Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom review

If you're one of those people who just looks at the score, you'll notice that Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom didn't score all that favorably. But there's a reason for that, and it's not because Dark Kingdom is a "bad" game. In fact, the gameplay is done pretty competently - at a very basic level, it's a next-gen Gauntlet, filled with hacking and slashing, complemented by some slashing and hacking, and then topped off with even more hacking and even more slashing.

And, you know, that's fun for a while - it's that quick-paced, pick-up-and-play action that appeals to a variety of gamers (not just action RPG fans) because all it requires is that you simply mash some buttons and point yourself in the general direction of the things you want to kill. But it's short-lived entertainment because it just gets so repetitive. Yes, there's a bit of variety (three different characters, as well as some basic platforming, statue-moving, and switch-throwing, among other things) but the game ultimately boils down to hacking and slashing, using mostly two buttons, for hours on end.