Video Games Guess The 90s Answers

If you are a fan of shows like Seinfeld, Save The Bell or The Dew Carey Show, the mobile app Guess The 90s will give you lots of fun. This free app features toys, games, actors, models, movies, fads and other pop culture references from the decade and there are hundreds of levels to explore.

Growing up as a kid of the 70s/80s, I had a false presumption that this app would be a piece of cake. I was in for a rude awakening, as my recollection of different shows, films and fads escaped me. It seems my strongest areas were in music and logos with only some knowledge of TV shows, films and actors.

The way the game is played is very straightforward. Each level, you are presented with an image and a category above the picture. Your objective is to guess the image, based on the letters available to you at the bottom of the image. Coins are earned for each correct answer and can be used to buy things in the in-app virtual store.

I got tired of visiting the store, so I went online and found a cheat site to help me move along in the game. Guess The 90s Answers is really cool because it has everything that's in the game. The color scheme and layout are fun, so I ended up going there and keeping the site open in a browser, while I played on the mobile app, for quick reference.

The thing that intrigues me most about this game is that one simple image from that decade can trigger a flood of memories from my past. Who I was with when I saw that movie? What scenario in my life, happened during this sitcom run? Do I remember that party I went to when I heard this song? Nostalgia is definitely a funny thing.

The functionality of this game is super easy to play for any age group and the hours of enjoyment were well worth the price for me. You just can't beat free.