Destiny Guide: How To Get Into Strike Solo On PlayStation 4

Strikes are among the best things in Destiny, as they let you join a group of friends and play together to reach a common target. And, of course, they generally have the best loot in the entire game, so you are somehow "forced" to complete them in order to make some good progress throughout Bungie's shared-world shooter.

Destiny: The Taken King

Anyway, if you prefer to play solo, or simply do not have any friend in this world at all, you can now join solo strikes and proceed until the point you survive by simply fulfilling these three steps. Remember, in any case, this is only tested on PlayStation 4. In case you have a Xbox One and a tested method through solo strikes, let us know in the comments section below.

Step 1: Sit in orbit and have your desired strike ready, don't hit search yet.
Step 2: Press the PS button and go to your settings>date and time> set time manually and set your date back 2 days. Press X to enter the new date.
Step 3: Go back to destiny and hit the search button and you'll matchmake into a strike completely solo.

This method allows you to do all your quests, bounties etc. solo, but also works with patrols as well for material farming if you want to chain farm. Don't forget to fix your time on PlayStation 4 after completing the strike and don't worry if you get logged out of the game while doing it, it's just the server re-aligning with your console.