Any actual faction based pvp (like attacking Honor Hold/Thrallmar to draw out max level players) could be done on a pve realm too, without needlessly ganking lowbies. You could argue that you're more likely to have pvp minded players on a pvp realm but I'd disagree. If anything the "Maelstrom to buy world of warcraft accounts Thrallmar's rescue" described in the article indicates it's more about players that are organized with a world pvp mindset than it is pvp realm players in general. Everyone knows that pvp realms have just as many capital city campers as pve realms do.
Where does this idea come from that if you have some sense of HONOR in battle that you're a whiner and don't belong on a PVP realm? Who makes that choice? I'm proud of the ethic I play by on my PVP server where I'm VERY outnumbered. I don't have to become a monster to battle monsters. That goes against everything I believe in, in every area of my life, even the make-believe stuff. So yes cheap wow accounts, I will continue to call "cheap" players griefers and I will continue to disrespect them and their choices. Does it mean I get killed a bit more often than I kill? Yes, fine. I don't need to be the BEST player, I want to be a better person. No one else's game times is any more or less valuable than my own. It's not my job to ruin their night.