon Mods indicates the level of the respective modification. This system you already know from other games such as Destiny. There are five different levels of quality of the weapon mods:
Weapon Mods - Color / Quality Level
White / Second hand Green / Default Blue / Specialized Purple / Superior Yellow / High-End
Complete the missions for the base of operations and search there all the boxes. With the skill Mod pulse amplifier for the encoder, all boxes and chests are appear close to enemies and traps. In addition, you will also be rewarded with weapons mods with secondary objectives. If you are ignored needy civilians encounter on the streets, then sometimes they are grateful for your help with good loot.
Finally, you can find good weapon mods in Darkzone. Search all crates and fight against other players, but consider that you will receive a renegade status by killing neutral player. If you have your weapon equipped with a weapons mod, then you can remove them at any time and attach to another weapon. These types of weapon modifications can be found in The Division:

Skins Magazines Underbarrels Optics Muzzles
Skins: Weapon Mods for the appearance
With skins mods you can change the appearance of your weapon. Basically, they are nothing more than weapons skins and have no impact and other effects on your character and the gameplay.
Magazines: Weapon Mod for more ammo
Not every weapon in The Division can be equipped with any weapons-Mod. Some weapon mods you will not be installed into any weapon. Click the weapons menu on your weapon and then to the point mods and you will see how many weapon mods you could find for the selected weapon. The magazine-Mods can lead to:
- Increased rate of fire - Larger Magazine - Increased recharge rate
Underbarrels: For the stable income
If you play The Division for the first time, perhaps you may think that the weapons are not very stable. A tip at this point: Darts always in bursts and is aimed at the heads of the enemy to make the most of your weapon. The following effects of the Underbarrels Mod will help:
- Increased stability - Increased accuracy - Increased hip fire accuracy - Increased stability of bullet
Optics: Even more accuracy
These mods are used to increase accuracy and zooming ability. Here not all weapon types are supported. The following effects of the Optics Mod will help:
- Increased accuracy - Increased range - Increased damage at head shots - Increased headshots kill XP
Muzzles: Mods against the threat
The Muzzles Mods can not be attached to any weapon, but have two major effects:
- Increased accuracy. - Reduced Threat Level - The opponents go less aggressive against you.

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