Where to Find All 60 Collectibles Location in Star Wars Battlefront

After the Players had their hands on the Star Wars Battlefront Beta version, it's time for some real action and explore all the 12 Maps and the Hidden collectibles in it. This Star Wars Battlefront Guide will help you to locate all the 60 Collectibles in the game.

Star Wars Battlefront

Collectibles in Star Wars Battlefront

There are 60 well-hidden collectibles in the game and 12 Maps where 4 maps in each Mode: Battle, Hero Battle, Survival. So there are 5 collectibles in each map and once you have collected all 5 collectibles you must complete the game mission otherwise the collected collectibles won't be counted.

If you manage to collect all the 5 along with the Mission objective then you'll be awarded a Star. Once you collect all 60 collecting you will be awarded two trophies/achievements "Scrap Collector" and "Master". Now focusing on the collectibles we recommend to get a Jetpack card in order to make the collecting process faster. In the Hea Battle, you must choose to play as a Boba Fett in order to get the jetpack.

Where to Find the Collectibles

Collectible in Battle Mode

Battle on Hoth

  1. As the Mission Start, you need to head left and climb atop of the cliff and then check on the left plateau for the First Collectible of the Map.
  2. Just Above the Big cave you'll notice a very tall Hilltop and all you need to do is go to its peak and collect it.
  3. From the Same Tall Peak, you can now look at the Narrow entrance to the cave which is just before the cavern. Head inside the tunnel to grab your third collectible.
  4. Near the Imperial Shuttle you can see some boulders nearby, go ahead and take the collectible.
  5. In the center of this Big Map, there is a hole to get inside. You will find your last collectible of the map between the rocks.

Battle on Tatooine

  1. Head straight on the metal walkway until you reach GR-75 Rebel transport. The First collectible is hidden at the hood of this ship, but make sure you have jetpack ready to collect this one.
  2. From the same place head down from the other side and grab the second collectible
  3. When you locate the transport check underneath behind the computers is your next collectible.
  4. For this one travel far off one side of the map until you encounter the bones of the  krayt dragon lying on the ground. Look for this collectible behind the bones.
  5. You need to head just opposite of the Sail Barge in order to get the last collectible of the map.

Battle on Endor

  1. As you begin with this mission check on the right for some computer. You will find you first Collectible of the Map.
  2. Now head right until you reach across the fork where you find the collectible in the grass.
  3. From here take a cut towards the landing pad where you find the collectible near the tree on the other side.
  4. Get back to the location where the mission started and get to the second floor from there you'll see a hallway. The collectible is inside the hallway.
  5. Locate the Imperial Shuttle and behind it is a tank, but you might miss the collectible between the wall and the wall.

Battle on Sullust 

  1. Head towards the right doorway and get behind AT-AT's to collect the first collectible from between the computers.
  2. From here go to AT-AT pit and search in the Boxes
  3. Climb the Walkaway and get on top of the Right AT-AT to grab this one.
  4. Inside the shadow of a Cargo in the hanger is your next collectible
  5. From here directly head right to the upper container and turn around you'll see the collectible is on the right pillar.

Collectible in Hero Mode

Hero Battle on Hoth

  1. As you begin with the mission climb up the same cliff and grab the first collectible.
  2. After the first collectible, head straight until you see a TIE Fighter wreckage on your left. Now head up to the top of the cliff to grab the collectible.
  3. In the center of the Map is a very high Peak where you need to climb and grab this one.
  4. This collectible is well hidden between a tall tank and a very deep hole. All you need to do is jump on the ledge and grab it.
  5. Locate a big cavern and from there head down until you notice two E-Web Blaster, the collectible is just between them.

Hero Battle on Tatooine

  1. At the very beginning of this Mission, you'll notice a transport ship which you need to take care of and head back to locate the Command pod where the first Collectible is located.
  2. Near the krayt dragon bones at the end of the Mission Map you will find this collectible hidden underneath the vessel.
  3. This Collectible is underneath the tail ship, you can find it inside the carrier.
  4. For this collectible you need a jetpack as it is located under the transport sits with the small carriers.
  5. As you grab the fourth Collectible turn around and look at the desert hill below and spot the Great Pit of Carkoon so take the Jetpack and go collect it.

Hero Battle on Endor

  1. Take left to the second floor and grab the first collectible of this Map from the left of the Ledge 
  2. Head back to the starting point and take right towards the last door and grab this one from the rock ledge above.
  3. Locate the Imperial Shuttle and have a look at the left of the ship to find this collectible.
  4. Move directly into the woods on the left of the landing pad you will find this collectible above.
  5. A very well hidden collectible on the fourth pylon on the right of the building opposite the Base.

Hero Battle on Sullust

  1. This is Simple just turn around as you start the mission and grab the first collectible.
  2. Check on the top of the Left AT-AT and grab the second one.
  3. From the Back of the hanger, you can enter via left door the look at the corridor to locate this collectible.
  4. This can be tricky, Check the back wall behind the left AT-AT on the top of the two containers is your collectible.
  5. Exit the Hanger and take a left and you'll find this collectible on the second pillar.

Collectible in Survival Mode

Survival on Hoth

  1. As the Mission, start turns around and enter the doorway back(corner of the hanger). Continue moving straight until you find the collectible.
  2. Enter into the hanger from the main door and near the X-wing taking right then left to grab this one.
  3. Inside the hanger, Locate the Snowspeeder and check behind for small personal transport.
  4. On the left side of the hanger is a corridor, get inside and collect it.
  5. Inside the hanger head upstairs and then take right to get inside the laboratory to get this final Collectible.

Survival on Tatooine

  1. As you begin with the Mission, have a look above on the huts you'll notice the first collectible.
  2. Once you collect the first collectible look straight ahead there is another collectible floating near the rock formation.
  3. Jump on the nearby cliff to see a tower with lines which are supposed to be connected to the top of it. Your next collectible is just above that tower.
  4. Fly far off the Map from where the mission started until you locate pieces of fabric hanging on the ropes, grab your next collectible from there.
  5. Locate the Imperial Shuttle and from here you need to follow the path that will take you to a shallow cave where you will grab your final collectible.

Survival on Endor

  1. In the Beginning, turn around and Climb up the hill to grab the first collectible behind the trees.
  2. Take Right from the Start position and go inside the Ewok Village to grab this collectible. 
  3. From the same position take the right to the cliff boundary and get the third one.
  4. Get back to the start of the Ewok Village and locate the Imperial vehicle, you need to fly till the map boundary to get this one.
  5. You need to fly far off the end of the map until you notice a cliff on the left with the collectible above it.

Survival on Sullust

  1. Locate the Imperial Shuttle and grab the First collectible from the Top of it.
  2. Exit the Hanger and travel far left to grab this one from the uppermost cliff.
  3. On the Right doorway of the Hanger is a big tanks and you collectible is just behind the concrete pillar.
  4. Near the metal pedestrian bridge, climb the Rock Plateau to get this collectible.
  5. You need a Jetpack to grab this final Collectible which is floating above the lava pit(Right of vehicle bridges).

If you have any doubts with collectible do let us know in the comments below.