How to enter the Destiny Hidden Terminus Area on Venus for PlayStation and Xbox

Destiny story takes place 700 years in future. The player will save earthlings from evil alien creatures, the Guardians are the saviour. Customization of character and skills is possible. The game can be played on the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 and Xbox 360 video game consoles.There are a number of Zones in Venus which are yet to be untravelled, one of them is hidden Terminus. This Hidden zone is being linked to new Destiny DLC.


The hidden area is similar to other area on Venus. I think the most important skill required is jumping skill, which every guardian has. Jump into the stream and you will travel to untravelled zone called Terminus. This area consists of Three Dead Ghosts, this zone is not yet a part of the Destiny so collecting them is not counted. This Zone will take some time to appear in official Destiny game.

How to enter the Destiny Hidden Terminus Area on Venus

To reach the terminus from a Venus patrol mission, you need to move to Citadel zone. You will come across ruins moving to a passage known as Juncture passage. Kill any creature that will come in the way.
To reach the top and enter the terminus, move to the left wall in the room. You will see a glowing tube of Blue light.

You need to jump beneath the blue light which can be done by triple jump. After jumping, glance at the left wall on which you are standing there you will find small metallic ledge. You have to triple jump n this small metallic ledge.

Destiny Terminus

Jumping on the ledge will lead you to the long antenna collection in circular. Make sure you keep on jumping higher, don't stop till you set foot on the top of the antenna. Again triple jump on the curved floating metal, after safe landing move inside the bright light to reach the Terminus. You will be teleported to the terminus.

Note: Triple jump and guide jump is required to enter the zone and these are challenging .Entering the Terminus you will find 3 dead Ghosts and dead Vex on the ground.