Smash Bros. Release Date, Civilization Beyond Earth, Borderlands Pre-Sequel [Video Game Hub]

Welcome to MakeUseOf’s Video Game Hub, the weekly show where we count down the top three news stories from the busy world of video games. Every Tuesday we break down the biggest news stories of the week, and of course, we give a good dose of opinion about what these stories mean for the video game world as a whole.

This week, Nintendo announces release dates for Smash Bros. on 3DS and Wii U, Civilization is going to space with the announcement of Sid Meier’s Civilization Beyond Earth releasing this year, and we have tons of info on the upcoming Borderlands Pre-Sequel.

Make sure to subscribe to MakeUseOf’s YouTube channel so you can see each new episode of Video Game Hub as soon it releases, as well all the other awesome video content we release such as product reviews and how-to videos. We have a t-shirt contest in this week’s episode, so make sure to watch for you chance to win!

Last week’s t-shirt winner is Kendall Sencherey. He has been contacted, so if that’s you, check your inbox! This week, we are giving away a pair of Kontrol Freek gaming enhancers. They are an awesome device that goes right on your controller for extra control and accuracy. Watch the video to find out how to win.

Thanks to Dj CUTMAN for providing the music for this, and every episode of Video Game Hub.