You’d be forgiven for thinking that R-Type consisted of just one level; one rock hard level that, with your paltry three lives, you’d never seen the end of. R-Type is a gaming Everest; you’d climb it, carve your initials on the high score table and then swagger off, content with your life.
Well, no more. With this 3D bundling of R-Types I and II, it’s now possible for mere mortals to complete thanks to a welcome new game mode that bestows you with infinite lives. The 3D treatment’s a bit bland but you can swap out the original and remade sprites at any time by pressing Y. It’s more amusing than you’d imagine; a telling real-time demo of how far graphics have come in two decades.
Dozens of Live’s retro remakes are shallow and outdone by modern titles but R-Type’s inspired bosses and weapons remain strong to this day. Nearly every side-scrolling shooter released in its wake owes it a considerable debt, but R-Type plays as good as any of them and for that reason alone, it’s still worthy of your time.
Feb 4, 2009