Worms review

If you aren’t sick of the classic Worms concept then there’s a great deal of fun to be had with this snack-sized downloadable title. With smaller maps, and fewer weapons and modes than the 1995 original, this is Worms distilled to its purest essence – but the simple joy of lobbing grenades at cartoon annelids is almost worth the asking price.

This just pips the Xbox 360 edition, with more voices, backgrounds and weaponry – including the welcome return of the Holy Hand Grenade – but otherwise there’s not much between them. There’s no single-player campaign though; you’re limited to one-off matches, or the game’s uninspired Challenges if you’re thinking of playing Worms solo. But clearly you aren’t: Worms has always been, and will always be, a multiplayer game.

You won’t be dazzled by modes, but quick on or offline four-player matches are thoroughly entertaining. Ranked matches in particular will supply wonderfully tense rounds.

Apr 29, 2009