Modern Combat: Domination review

Modern Combat: Domination’s actual value is somewhat difficult to quantify. The game is basically a budget Call of Duty clone and considering that the gaming market is already drowning in first-person shooters, it really begs the question: why the hell do we need another Call of Duty clone? While MCD sells at an incredibly affordable $7.99 (seriously, you can find food items at your local Taco Bell that are more expensive than this game), the title is simply a hodgepodge of game designs from other, better shooters.

MCD is strictly a multiplayer experience, so only competitive FPS fans need apply; however, that’s not to say that it skirts on content. In truth, MCD offers a great deal considering the budget price and, graphically, it’s surprisingly solid. The game includes five maps and six multiplayer modes. These multiplayer modes run the gamut of what gamers have come to expect from a $60 FPS with your standard team deathmatch and free-for-all along with objective-based game types like Boom and Bust (one team tries to set off a bomb while the other defends), Escort (kill the opposing team’s leader), Extraction (capture the flag), and Domination (territories).

The online play is a cross between the first Modern Warfare’s leveling system and Counter-Strike’s money system. In a nutshell, as you play through matches, you will gain experience to level up and unlock items to customize your character loadout; however, you start off each match with a set amount of money to buy said items and killing enemy players will allot you more money to buy more stuff. If this sounds goofy to you, that’s because it is. This zany design choice means that newcomers will need to log in some serious hours before they are even given the option to buy different types of gear.

The chief selling point of MCD is that it is Move compatible and, to be honest, it works perfectly. The motion controls are incredibly tight and responsive. MCD also supports standard controllers that mimic the button layout from recent CoD titles, so Modern Warfare fans will feel right at home. Unfortunately, this means that Move players will be getting their asses handed to them more often than not. The sad truth is that no matter how good the precision is for the Move, it just doesn’t match the speed and accuracy of a good old-fashioned controller.

In terms of low-budget games, you could do way worse than MCD. If you’re one of the sad few who has missed out on the Modern Warfare craze due to financial issues or you simply want another game that’s Move compatible, then MCD should fit well within your budget. The game isn’t spectacular, but it has enough bells and whistles to keep you occupied.

Jan 31, 2011