Crayola Treasure Adventures review

Let’s leave to one side the fact that the Adventure mode only took 28 minutes to complete, and ignore the revelation that this is a rather crude, repetitive collection of join-the-dots, colouring-in and jigsaw puzzle games, and instead concentrate on the colouring-in side of Crayola Treasure Adventures. It’s got 55 cute pictures to choose from, and it’s got a slightly odd colouring-in mechanism.

You tap in one section of the outlined shape and can then colour all over the screen in a scrawling-type fashion, with no colour spilling anywhere outside of the area you already tapped into. A nice approach for teeny tiny toddlers, especially when coupled with the fact that it doesn’t save the artistic creations, so your little ones will never run out of pictures to draw in. Still, it’s about as gripping as an ageing Stilton milkshake. Only inflict on youngsters when you’re absolutely desperate.

Mar 14, 2008