Modern Warfare 3 Spec Ops Walkthrough

The multiplayer and singleplayer might be where most of the action in Modern Warfare 3 is, but it’s the Spec Ops game mode that offers the most unique challenges with combined elements from those other two game modes. Offering a distinct experience of singleplayer content and co-op multiplayer, you’ll take on unique challenges against hordes of enemies. Some missions have you defusing bombs while a friends snipes, others team you up to hunt terrorists, and one explosive missions sends you after the Russian President himself in an echo of Mile High Club from Modern Warfare 1.

Join us as we walk you through the missions and features of Spec Ops. For more information on the single-player campaign, check out our text and video walkthrough. If you’re looking for extra articles, check out the cheats page.

Spec Ops Walkthrough

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