Halo: Reach -€“ How To Earn Credits Fast

Want that shiny new helmet but just don’t have enough credits, or is your rank too low to unlock the better gear? Check out our tricks and tips to boost your Credits-per-match. Remember, though, smaller actions add up so keep an eye out for these situations for easy Credit rewards.

Kill, And Kill Often

As obvious as this might sound, you should play selfishly. You don’t earn credits for completing objectives, so charging ahead to help out your team will likely only end in your death. Each kill will earn only four credits, so you don’t want to waste time running into your enemies shotgun blast.

Break Up A Fight

In Classic Slayer matches, if you see two (or more) enemies fighting each other, make the most of this by taking them out yourself. A grenade or two will quickly wipe out the preoccupied pair, though in their weakened state it shouldn’t take much to finish them off with a rifle. Doing so will reward you with a multikill bonus of 10 credits and for any additional multikill thereafter.

Stab In The Back

For an extra eight credits you should try to assassinate your enemies. Approach an enemy from behind and hold Right Bumper to initiate an assassination kill. This can be done at any time, so if you see any of the opposing team looking in the opposite direction, resist the temptation to open fire and go in for the melee kill instead.

Be A Slayer

Slayer Matches are the quickest and easiest type of match to earn credits, ending – with bonuses and slot machine points – between 600-700 Credits. This does require you to be a keen shot in deathmatch mode, however, though team Slayer matches can help those not able to reach middle-to-top scores in free-for-all.

Avoid Vehicles

Since you don’t earn Credits for completing game objectives, you’ll want to give Race/Rally sessions a miss. As fun and frantic as these modes are, you’ll earn minimal Credits after completing the match regardless of what position you finish in. Stick to killing instead.

Hunt Heads

Headhunter matches are good for points and is a pretty hilarious mode to boot. The trick to scoring is to hang around the capture points and wait for approaching skull carriers (they’ll be highlighted with an arrow above their head). They’ll charge for the scoring zone, giving you the advantage as you shotgun them in the face. Similarly, a headshot will reward you with an additional seven Credits on top of the kill itself.

Strike From The Shadows

Game modes like Capture The Flag are great for boosting melee kills. You’ll earn additional Credits for a melee kill, so equip the loadout with Active Camouflage and hide by any of the flags with an energy sword. If you hold crouch then the invisibility will last longer, letting you lie in wait for the perfect strike and adding six Credits to every kill.


Most actions online will score you Credits. Behind the scenes, these actions – such as multikills – will be tracked towards a commendation. There are five stages of a commendation, from Bronze to Onyx, and after earning each one you’ll be rewarded a large lump of additional Credits. These start off small, at 150, but keep working towards every one of them to quickly boost your total.

Make It Special

If you kill an enemy, in any game mode, with a special kill, you’ll earn an additional seven Credits. As well as some obvious ones, such as ‘Revenge’, you can earn special kills against enemies who are using a Jet Pack or sprinting or by protecting and avenging a team-mate. Keep an eye out for these at all times.

The Long Haul

Obviously you may eventually tire of the same deathmatch mode over and over, so if you fancy a change try Invasion mode. Though these games last longer, their objective based gameplay gives you a change of pace – as well as ending with anywhere between 800-1,000 Credits per match.

Skip The Multiplayer

Don’t forget that you can also earn Credits for playing Campaign and Firefight modes too. Every level completion on Heroic or Legendary completion in Campaign will earn you 150 Credits, on top of any kill-specific bonuses. Firefight mode, however, will be the best place to boost your total, since it’s easier to aim for specific skill-shots as well as get the generous Credit-bonus from multikills and kill streaks.