1. Why do mages have access to the water elementals, while the shamans do not? JonathanGantz mentioned briefly below that the water elementals appear to have shackles, but I have also noticed shackles on cheap wow gold all of the other elementals, the only difference being the water elemental is "chained" to the mage, while the fire, earth, and air elementals appear to be "chained" to a temporary totem.
2. Each shaman race uses different totams. The troll totems appear to be summoning the loa (using mythological masks to differentiate the elements). The draenei totems appear to be utilizing various crystals in order to channel elemental power from the earth. The orc totems appear to use world of warcraft accounts to summoning circles on each totem, perhaps with the intention of temporarily borrowing the services of an elemental. Finally, goblin totems seem to be sucking the elements right out of the ground with mechanical drills, making them perhaps one of the lesser favorite shamans, according to elemental opinion. Goblin shamans are more the S&M styled-shamans of the Warcraft universe. But I suppose they still ask with their big, pointy drills.
So the question is, are different types of shamans received differently by the elementals? For example, would a troll shaman be preferred, because the elementals who agree enjoy being treated like gods and safe wow gold, while the goblin shaman merely uses the temporary assignment of whatever elemental was assigned to him to complete his task in the most efficient method possible? I understand the end result for all shamans is the same (gameplay-wise), but does the lore treat them differently?
3. The flamewaker race is incredibly interesting to me, on a number of points. Firstly, they utilize the naga model but are affiliated with Ragnaros, just like the naga are affiliated with the Old Gods, who are the masters of the Elemental Lords.
Secondly, according to official lore, the naga were transformed by the Old Gods when they were drowning and gave up their lives in exchange for immortality and servitude (supposedly). It's also quite clear they don't necessarily worship Neptulon, because in Cataclysm they attempted to sell wow accounts to harm him, which seems antithetical. Hence, there are a few conjectures we can arrive at because of this: 1) Ragnaros and Neptulon were used as conduits to create both the flamewaker and naga race, but those races are independent of their elemental lords and have free will, 2) the flamewaker race is a combination of flesh and fire, meaning that it is very likely they might have been trolls who submitted to Ragnaros for more power during the Elemental Wars with the Titans (given that many flamewakers are thousands of years old), just as the kaldorei did during the War of the Ancients, and 3) While the flamewakers exist primarily on the plane of fire, they are not immortal, whereas the naga appear to be immortal, showing us that perhaps their pre-flamewaker form was not an immortal Highborne but rather the only other sentient and civilized being - the troll.
Thirdly, and this brings up my question about the flamewakers: they are composed of flesh, tentacles, and fire. They are an ancient race, far more ancient most of the other races on Azeroth, and appear to have originated in Azeroth given their mortal features, and been ascended to their current form by the Old Gods to serve in Ragnaros's domain. Are there other kinds like the flamewakers and naga? Have the earth elementals and air elementals also ascended mortals into their servants? If so, how much of those servants's will actually remains, or are they held in dubious thrall to the Old Gods in exchange for longer lifespans and wicked powers?
4. The elements appear to have sentience. Air, water, fire, and earth elementals can think, and sometimes even speak. Therefore, they appear to have a spirit or a soul. If this is true, then is Azeroth actually one large sentient being, composed of millions of tinier elements? If so, how do the Old Gods play into this elaborate dance? Were they the exotic outsiders who swayed an entire sentient planet to serve them in exchange for protection against the Titans who wished to force them and mold them without permission? Do the Elemental Lords still consider the Old Gods their masters, even after C'thun, Y'Shaarj, Yogg-Saron and their respective enemies continued to try and remake Azeroth and continually failed? Both Therazane and Neptulon seem to be allied with the mortal races, fighting against the Old Gods, while Al-Azir and Ragnaros were still doing the Old Gods's will.
The elementals are incredibly interesting. Cataclysm barely touched on the lore of the elements, but did dive quite deep. They were there before the mortal races - therefore one tends to wonder - did the Titans seed the mortal races by using the elementals like a chemistry set, without any thought to their sentience, and is this perhaps why the Elemental Lords were so eager to ally with the Old Gods - perhaps one of the only races in the galaxy who could stand toe-to-toe with the Titans and come out unharmed?