Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Walkthrough
The second of Nintendo’s epic Zelda games on Wii, Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword uses the full power of the Wii MotionPlus to bring you 1-to-1 sword swinging. Attack with your left or right hand, horizontally, vertically, or diagonally to break through enemy guard or make precision swings to solve all new types of puzzles. Set just before Ocarina of Time, Skyward Sword tries to connect to the larger Legend of Zelda mythos to tell a more cinematic story. Not that the story matters when you’re stuck in Skyward Sword’s massive world-spanning dungeon — and that’s why the Game Front walkthrough team is here to help you survive.
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The Legend Begins in the Clouds
Open the wardrobe to collect a blue rupee and exit the room, then turn right and move into the room beside the man dressed in yellow by the bulletin board. Speak with the teacher inside to learn additional gameplay controls, then exit the room and move forward down the hall ahead.
Move through the next open doorway to the left and speak with the women in front of the fireplace on the right to hear about the missing Fledge boy. Afterwards, exit the room and speak to the boy struggling with the barrels on your left.
Approach the set of wooden doors across from you exited the kitchen area and open them to activate a cut scene. Once you have arrived in the outside area of Skyloft, approach the stone bird statue against the wall ahead and use it to save your game.
Afterwards, move left from the statue and approach the stack of crates to converse with the man on the rooftop above about additional gameplay controls. Complete the targeting, jumping and climbing exercise to reach the man on the rooftop, then speak with him again and accept the task involving Headmaster Gaepora’s pet.
Move forward past the man and approach the building’s leftmost brickwall, then jump up to grab the brown ledge embedded in it and shimmy yourself to the left along the shelf. Let go of the ledge when you are around the corner and hanging above the balcony, then continue to the left and jump the gap.
Climb up the viand wall in the corner to reach the ledge above, then approach the crate at the back of the area to activate another conversation with the man below and learn crate controls. Afterwards, push the crate against he nearby stone wall and climb on top of it.
Pull yourself up onto the rooftop above and pick up the bird perched nearby, then jump back down the ledges and rooftops to return to the man who charged with you this task initially.
After the cut scene, move towards the wooden bridge across from you and save your progress before proceeding to complete this area of the game.
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Finding the Missing Crimson Loftwing
Cross the bridge of wooden steps and collect the stamina fruit by the stone column on the other side, then move through the doorway above to activate a cut scene. Choose the “Great” response option to allow the cut scene to continue.
After the cut scene, follow the dirt road leading to your right and move through the courtyard to reach the doorway ahead. Pass back over the bridge of wooden steps and return to the building on the right, then speak with the girl by the front door before entering through it.
Move forward through the hall and go down the steps to your right, then take another right and speak with Pipit by the bulletin board. Turn around and move towards the opposite end of the corridor, then speak with the boy trying to lift the barrels and walk away from him so that he calls you back.
After the boy chickens out from telling you the truth again, exit through the wooden double doors nearby to return to the courtyard from earlier. Exit the courtyard through the golden gates ahead and move down the steps, then follow the path forward and pass the man running repeatedly into the tree so that he calls you back for help.
Dash towards the tree and roll into it to shake loose a Sky Stag Beetle, then collect the rupee that also drops down and repeat the same action on the other trees in the area. Move forward up the dirt path and collect the hearts in the garden to the left, then continue down the trail and approach the tower in the far corner to activate a cut scene.
Choose the “Bring it On” response option to play out the rest of the cut scene, then take the rightmost path ahead and save your game. Move up the steps and speak with the girl nearby, then take the path leading up the hill to your left and move around to the opposite side of the building at the top.
Move up the steps with golden railings and approach the wooden staircase again to have Pipit call you over to him. Re-enter the Knight Academy and move to the bottom floor, then exit out into the courtyard and make a left down the dirt trail to locate Pipit.
Approach Pippit and talk with him to activate a cut scene, then locate the waterfall on your map and walk away to learn the location of a weapon. Open the door behind Pipit and the Fledge to enter the Sparring Hall, then speak with the knight at the back to learn the location of the sword.
Move through the door in the corner to your right and open the chest within the room to acquire the Practice Sword, then exit back into the Sparring Hall and talk with the knight again. Choose the “Yes, please” response option to learn the sword controls, then use targeting to slice each of the standing logs in half by using strikes that coincide with the markings in the wood.
When you have sliced all of the standing logs in half, the knight will offer you the chance to execute a spin attack. Choose the “Ok!” response option and follow the on-screen instructions to perform a perfect spin attack that cuts all surrounding logs in half without moving from one spot.
Choose the “Sure!” response option next and follow the on-screen instructions to execute a perfect fatal blow on the log that drops down. Afterwards, exit the Sparring Hall and move back towards the area under the bridge in the corner to activate a cut scene.
After speaking with the stone, use your map to locate the waterfall and plan your route. Cut back through the plaza and return to the statue that acted as your previous save point, then continue forward up the trail and pass the hill on your left that leads to the bazaar.
Move down the small set of stairs ahead on the right and pass beneath the bridge, then continue forward and jump across the series of dirt platforms at the top of the waterfall. When you reach the other side, follow the landbridge scattered with small trees to the right and approach the cave entrance to activate a cut scene.
Afterwards, cut down the wooden pikes blocking the entrance and enter the cave. Move forward through the tunnel and target the bats to eliminate them with your sword, then continue ahead along the path to eliminate more bats and blob enemies that emerge from the floor.
Dash up the steep incline you encounter next and continue forward through the tunnel, then eliminate the swarm of attack enemies and approach the ledge ahead. Sprint into the wall to run up it and climb onto the ledge above, then continue forward and move onto the raised stone platform to the right covered with grass.
Chop away the grass with your sword to reveal a crawlspace dug into the wall, then enter the small opening and collect the red rupees. Exit the crawlspace and move through the opening bathed in sunlight at the back of the cave, then save your game at the statue ahead and collect the hearts to your left.
Turn around from the bird statue and start moving down the path to your left to have Zelda call out to you. Afterwards, continue along the ledge that wraps around the side of the mountain to activate another cut and discover your Loftwing.
Use your sword to cut away the ropes securing the wooden boards to the rock wall. Once your Loftwing is free from imprisonment, this challenge will be complete.
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Winning the Wing Ceremony Race
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Press the indicated button, as you fall through the clouds, to call up and ride your Loftwing. Follow the on-screen instructions to learn the flight controls and attacking maneuvers, then save your progress after the cut scene activates.
Afterwards, choose the “Yeah!” response option to begin the ceremony and learn the rules of the contest, then choose the “Nope” response to continue the cut scene. When the challenge begins dash forward and launch yourself off the end of the wooden platform, then call upon your Loftwing to begin the chase.
Follow behind the yellow Loftwing and keep it in your sights as you flap the wings of your own bird to ascend. When you are a considerable distance above the target, push your Loftwing into a dive to gain speed and move right up behind it.
Tap the dash attack button a few times to close the gap even more and activate a cut scene in which Groose temporarily knocks you out of the race. Afterwards, repeat the same maneuver to catch up with the yellow Loftwing again and use the dash attack to bat away the eggs being thrown at you.
Close the gap on the yellow Loftwing again, then capture the Bird Statuette to obtain victory in this challenge. During the cut scene that proceeds, you will obtain the Sailcloth which allows you to jump from any height without taking damage.
Choose the “Nope.” response option and learn the Sailcloth controls, then Zelda will push you off the statue. As you fall through the air, guide yourself over the circular stone platform at the center of the courtyard and use your shadow to make sure you’re landing in the right area.
Open the sailcloth before striking the ground to land on the circular stone platform and activate another cut scene, then watch the cut scene that proceeds to see Zelda kidnapped by a black storm and complete this area of the game.
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Inside the Statue of the Goddess
After talking with Zelda’s father, exit your bedroom and approach the ghost floating above the stairs to your right. Follow the ghost out the double doors and up the long wooden staircase, then continue towards it by dropping over the ledges to the right and encountering the cat creature.
Strike the cat with your sword to subdue it, then pick it up and toss the creature over the edge beside you. Continue following the ghost over the next ledge ahead and eliminate the blob enemy after you hit the ground below, then open the nearby chest to acquire a red rupee.
Move up the incline to return to the previous ledge you just dropped over, then approach the rock wall climb up to grab the shelf in the rock wall. Shimmy to the right around the face of the cliff and drop down when you reach the other side, then continue chasing after the ghost and dash up the next steep incline ahead.
Eliminate the bat and blob enemies, then jump across the gap ahead on the right to reach the next ledge. Climb up the ledges and eliminate the blob enemy at the top, then collect the hearts and jump to the wall covered in vines nearby.
Climb up the vines to reach the ledge above, then turn left and follow the ghost until a cut scene activates. Afterwards, enter the Goddess Statue to discover the sword and talk with Fi about Zelda’s whereabouts.
Approach the Goddess Sword and follow the on-screen instruction to remove it from the stone, then raise the blade straight up to bathe it in divine light. You will now be charged with the mission of rescuing Zelda and receive the Emerald Tablet.
After speaking with Fi, raise your sword to bathe it in divine light and approach the wing crest behind the ghost. Strike the crest with your glowing sword to make it rise, then place the emerald tablet in the column to cut a path through the clouds outside and choose the “Ok!” response option that appears next.
After you have saved your progress and suited up in the traditional green uniform, this area of the game will be complete.
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Gearing Up for an Adventure
Exit the room to speak with the Fledge and acquire the Adventure Pouch, then move down towards the opposite end of the corridor and return to the outside through the wooden double doors.
Speak with the adult standing in front of you to acquire the Wooden Shield, then make your way back to the Sparring Hall and enter through the front door.
Approach the Knight Commander at the back of the room and speak to him, then practice the new combat maneuvers he teaches you on the log dummies until you are ready to exit the building.
Once you are outside again, return to the courtyard outside of the academy and pass through the golden gates to activate a cut scene.
Afterwards, make your way up the hill on your left and pass through one of the now unblocked doorways of the building at the top to enter the bazaar.
Visit the Potion Shop to acquire an Empty Bottle and a supply of Heart Potion, then approach the Wooden Shield on the counter of the booth selling weapons to pick up a spare.
Exit the building and locate the nearest diving platform, then leap off the edge and call upon your Wingloft to complete this part of the game.
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The Sealed Grounds
Steer your Wingloft in the direction of the large beam of light cutting through the clouds outside the city, then continue your approach until a cut scene activates. Afterwards, fly forward into the portal and dive down towards the hole in the clouds to dismount your Wingloft in mid-air.
After another cut scene in which you touch down on the surface level, follow the instructions to navigate the map controls and save your game at the nearby statue. Turn around from the statue and follow the path leading out to the right, then lock onto the plant enemy that emerges and take him out with a few sword strikes.
Continue forward down the path and eliminate the next three plant enemies you encounter along the way, then drop over the ledge ahead to activate a cut scene. Afterwards, collect the hearts against the wall to the right before dropping into enormous pit and using the sail to break your fall.
When you reach the bottom of the pit, approach the stone statue at the center of a symbol painted on the ground to activate a cut scene. Afterwards, unsheathe your sword and hold it straight up above your ahead so that it absorbs the light energy.
Target the stone statue, then use the sword to strike it with a blast of light energy and activate a cut scene. Choose the “Please!”response option to learn about Dowsing, then use the ability to search for Zelda’s location.
Wave the tip of your sword in a circle around you until the controller vibrates and the pulsating beeps sound off at an accelerated rate over a particular spot. This is the direction you must travel in next.
Approach the nearest geyser of steam shooting out of the ground and walk over it, then open your Windsail to rise into the air and land on the ledge above.
Repeat the previous tactic to reach the next ledge above and use your Dowsing ability to re-check the location of Zelda’s aura, then continue towards it until you return to the area you first jumped from to enter the massive pit.
Approach the door in the stone wall between the two torches so that the symbol magically disappears from it, then enter the Sealed Temple to complete this part of the game.
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The Faron Woods
Move forward and slightly left from the temple entrance to save your game at the statue, then enter the clearing behind it and smash the pots to collect rupees. Head back towards the save statue and continue past it to the opposite side of the room, then make a left and smash the pots in the darkened corner to find the regeneration potion.
Begin climbing the steps at the rear of the temple to activate a cut scene and acquire the ability to place a beacon on your map. Place the map beacon on the red x icon by Faron Woods to continue, then exit the temple through the door on the left and move up the steps ahead.
Follow the dirt trail around until you reach a clearing where Gorko is being mugged by a pack of enemies brandishing clubs. Use targeted sword attacks to eliminate the enemies one by one and activate a cut scene, then choose the “Yeah!” response to hear the whole story and choose “Sure!” after that.
Approach the statue after it reacts to your presence and examine it, then choose “Save”. Turn around from facing the statue and approach the vin-covered wall on the left, then climb up it and enter the cave ahead.
Move forward and push the enormous log down the hill behind it, then turn around and re-enter the cave. Drop back into the clearing below and move down the pathway located to the left of the nearby save statue, then pass through the gates and approach the enormous log from before.
Push the log into the wall ahead and climb on top of it, then move onto the next ledge above and continue forward down the trail to enter Faron Woods. After the cut scene, save your game at the statue ahead on the right.
Move right from facing the statue and jump across the gap to grab the rope, then swing to the next ledge ahead and take a left turn down the trail. Slice through the wall of trees blocking your path to continue forward into the clearing, then eliminate the enemies you encounter and approach the opposite side of the area to activate a cut scene.
Choose the “Zelda?” response option to continue, then follow the Kikwii up the steep dirt incline by dashing all the way to the top. Follow the trail around to the next ledge overlooking a clearing to locate the fleeing kiwi, then drop down and save your game on the statue to your right.
Afterwards, turn around and use your dowsing ability to locate the mushroom in which the kikwii is hiding. Strike the indicated mushroom to unearth the cowering kikwii, then resume the chase to catch up with the creature under a tree down the dirt road ahead.
Approach the kikwii to activate a cut scene, then choose the “Zelda?” response to continue the conversation and confirm your current location on the map. Afterwards, move back up the trail leading behind Machi and sprint up the steep dirt incline ahead.
Follow the trail to the right and eliminate the enemy, then continue along the path and use your shield to protect you from the enemy firing projectiles at the bend.
Look for another enormous log on the right side of the road ahead and push it forward off the ledge, then continue up the trail and cut down the wall of trees blocking your path.
Eliminate the enemies shooting projectiles and continue to the left along trail, then take out the plant that emerges and approach the edge of the grassy cliff ahead to slice the attached rope with your sword. Drop onto the dirt road below and climb up the rope dangling from above, then swing yourself forward and jump to the next grassy ledge ahead.
Approach the large brown animal and speak with it to activate a cut scene, then choose the “Where’s Zelda” response to add kikwiis to your available dowsing targets. Choose the “No, Thanks” option to play out the rest of the conversation, then use the dowsing ability to begin locating the missing kikwiis.
Kikwii #1: Crawl into the opening at the base of the tree on your left when the hunt first begins, then climb the vine-covered wall and cross the tightrope without falling. Drop into the clearing below and eliminate the enemies you encounter to spot a kikwii perched on a nearby branch, then roll into the adjacent tree trunk to shake him loose.
Kikwii #2: Climb the green vine that hangs from a tree in the clearing where you discovered the first missing kikwii and swing yourself forward to reach the ledge ahead, then push the enormous log in front of you off the ledge and drop down after it.
Move forward towards the opposite side of the area to reach a grassy field scattered with mushrooms and turn left, then eliminate the enemy that approaches to collect an Ornamental Skull. Continue forward through an opening in the dirt wall ahead and eliminate the enemies patrolling around the tree in the next clearing.
Return to the area from which you entered the current clearing and face the opening that leads back into the mushroom field. Move left onto the dirt mound portion of the entry point and approach the nearby wall, then dash up it and grab the patch of vines above.
Move up the vines and jump left to grab the other patch of vegetation, then continue ascending until you have to climb sideways and drop down onto the next ledge below. Use your sword to clear away the clumps of grass and reveal the second kikwii.
Kikwii #3: After discovering the second kikwii, drop back into the clearing and exit through the opening that leads you back into the mushroom field. Return to the area outside the ruins and approach the water’s edge, then move left of it and squeeze between the narrow opening in the rock wall to reach a new clearing.
Approach the cluster of palm trees and eliminate the enemy, then continue forward so that you pass the nearby land bridge on the right and drop down onto the next ledge below. Move right and jump onto the enormous log to reach the next area, then turn left and climb up the two dirt ledges above.
When you reach the top, eliminate the enemy shooting projectiles and move through the cluster of grass clumps ahead towards the far wall. Drop through the circular hole in the ground and enter the tunnel beside you to reach the next clearing, then examine the grass clumps by the tree to discover the third kikwii.
Retrace your steps to return to Bucha and activate a cut scene, then jump onto the fallen kikwii leader’s back to collect the Slingshot. Afterwards, use your slingshot to shoot the coiled vine hanging from the tree branch ahead and approach the gap in front of you.
Once the vine has uncoiled, use it to swing across the gap and land on the next ledge across from you. Move forward along the dirt road and beneath the landbridge, then continue down the trail and enter the crawlspace at the end.
Make your way forward to reach the other side of the wall, then cross the grassy mushroom field again and eliminate the attacking birds above with the slingshot. Move up the front steps of the temple entrance and eliminate the enemy at the top, then make a left and climb another set of stairs around the corner.
Turn left and use your slingshot to strike the coiled vine on the tree branch above so that it unfurls to activate a cut scene. Afterwards, climb the hanging vine and swing forward to reach the next ledge ahead.
Enter the cave ahead to reach the Deep Woods, activate a cut scene and complete this part of the game.
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The Deep Woods
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Enter the clearing ahead and eliminate the enemies armed with clubs that you encounter, then search behind the large tree surrounded by grass clumps to pick up additional hearts.
Move away from the tree and turn down the pathway to the left, then continue along it until you reach the next tightrope ahead.
Use your slingshot to shoot down the beehive hanging above, then cross the tightrope without falling to your death. Once you reach the other side, climb the ledges to your left and move forward to push another large log over the ledge ahead.
Turn around and move back down the hill, then jump back onto the road below and move left to eliminate an approaching enemy. Take out the enemy firing projectiles ahead, then turn around and move up the small dirt path to the left.
Jump to grab the rock ledge above and shimmy your way to the left, then drop onto the next ledge below and eliminate the enemy coming towards you on the tightrope with the slingshot. Cross the gap ahead by walking the tightrope, then move forward and jump up the small ledges to the right.
Eliminate the plant enemy and save your game at the nearby statue, then approach the tree to your left and jump forward over the ledge to grab the hanging rope. Swing forward to launch yourself onto the next ledge below, then continue ahead and eliminate the plant enemy.
Approach Gorko and talk with him to activate a cut scene, then choose the “Sure!” response and unsheathe your sword. Raise the sword above your head so that it absorbs light energy, then use then it to strike the cube and break it open.
Turn around and approach the large log on the right, then push it over the edge and continue down the ledges to your left. Use a light energy attack to destroy the cube at the bottom of the ledges, then continue up the road to activate a cut scene and choose the “Of course!” response.
Search the grass clumps and trees in the surrounding area to collect as many items as you can, then climb the steps to reach the temple entrance and approach the front door.
Take a few steps back from the door and aim your slingshot towards the wall above it, then shoot the purple crystal to unseal the entrance to Skyview Temple and activate a cut scene.
Afterwards, save your progress at the statue against the wall ahead to complete this part of the game.
Skyview Temple
Move down the steps to the right of the save statue and eliminate the bat that flies towards you, then cut through the spider web and the wall of plants blocking the path. Take out the next two bats and continue down the steps, then cut through the spider web and eliminate another swarm of bats.
Continue down the steps and slash through the wall of plants in front of the vine-covered wall, then climb up it and eliminate the plant enemy. Strike the purple crystal with the slingshot and drop back to the ground below, then enter the door that became unsealed on your right and move to the left of the steps in front of you.
Read the inscription on the tablet against the wall and return to the point you entered this room from, then climb the steps ahead and stand on the circular platform to activate a cut scene. Afterwards, press the indicated advice button and unsheathe your sword to raise it above your head.
Stand facing the statue’s eye and repeatedly wave your sword in wide circles to hypnotize it. After the door unseals, drop to the ground below and enter through it.
Move forward and eliminate the plant enemies that drop from the ceiling, then cross the bridge ahead and eliminate the approaching caveman enemy.
Continue forward and turn right, then use your slingshot to strike the pink crystal above the door and enter through it. Climb the steps and cut through the spider web blocking your path, then move across the bridge to the right and eliminate the spider enemy when it descends.
Read the inscription on the tablet ahead and drop to the ground below, then slash through the surrounding clumps of grass to acquire additional items.
Enter the crawlspace against the wall and move through it to reach the other side, then shoot the pink crystal above the statue with your slingshot to activate a cut scene and raise the water level in the room.
Swim over to the vine-covered wall and climb up it to reach the ledge above, then move forward and enter the crawl space on the left. Drop down on the other side and return to the bridge area where you shot down your first pink crystal, then jump into the surrounding water below near the vine-covered wall at the back of the room.
Turn around and make your way through the passageway to the right, then climb up onto the ledge where the next pink crystal resides and strike it with your sword to unlock the other door on the bridge above.
Return to the previous area and climb back onto the bridge using one of the nearby vine-covered walls, then enter the door you just unlocked and climb the steps ahead.
Eliminate the enemy in the corner, then move to the right of the spider on the bridge and shoot the two coiled vines above with your slingshot to unfurl them. Jump across the vines that now hangs from the ceiling and swing yourself forward, then land on the ledge ahead and eliminate the plant enemy.
Read the tablet to the left of the nearby steps before climbing up them, then enter the next door and move forward. Take the land bridge to the left and open the blue chest to collect the Dungeon Map, then return through the previous door behind you and head back down the steps.
Move up behind the spiders on the bridge to eliminate them and their webs, then turn left and shoot the pink crystal in the wall with your slingshot to raise the water level again.
Return to the initial bridge area and make a right, then jump onto the next floating log to the left and use it to grab the vine-covered wall ahead.
Climb up the wall and move right, then drop down onto the next ledge and enter the door beside you. Continue forward and take the steps to your right, then eliminate the spider that drops down and approach the nearby treasure chest behind bars.
Wave your sword in wide circles to hypnotize the pair of eyes and remove the bars, then open the chest to collect a Small Key and exit the area through the previous door. Drop back onto the bridge and approach the floating log at the back of the room, then jump across it to reach the next ledge and enter the nearby door.
Move forward into the open room and enter the next door directly in front of you, then equip the beetle as your primary weapon and set it free in the room. Direct the beetle through the hole in the ceiling guarded by the spider, then turn around to face the hole again and strike the pink crystal to the left of it.
Once the door is unlocked, exit the room and unleash your trained beetle again, then pilot the creature to the right of the save statue and sever the cord suspending the crate from the ceiling. After the crate smashes into the ground, collect the red rupee and unleash the beetle into the air again.
Use the beetle to search the room for other crates suspended by cords and slice through them as well, then ascend towards the high ceiling above to locate and cut down the remaining boxes in the area.
Collect the contents of the smashed crates and exit the room through the door beside the the save statue, then drop through the opening in the floor ahead and climb the nearby steps.
Enter the door ahead and eliminate the spider enemy that drops down to deactivated the bars, then unleash your beetle and use it to cut the cord suspending the crate above you. After the crate falls to the ground undamaged, approach and push it off the nearby ledge.
Drop down after the crate and push it forward towards the crate behind bars, then position it a few feet away from the wall and directly between the eyes.
Climb onto the crate to make the third eye appear and use your sword to hypnotize all of them, then open the blue chest after the bars recede to acquire another Small Key.
Turn around and enter the door opposite from the chest, then move down the steps and unleash your beetle. Guide the beetle forward into the upper room and navigate him around the spiders, then strike the pink crystal ahead to raise the water level.
Swim to the steps ahead on the left and move forward to cut through the web, then eliminate the spider and climb the staircase in front of you. Cut down the wall of plants concealing a crawlspace in the back wall, then duck into the opening move forward.
Drop into the room below and enter the door in front of you, then approach the door separated from you by a tightrope and eliminate the plant enemies above. Make your way across the tightrope and unlock the door in front of you, then enter through it and continue forward.
Smash through the wooden barricades to reach the next clearing and target the three-headed creature nearby, then take it out with the sword and exit the room through the door between two blue mushrooms.
Climb the steps and eliminate the enemy ahead, then continue along the path and take out the spider. Jump across the gap and continue forward, then strike the pink crystal on the wall above with your slingshot and move up the steps to the right.
Turn left and use your slingshot to strike the two coiled vines in the distance so that they unfurl, then take out the enemy approaching on the tightrope before crossing it yourself and save your progress on the nearby statue to complete this part of the game.
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Skyview Temple Boss – Lord Ghirahim
Enter the room to the left of the nearby door and open the small brown chest to pick up a red rupee, then make your way into the room opposite from you and climb up the vine-covered wall. Move right at the top and drop onto the next ledge below, then turn around and approach the gap in the left wall.
Cut the rope ahead to detach it from the ledge, then jump out to grab it and swing yourself onto the system of branches to the right. Climb up the vines and move forward along the branches, then turn left when you reach a dead end and use your sling shot to unfurl the coiled vines above.
Jump to the first vine and swing forward so that you can transfer over to the other one, then swing towards the opening in the stone wall and land on the ledge. Open the treasure chest to acquire the Golden Carving, then climb up the nearby wall covered in vines to reach the next ledge above.
Move right along the ledge and jump across the gap to land beside the heart flower ahead, then drop to ground behind it and cross the tightrope again. Approach the door and grab the carving, then rotate it so that it lines up with the keyhole and choose to release.
The door will now open and you will encounter the game’s first boss: Lord Ghirahim .
After the cut scene, target LG and rush straight towards him to begin delivering a series of attacks with your sword.
Ghirahim will grab the tip of sword with his bare hand before the blade can make contact. Quickly lash out again after you break the hold LG has on your sword to cause him damage.
Strike at LG continuously each time he backs away and then approach you. Watch the position of his blocking hand and adjust the direction of your sword slashes to strike him in places he isn’t defending.
Continue attacking Ghirahim in this way until a cut scene activates and he arms himself with a sword of his own.
Keep LG targeted when he hops away to a far distance, then wait for him to dash directly towards you and press the dodge button just before he strikes to evade the attack.
Stay in front of the line of projectiles Ghirahim summons into existence until they take off towards you, then quickly use a sidestepping maneuver to evade danger.
Wait for LG to teleport nearby you, then strike him in an area unguarded by the sword. If he’s holding the sword across his body use a downward slash to the head. If he’s holding the weapon above his shoulders, execute a horizontal slice to the body.
If you are running low on health, smash open the clay pots against the surrounding walls to refill the heart bar.
Continue attacking Ghirahim’s unguarded regions, while evading his charges and projectiles, until another cutscene activates. Afterwards, collect the Heart Container in the middle of the room and exit the area through the golden doorway with a sun on it.
When you reach the outside, climb the steps ahead to activate another cut scene. Afterwards, jump across the platforms ahead and stop on the last one in front of wing emblem.
Raise your sword to charge it with light energy, then strike the wing emblem to activate another cut scene and acquire the Ruby Tablet. Afterwards, save your progress to complete this part of the game.
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Causing Mischief at the Lumpy Pumpkin
Return to the Deep Woods to encounter one of your kikwii friend and activate a cut scene, then choose the “Not yet…” response. Approach the nearby bird statue and choose “To the sky”, then select “Yes” to return to riding your Wingloft above the clouds.
Set a beacon on the newly marked area of your map, then fly towards it to reach a floating island in the clouds occupied by a pumpkin-shaped house.
Land on the island and walk around the perimeter of the pumpkin-inspired building, then open the chest you come across to acquire the Adventure Pouch.
Enter the pumpkin-shaped house and approach the man cleaning up ahead on the right to speak with him, then choose the “Just a little.” response and select “Fill ‘er up” to acquire the Hot Pumpkin Soup.
Turn around and move back towards the front door, then make a right into the dining room to activate a cut scene. Speak with the bearded man seated at the table and choose the “Believe what?” response to hear his story.
Climb the staircase and speak with the blond kid at the top, then choose the “Yep.” response and move left across the second floor area. Approach the last railing on the left that faces the chandelier and roll into it to make the room shake.
Repeat this process until the chandelier falls through the table below, then return to the first floor and collect the Piece of Heart.
Speak with the owner of the Lumpy Pumpkin again and choose the “Yep!” response to receive your first chore, then select the same response again and empty a bottle in your inventory if you haven’t already to receive the Knight Commander’s pumpkin soup.
Exit the building and jump off the edge of the island, then call upon the Wingloft to catch a ride and fly him back to your home city. Drop into the area safely by using the sailcloth, then make your way back to the Sparring Hall and enter through the front door.
Approach the Knight Commander at the back of the room and talk with him, then select the “That’s right!” and “Here you go!” responses to deliver the soup. Afterwards, exit the building and use your Wingloft to return to the Lumpy Pumpkin.
Speak with the owner again to postpone your debt for now, then exit the building to complete this part of the game.
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Missing Child, Bazaar and Bamboo Cutting
Set a beacon over the purple icon on your map and fly the Wingloft towards the signal, then land on the tiny floating island and open the chest to acquire another piece of Heart Containter. Return to your Wingloft and use him to travel back to the city, then drop in via the Sailcloth and make your back to the Statue of the Goddess.
Enter the statue and place the Ruby Tablet in the opening at the back of the room to activate a cut scene in which another portal appears in the clouds. Afterwards, exit the structure and move through the doorway ahead to encounter a grieving mother.
Select the “Kuki-who?” response, then choose “You got it…” to accept the rescue mission and continue down the stairs ahead. Make your way into the neighborhood on the eastern side of the island and speak with the girl hanging around the outskirts, then select the “I do!” response to finish out the conversation.
Fly your Loftwing over to the Lumpy Pumpkin and enter the building, then move into the dining room and speak with the old man at the table. Choose the “Yep” response and listen to the rest of the story, then exit the building and return to the girl on the eastern side of Skyloft.
Speak with the girl again and enter the red house behind you, then move to the bed in the corner and choose the appropriate amount of sleeping hours so that you wake up during the night. Afterwards, exit the house and use the map to locate the graveyard.
Make your way to the cemetery and approach the headstone closest to the tree, then push it forward to reveal a hidden entrance. Enter the previously closed-off building to the left and drop down through the opening in the floor, then use your Sailcloth to land safely on the ground below and approach the ledge ahead to activate a cut scene.
Afterwards, move right along the walkway of wooden boards and reach the next ledge below to activate an off-camera scream. Enter the door ahead on the left to encounter the winged demon in the next room, then rush towards him and strike once with your sword to reveal his soft side and learn about the Gratitude Crystals.
Choose the “Sure” response option, then speak with the little girl to your left before exiting the room. Return to the red house you slept in earlier and set your resting time so that you wake up during the day, then exit the building and make your way towards the houses along the river.
Locate Kukiel’s house along the river’s edge and enter through the front door, then speak with the mother to collect five Gratitude Crystals before you leave. The house is distinguishable by its red color, the flower box above the door and its caddy-corner location from a set of stone steps.
Return to the Bazaar on the hill, then visit the Scrap Shop to upgrade your shield and slingshot if possible. Pick up the Small Seed Satchel and an Iron Shield at the Gear Shop before exiting.
Use your Wingloft to travel past the red beam of light cutting through the clouds and land on the island featuring a bamboo-inspired house, then enter the building and speak with the man within.
Choose the “What is this place?” response, then select “Sure!” and “You bet!” after that. Wait for the countdown to end, then rapidly swing your sword back and forth to slice the bamboo tree to the ground using the fewest number of cuts possible for the chance to win a prize.
Afterwards, exit the bamboo building and fly your Wingloft down through the opening in the clouds created by the red beam of light. Following a cut scene, use your Sailcloth to gently float to the ground and complete this part of the game.
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Eldin Volcano
Save your progress on the nearby statue, then move forward to the right of it and approach the lava flow to activate a cut scene that teaches you basic bow controls. Afterwards, continue around the rock bridge and jump to the circular platform ahead when you reach the end.
Jump across the next platform to reach the ledge ahead, then move up through the passageway to activate a cut scene. Afterwards, continue forward along the path ahead and drop down over the left edge at the fork in the road.
Land on the small ledge below and pick up the red rupee, then climb back up the vine-covered wall to return to the area above. To make sure that you land on the lower ledge and not in the lava, drop down at the only section of the cliff’s edge that has grass growing on it.
Continue down the next path to the left and take out the flaming bats that swoop down from above, then make your way across the rock bridge and take the first available left. Eliminate any remaining nuisance of the flaming bats and enter the next grassy area ahead, then talk with the yellow creature in the ground and select the “No way!” response.
Choose the “Bomb what” and “Not really…” response options to learn the basic controls for using bombs. Afterwards, pick up one of the nearby bombs planted in the ground and hurl it at any of the surrounding entrances that’s suffered a cave-in to clear away the boulders.
Continue using the bombs to unblock all the passageways that are currently impassable, then climb onto the recently cleared circular platform embedded in the nearby wall and collect the blue rupee.
Pick up a bomb and approach the crawlspace, then toss in the explosive to clear the way and crawl inside to collect the rupee. Exit the crawlspace and enter the doorway lit by a torch, then collect the Amber Relic off the floor before returning to the outside again.
Eliminate the large yellow blob enemy by repeatedly chopping it in half with your sword until it is no longer able to split in two, then enter the tunnel to the left of where you acquired the previous relic. Move through the corridor and return to the outside, then save your progress at statue on the right before continuing along the path to the left.
Take a left when the road splits and use your sword’s light energy to destroy the cube, then turn around and drop onto the next ledge below on the right. Pick up a bomb from against the wall and toss it into the crawlspace ahead to clear it out, then move into it and make your way forward to reach the other side.
Open the chest to acquire the red rupee, then pick up the heart flowers and return to the crawlspace. Make your way through the opening to reach the opposite side and climb back onto the road ahead, then approach the yellow creature in the ground and talk with him.
Afterwards, continue up along the path to activate a cut scene in which you spot a bizarre red and yellow seal. Drop down to the ledge that the seal creature was just residing on and pick up a bomb, then approach the jet of fire shooting from the wall ahead and toss the explosive you’re carrying to destroy it.
Climb to the next ledge above and continue forward up the hilly terrain, then eliminate the three red enemies at the top and make a left towards the cliff edge. Drop down to the lowest section of ground below and use bombs to eliminate fire-breathing skulls, then cross the bridge made from a dinosaur’s spinal bone to activate a cut scene.
Afterwards, move back across the bone bridge and pick up a bomb. Turn around and position yourself in front of the left half of the bridge, then roll the bomb forward so that it doesn’t fall in the lava and detonates near the magma spewing from the wall on the other side.
Turn around and climb back over the series of ledges above, then make a right at the top and dash up the front of the cliff ahead to reach the top of it. Eliminate the enemy and climb onto the next ledge above you, then move forward along the path and eliminate the skull enemies by throwing bombs into the holes on top of their heads.
Drop over the ledge behind the fallen skull enemies and collect the Heart Piece, then climb back onto the previous ledge and return to the road where you last spoke with one of the yellow ground creatures. Make your way onto the ground below with the jets of steam erupting from it, then ride these blasts of air upwards to enter the doorway above and land on the grated gold ledge.
Jump forward to fall down the ventilation shaft, then steer your descent towards the left wall so that you land on the first rock ledge that rises beneath you. Open the blue chest to acquire some Eldin Ore, then turn around and drop over the rock ledge to continue your freefall descent.
Use the Sailcloth to float safely to the ground below, then save your progress at the statue next to the mine tunnel entrance lit with torches. Approach the corner opposite from the save statue and climb onto the next ledge, then follow the path around and pick up another Amber Relic by the enormous steam vent.
Return to the previous area and move through the mine shaft entrance lit with torches, then approach the creature in the ground on the left to talk with him. Move past the creature and drop into the next open cavern ahead, then eliminate all of the red enemies you encounter to activate a cut scene.
Afterwards, return to the ground creature you met previously and select the “A way forward” response to acquire the Digging Mitts. Approach the left corner ahead, then use your new mitts to dig into the floor’s soft spot and uncover a geyser of steam.
Ride the air jet upward onto the ledge above and dig up a red rupee in the floor ahead, then take the path that forks to the left and follow it around to reach a dead end. Dig up the soft spot in the ground to uncover a steam geyser and use it to launch yourself onto the ledge above, then climb up the ladder against the wall to reach the next area.
Eliminate the red enemies you encounter and search the huts for additional items in clay pots, then approach the two openings in the wall that lead to ice slides and enter the right one. Slide forward along the ice and drop onto the small rock ledge below, then open the blue chest to acquire some Eldin Ore.
Return to the first steam geyser you were able to dig up and use it to launch yourself onto the ledge above, then take the right fork and follow it around to reach a more open area. Move left and dig up the soft spot in the corner across from you to talk with one of the ground creatures, then turn right and make your way through the archway ahead.
Turn left at the next jet of fire ahead and enter the crawlspace in the column to your right, then make your way forward to reach the other side and dig up the soft spot in the ground to collect hearts. Exit the room and turn right at the wall, then move forward into the left corner ahead and pick up a bomb.
Throw the bomb at one of the sections of surrounding wall with a noticeable crack in it to blast a hole in the rock, then open the blue chest you uncovered to acquire a Silver Rupee. Enter the adjacent circular room with the enormous steam vent at the back, then collect the Amber Relic and Eldin Ore amongst the grass clumps.
Dig up the soft spot in the floor closest to the enormous vent against the wall above and uncover a geyser of air, then use it to launch yourself onto the next ledge and enter the blast of steam to activate a cut scene. After landing in the new area, approach the nearby fork in the road to speak with one of the ground creatures again.
Take the fork to the left, then approach the gap ahead to activate an extending bridge and a cut scene. Cross the bridge and save your progress at the statue on the other side, then move left down the nearby path and follow it forward to eliminate a group of flaming bats.
Continue along the path ahead and use the platform floating in lava to clear the next gap, then dash up the sandy incline by hugging the right wall and cut left onto the wooden platform at the top when you’re above it.
Eliminate the enemy and sprint to the left again to reach a dirt ledge by the wall, then dig into the soft spots to collect rupees before picking up the nearby bomb.
Approach the edge behind the bomb after picking one up, then roll the explosive down the hill below so that it detonates by the wall of boulders at the bottom. Follow the rolling bomb off the ledge ahead and move down the hill through the pathway you just blasted clear.
Continue forward along the path and eliminate the blob enemy, then drop down off the ledge ahead to land on the next platform below. Move forward across the gaps to reach the opposite ledge, then destroy the cube with a blast of light energy from your sword and turn around.
Head back across the gap by using the floating platform and climb back up the ledges, then enter the tunnel to the left and return to the sandy mountain from before. Dash up the incline again and move onto the wooden platform near the top, then turn to face the peak of the hill above and continue sprinting up it.
Avoid the rolling boulders and move directly underneath the enemy standing at the top of the hill, then climb to the ledge he’s standing on and eliminate him quickly with your sword.
Defeat another enemy and approach the village ahead to draw the rest of the caveman out in the open, then clear out all remaining threats and pick up a bomb from between two of the huts.
Toss the bomb towards the entrance ahead that’s been blocked by a wall of boulders, then enter the cave following the explosion to activate a cut scene and converse with Tubert.
If you wish to play the game of Thrill Digger, select the difficulty level and choose the “You bet!” response option, then search the field of dirt spots when the countdown ends and collect as many rupees as possible without digging up a bomb.
Afterwards, exit the room and pick up another bomb from the ground in front of you. Move out into the village clearing and turn left, then toss the bomb into the wooden tower by the edge of the cliff to tip it over.
Climb on top of the fallen tower and move forward across it, then enter the cave on the other side and climb up the vine-covered wall in the back to reach the ledge above. Move right along the path and eliminate the ooze creature, then continue to the next gap ahead and jump over it.
Dash up the sandy incline in between the two wooden platforms above, then move sideways onto one of them and eliminate the enemy. Turn to face the next section of the climb ahead, then continue sprinting uphill and move onto the next wooden platform above.
Jump over the boulders rolled down at you from the peak and eliminate any nearby enemies, then continue the dash up the incline and move beneath the three caveman standing on the ledge above you.
Move onto the far left end of the ledge and eliminate the three enemies with sword attacks to collect an Ornamental Skull, then climb the next ledge above and make your way forward to activate a cut scene.
Afterwards, choose the “Zelda” response to add another target to your dowsing inventory and save your progress at the statue by the temple door. Turn around and move right to the end of the checkered tile floor, then dig up the soft spot in the ground nearby to acquire the first piece of the key.
Continue into the next area ahead and approach the gap in the rock wall to the left, then pick up a nearby bomb and roll it down the hill below so that it detonates by the wooden structure at the bottom. Drop down the hill after the bomb and approach the fallen wooden tower, then dig up the soft spot that was hiding beneath it to pick up another piece of the key.
Dash back up the sandy incline and return to the previous area above, then move to the wall across from you and dig up the soft spot in the corner to uncover a steam geyser. Pick up a bomb from nearby, then move into the steam geyser so that you and the explosive are launched next to the wall of boulders above.
After the explosion, use your sword’s light energy to destroy the cube and drop back to the ground below. Enter the camp on the opposite side of the area and eliminate another wave of cavemen, then pick up a bomb from within one of the huts and toss it at the wooden tower by the edge of the cliff to knock it over.
Climb onto and cross over the fallen wooden tower to reach the other side, then enter the cave and eliminate the flaming bats that attack from above. Take out the ooze enemy and collect the Amber Relic from behind the first pointed rock formation jutting out of the ground, then continue into the cave ahead and turn left when you enter the next open area.
Approach the narrow ledge along the wall and drop over the side to grab it with your hands, then shimmy to the right along the shelf and pull yourself up at the next landing. Climb onto the ledge above to the left and jump across the gap beside it, then move right along the path until you reach the end of the road.
Jump out over the ago ahead and grab the vine-covered wall across from you, then climb all the way to the right before making your way upwards. Move onto the next ledge above on the left and enter the nearby doorway, then stand on the golden floor panel to extend the bridge outside.
Move onto the narrow pathway located at the back of the room and follow it around to the left, then quickly dash through the super-heated room before the flames kill you and take the first right into a tunnel that provides shelter.
Ride the dirt chute forward and drop onto the sandy incline below to continue sliding, then steer into the steam geyser on the right to launch yourself onto the ledge above. Dig up the soft spot to uncover a fairy, then trap it in a bottle for future use if possible.
Turn left and dash across the incline to reach the opposite steam geyser, then use it to launch yourself onto the other ledge above and dig up various items. Approach the edge that faces the bottom of the hill, then drop to the ledge below and destroy the cube with a blast of light energy from the sword.
Drop back onto the sandy incline and continue sliding downhill, then steer through the tunnel and land on the next rocky surface below. Dig up the surrounding soft spots to collect additional items, then approach the ledge that overlooks another steep hillside and drop down onto it.
Continue downhill by taking the slide that splits off to the right, then hug the left wall as you go to eventually land on a small dirt ledge that appears below. Turn left and wait for both jets of steam in front of you to erupt, then jump into the first one with your Sailcloth to glide across the gap ahead and use the second one to reach the next ledge above.
Dig up the soft spot in the ground to uncover a piece of the key, then drop into the leftmost dirt slide and ride it until you land on the rocky surface below again. Move forward along the rock bridge and clear the gap ahead, then turn right and jump across to the next ledge against the wall.
Enter the room ahead and pick up the bomb, then turn around and exit through the opening in the wall. Turn right and toss the explosive into the magma spewing from a hole in the wall, then re-enter the previous room after the lava levels drop and pick up another bomb.
Toss the explosive far enough forward so that it lands on the sandy incline below and rolls over into the upper left corner to destroy the wall of boulders. Run forward along the incline to reach the unblocked entrance in the corner, then dig up the soft spot within to acquire another piece of the key.
Exit the room and return to the rock bridges outside, then clear the next gap ahead and jump to the ledge on the right. Head up the path and enter the doorway on your right, then jump into the enormous steam vent at the back of the room to ascend.
After landing in the new area, exit the current room and cross the bridge you extended earlier. Follow the path around into the tunnel on the left and cross over the fallen wooden tower from earlier, then approach the ledge ahead that overlooks the sandy incline below and pick up a bomb.
Toss the bomb down onto the incline so that it rolls along the left wall and explodes by the cluster of boulders. After the blast clears away the cave-in, jump down onto the sandy hill and make your way towards the opening in the left wall.
Climb into the opening you just cleared and dig into the soft spot to acquire the final piece of the key, then sprint back up the hill to reach the summit and approach the temple doors ahead. Use the re-assembled key to unlock the front door and enter the Earth Temple to complete this part of the game.
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Earth Temple v
Save your progress at the nearby statue on the right, then continue forward towards the lava and jump across the next three platforms ahead to land on the opposite ledge.
Take out the flaming bats that swoop down and dig up the soft spot in the floor by the stone wall to uncover a steam geyser.
Use the geyser to launch yourself onto the ledge above and open the chest to collect a red rupee, then drop back to the ground and turn to face the lava again.
Move forward across the middle of the three paths in front of you and jump the series of gaps to reach the opposite ledge, then speak with the magma in the next room and dig up the soft spots to collect additional rupees.
Jump back across the platforms outside to return to the opposite ledge, then climb the staircase to the left and jump across to the platform below. Move to the platform beside you and drop onto the staircase ahead, then strike the mechanism at either end of the area to partially lower the bridge and equip your pet beetle.
Release the beetle into the air and pilot him to the right of the bridge, then strike the mechanism sticking out across the hole in the wall ahead. After the bridge drops completely, move across it to activate a cut scene and learn a new combat ability.
Take out the enemy through the next doorway and dig up the soft spots in the floor to refill your health, then move to the end of the blue carpet leading towards the lava and use your slingshot to shoot out the left eye of the partially submerged statue ahead. After the statue explodes, jump onto the eyeball floating in the lava and use it to reach the next ledge on the left.
Take out the flaming bats and pick up a bomb, then toss it onto the platform ahead when it descends into the lava and wait for the blast to clear away the wall of boulders above. Jump onto the same platform when it descends and ride it upwards, then move onto the ledge ahead and open the chest to acquire the Golden Skull.
Drop back down and return to controlling the statue’s eyeball floating in the lava, Make your way into the opposite corner of the area to talk with the mogma and jump to the ledge he resides on, then approach the right side of the cage and crawl into it through the small opening.
Eliminate the enemy that approaches and move into the back area, then climb the ladder against the wall and move right to the end of the ledge. Drop over the upper right corner to land on top of the narrow wall below, then continue forward and climb onto the next ledge above.
Move right and dig up the soft spots in the ground to uncover rupees and fairies, then drop to the ground below and pick up a bomb. Approach the small opening in the fence that you used as an entrance and roll the bomb through it so that the explosion clears away the boulders outside.
Exit the cage and turn left to open the previously blocked door ahead, then jump to the platform at the center of the room to encounter Lizalfos for the first time. Fight these enemies by dodging their strikes and following up with some of your own until both are defeated to acquire a Lizard Tail.
Open the green chest the appears to acquire Bomb Bags, then exit the room through the previously locked door ahead and approach the magma to activate a cut scene. Use the “No idea.” response, then acquire additional bombs and bomb bags.
Return to the statue’s eye floating in the lava and use it to reach the ledge with two staircases that’s located at the back of the room. Eliminate the bat and ooze enemies, then approach the statue at the edge of the area to save your game.
Afterwards, dig up the soft spots in the floor to refill health and climb the staircase with the bannisters out front. Throw one of your bombs out past the ledge so that it destroys the block across from you, then jump the next two gaps and approach the door ahead.
Eliminate the Lizalfo and enter the door ahead after claiming the enemy’s tail, then continue forward and jump to the next platform in front of you. Move across the platforms to the left until you reach the back of the room, then jump onto the cauldron when it splashes down and ride it upwards when a geyser of lava erupts beneath it.
Jump to the ledge ahead and take out the surrounding enemies, then open the green chest to acquire the Dungeon Map and drop back to the circle of platforms floating in the lava below. Exit the same way you entered and return to the statue’s eyeball, then steer it to the right side of the ledge with two staircases and crush the enemy submerged in the lava.
Approach the nearby cracked wall and use your bombs to blast it open, then move through the entryway you’ve cleared and maneuver to the left around the fountain of lava. Crush the nearby enemy and jump to the next ledge on the right, then enter the cave and dig into the soft spots in the floor to uncover the blob enemy.
Eliminate the enemy and collect the Jelly Blob he leaves behind, then exit the cave and return to the statue’s eyeball. Continue forward and steer to the left around the fountain of lava, then jump to the metal bridge ahead and eliminate the enemy.
Return to the statue’s eyeball and turn it around, then approach the section of wall directly in front of the nearest lava fountain and blow it open with your bombs. Navigate through the entryway you’ve just created in the wall and crush the fish swimming ahead, then maneuver around the next lava fountain and crush another enemy.
Jump to the metal platform on your left and turn towards the ornate red entryway on the far wall, then release your pet beetle into the air and pilot it towards the man’s face that’s been sculpted into the top.
Strike the mechanism that’s located where the sculpted man’s mouth would be to partially raise the gate, then release the beetle again and steer it through the green doorway that’s above to your left.
Navigate through the tunnel ahead and stay above the enemies on the ground below, then exit into the next open area and strike the mechanism that’s located on the other side of the red gate to raise it completely.
Guide the floating eyeball through the pathway you’ve just cleared and jump to the metal platform on the left, then enter the tunnel and eliminate the enemies within.
Exit out the other side of the tunnel and save your game at the nearby statue, then move back through the tunnel again and remount the floating eyeball. Navigate the eyeball down the tunnel ahead and wait for the pause in the next lava fountain’s stream before continuing forward safely.
Pass through the first archway to find yourself crossing an extremely narrow and twisting river of lava. Steer the eyeball slowly around each bend in the river to make sure you don’t fall to your death, then enter the next tunnel ahead and eliminate the attacking bats.
Jump to the ledge on the left in the next area and take out the reptilian enemy, then dig into the soft spot for hearts and climb to the next ledge above. Open the chest to collect a red rupee, then return to the eyeball and steer it forward beneath the archway to the right.
Turn yourself around once you pass under the archway and start guiding the eyeball into the valve protruding from the wall nearby. Push the valve all the way in to raise the ledges in front of you, then turn around and jump to the ledge against the wall ahead.
Open the chest to acquire a Blue Bird Feather, then dig into the soft spots to collect rupees and ore. Return to the eyeball and navigate it back towards the valve you pressed in previously, then turn right before reaching it to drop onto the ornate blue and gold ledge below.
Save your game at the nearby statue, then climb the staircase with the ledges you raised earlier by pressing the valve and enter the door ahead. Dig into the soft spots beside you for items and supplies, then jump the gap ahead and dash up the steeply inclined floor to enter the opening in the wall on the left.
Wait for the large boulders to roll by, then return to the incline and continue dashing uphill until you reach the top. Jump across the river of lava on your left and enter the nearby crawlspace, then make your way forward to reach the other side of the wall and dig into the soft spot in the floor on the right that uncovers a geyser of steam.
Use the geyser to launch yourself onto the ledge above, then move forward and take a left. Descend the staircase and approach the end of the walkway ahead, then toss a bomb down onto the inclined floor below so that it rolls by the wall of boulders on the right wall and blasts it away.
Return to the base of the inclined floor and sprint up it, then enter the opening you created in the wall to the left and wait for the large boulders to roll past. Continue sprinting uphill until you reach the top to activate a cut scene, then move onto the center platform ahead and save your game at the statue.
Climb the stairs to your left and make the next right up the inclined path, then open the chest at the top to acquire the Dragon Sculpture. Begin making your way back down the narrow and steeply inclined path until the dragon above drops an enormous rolling boulder on the trail behind you.
Sprint forward along the narrow path to stay ahead of the pursuing boulder and collect as many green fruit as you can to maintain a constant burst of energy as you run.
Jump the gap ahead to let the boulder sail above you and lodge itself into the dragon statue’s mouth, then approach the broken staircase in front of the yellow and red plant to collect another Amber Relic.
Return to the center platform and save your game at the nearby statue, then jump the gap beneath the dragon statue and approach the door ahead. Rotate the Dragon Sculpture until it lines up with the key hole, then release it to unlock and enter through the double doors.
Climb the staircase ahead to see the boulder rolling above, then continue forward to activate a cut scene about Zelda’s location.
Move over the nearby steps and drop onto the dragon’s stomach ahead, then sprint uphill towards the neck region until a cut scene initiates your next boss fight with a creature called: Scaldera
Flee at a full sprint from Scaldera when he chases you while his body is glowing a bright mixture of yellow and orange. As soon as this boss return to normal colors, turn around and charge at him head-on to toss a bomb into his face for sufficient damage.
When struck with a bomb, Scaldera will roll back down the dragon’s belly and hit the wall at the bottom. Chase behind the boss when this happens and wait for him to emit an open-mouthed roar shortly after recovering from the impact, then toss a bomb down his gullet and watch it explode for crucial damage.
The boss will now have noticeable damage to his armored exterior and a complete lack of energy. Use this opportunity to move in close and strike Scaldera’s exposed eyeball as many times as possible before he regains the will to attack.
Repeat the previous three steps, then retreat immediately to a considerable distance after a few sword strikes at close range. Scaldera will now spit huge fireballs in your direction, but they can be evaded with simple sidesteps and a maintained distance.
Continue hurling bombs at Scaldera, even when he’s spitting fireballs if you can get close enough, and striking the exposed eye with your sword until the boss is finally defeated. If you are running low on health, sprint all the way to the top of the dragon’s inclined belly to locate a supply of hearts.
Afterwards, collect the Heart Container that descends and sprint your way up to the top of the dragon’s inclined stomach. Enter the door ahead to activate a cut scene and momentarily locate Zelda, then jump across the platforms ahead and stop on the last one in front of the wings emblem.
Raise your sword above your head to charge the blade with light energy, then use it to strike the emblem and activate another cut scene in which you acquire the Amber Tablet. Afterwards, save your progress to complete this part of the game.
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Treasure Hunting, Fortune Telling, Sidequests
Use a bird statue to travel back to the sky and return to flying the Wingloft above the clouds, then travel to the city of Skyloft and land safely via your Sailcloth.
Resupply, repair and upgrade your gear at the bazaar on top of the hill, then speak to the fortune teller and select the “Please!” response to hear about the future.
Exit the bazaar and arm your slingshot, then search the skies for a store flying above the city through the use of helicopter blades.
Once you have spotted this structure, take aim at the brass bell hanging down over the side and peg it with the slingshot to achieve a ringing sound.
If the bell is rung, a rope will drop down from the shop that you can grab onto. Upon doing so, the line will automatically be reeled in and you will end up on the porch above.
Enter the flying store to activate a cut scene and meet the owner, then purchase the Bug Net, the Adenture Pouch and the Extra Wallet from the blue table before exiting.
Drop back to the ground below and make your way to the plaza, then speak to the man hanging around the Light Tower and accept the job of finding his missing sister.
Mount your Wingloft and open the map screen, then place a beacon on the lowermost purple icon and fly towards the signal. Enter an area of the clouds scattered with numerous small islands and drop onto the one where the girl is tending to her injured Wingloft.
Choose the “Of course” response to let the conversation play out about her brother, then return to your Wingloft and continue towards the blue light of the beacon signal in the distance.
Pass by a multicolored platform and approach the next ball of land above on the right, then fly over this rounded island and drop down on the only ledge possible to reach.
Open the purple chest to acquire a Small Seed Satchel, then return to your Wingloft and travel back to the house the resembles bamboo. Circle around to the rear of the building and open the purple chest to receive a Gold Rupee.
Return to your Wingloft and continue searching the skies for floating islands with treasures chest on them that you’ve yet to open.
Once you’ve had your fill of treasure-hunting, return to the city of Skyloft and speak with the brother in the plaza area to acquire the Mushroom Spores.
Fly back to the girl with the injured bird to talk with her and select “Here, take it!” to return the Wingloft to full health, then collect five Gratitude Crystals to complete this part of the game.
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Lanayru Mine
Return to the Statue of the Goddess in the city of Skyloft and enter the structure, then approach the altar at the back of the room and insert the Amber Tablet into the available opening to activate a cut scene.
Afterwards, exit the statue and return to your Wingloft. Fly towards the yellow beam of light cutting through the clouds and dive into the hole below to land at the Lanayru Mine, then slide down the ladder in front of you and save your game at the nearby statue.
Locate the next cube near the back of the clearing you’re in, then destroy it with your sword’s light energy and exit the area via the path beside the save statue. Move forward down the incline to enter the darkened mine shaft, then eliminate the bats swarming above you and approach the mine cart blocking the exit ahead.
Push the mine cart forward to pass through the doorway and continue shoving it along the track until it falls over the ledge ahead, then drop down after it to pull the car over to the opposite wall.
Climb on top of the mine cart to reach the ledge above, then continue forward through the tunnel and strike the purple gem in the next room to cause a rainbow color explosion.
Jump into the mine cart in the surrounding area to ride it along the track and smash through the doorway ahead, then open the chest to collect the red rupee and return to the cart to leave the room.
Exit the car when it comes to a stop and head to your left, then move into the entryway with the mine tracks leading out of it and approach the next cart in front of you.
Eliminate the blob enemies and push the mine cart out of the cave so that it changes color, then ride around the track through the next door ahead and pick up the bomb to the right.
Throw the explosive into the sculpture of a bowl that’s against the nearby wall, then wait for it to detonate and move through the entryway you’ve just created.
Take out the blob enemies ahead and move across the river of quicksand to reach the small ledge on the left, then pick up the bomb and toss it into the nearest basket sculpture on the wall. After the wall sculpture falls forward into the sand, pick up another bomb and jump on top of it.
Toss the bomb into the next basket sculpture on the wall across from you and wait for it to detonate, then jump onto the statue’s back after it tips into the sand and enter the hidden crawlspace in front of you.
Eliminate the blob enemies in the next room and open the chest to collect a red rupee, then exit back out through the crawlspace use your bombs to knock down the remaining wall sculptures.
Collect the treasures behind the fallen statues, then continue up the river of quicksand by entering the tunnel ahead. Jump across the stone platforms to reach the next open room, then wade through the quicksand ahead and avoid the enemy projectiles at all costs.
Climb on the platforms near enemies and take them out with a bomb or slingshot strike, then wade over to the ledge against the wall that features a mine cart out front and eliminate the blobs. Move up the nearby incline and use a bomb to clear the boulder from the track in the next room, then approach the corridor on the left and pick up another bomb.
Roll a across down the river of quicksand below and destroy the nearest boulder ahead, then continue bowling the explosives down the corridor until all of the large rocks are obliterated and another color explosion occurs.
Move forward across the river of quicksand that has now transformed into a field of grass and eliminate the plant enemy, then pick up the Ancient Flower ahead and exit through the doorway in the wall by the blue crystal.
Smash the pots on the right collect rupees and continue forward through the tunnel, then eliminate another plant enemy and open the blue chest on the platform ahead to acquire a Blue Bird Feather.
Drop to the ground below and eliminate any surrounding plant enemies, then approach the mine cart against the nearby wall and push it forward. Ride forward along the rails and out the next door ahead to complete this part of the game.
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Lanayru Desert
After the cut scene, save your progress at the statue ahead on the left before making your way downhill by hugging the rightmost wall.
When you reach the bottom of the incline, bait the crab enemies into crashing against various walls or trees when they charge at you, then approach them when they are in a state of dizziness and hack away with the sword.
Climb onto the raised circular platform with two small shrubs growing out of it to collect the Amber Relic, then continue forward across the property and approach the broken wall ahead. Move up the broken end of the structure to get on top of it, then open the chest ahead to receive a Tumbleweed.
Drop to the ground on the left and refill your bomb supply, then return to the top of the broken wall and jump onto the nearest cage. Toss a bomb through the top of the next cage ahead and wait for it to detonate, then toss in another one to activate a color explosion and eliminate the enemies that appear.
After the prison bars disappear, speak with the creature still sitting in his cell to receive a Hook Beetle. Make your way onto an elevated platform or ledge, then release your new beetle into the air and pilot it towards the tree with a bomb on top of it that’s located amongst a sea of quicksand.
Use the beetle to snatch up the bomb and fly over to the nearby hole in the ground, then hover above the opening below and drop the explosive into it. Send out your beetle again to retrieve the same bomb, but this time drop it in the baskets of the wall sculptures nearby to tip them over.
Locate another tree with a bomb in it by surveying the area with the beetle, then grab the explosive and use it to topple another series of wall sculptures. Continue in this way until you have exhausted all resources, then locate these fallen statues afterwards and collect the treasures that were hidden behind them.
Make your way to the rear of the property and turn left to wade through an enormous lake of quicksand scattered with islands. Climb onto one of these dirt mounds, then eliminate the projectile enemies with well-timed blocks from your shield and utilize the beetle to drop bombs on the crabs so that their shells can be used as temporary platforms.
Use the crab shells to move between each of the small islands on the lake of quicksand and avoid succumbing to a fatal amount of fatigue in the process.
Use light energy from your sword to destroy the cube on the island with a cactus growing out of it against the wall, then use the beetle to knock out the crab closest to the exit in the corner with a bomb and wade over onto its shell before you pass out.
Move onto the island ahead and exit the lake of quicksand area through the doorway ahead in the corner, then move along the next path and save your progress at the statue to the left. Afterwards, climb up the ledges to the left and make your way around the path that borders the lake of quicksand below.
Approach the mine cart ahead and push it forward so that it drops over the ledge, then turn around and move back around the trail. Drop back down by the previous save statue and unleash the beetle into the air, then knock out the nearest crab with an explosive and use his shell to safely wade onto the leftmost island ahead without tiring.
Release the beetle and snatch a bomb from the nearby tree, then drop it on the next crab ahead and ride his shell forward across the quicksand. Move onto the next island you approach ahead and eliminate the projectile enemy, then make your way through the doorway in the wall to the left and enter the nearby cave.
After arriving in the Temple of Time, save your game on the statue in front of you before unleashing the beetle into the air. Guide the beetle into striking the purple crystals located at the summit of a pointy rock formation in the area, then watch another explosion of rainbow color unfold before crossng the land bridge ahead.
Eliminate the enemy to the right, then enter the mine cart and ride across the gap via the connecting tracks. Move onto the next ledge when the cart comes to a halt and stare out into an area mostly untouched by the blanket of colors you unleashed moments ago.
Turn left and release your beetle into the air, then guide it into the cave entrance that looks like a bird’s mouth and approach the left wall. Strike the pink crystals near the wall to raise the barred gate within, then release the beetle again and snatch a bomb off the top of a tree.
Fly directly above the same cave and hover over the opening in the tree stump resting on top, then drop the explosive onto the purple stones below to splash the area with some color and grow additional foliage.
Hop in the nearby mine cart and ride across the gap on the connecting track, then pass through the cave ahead and take out the awaiting plant enemy to reach the next ledge safely.
Exit the cart and move forward into the next area, then use your shield to eliminate the surrounding projectile enemies before speaking with Gorko by the fortified wall ahead. Move left and approach the mine cart by the wall, then unleash your beetle and snatch some bombs off the cacti in the area.
Hover above the raised column of rock next to the mine cart and drop the explosive to uncover the hidden purple stones, then use another beetle to strike these newly found stones so that they return color to the area.
Defeat the enemies that appear around you and speak with the creature laying in front of the mine cart to receive helpful markings on your map. Afterwards, use the slingshot to strike the purple stones through the opening in the hollow ledge ahead and wait for the color to wash over the area.
Push the mine cart towards the edge of the cliff ahead, then enter it to ride the connecting rail across the gap. Destroy the cube to your left with a blast of light energy from your sword and continue forward along the mine track to reach the next ledge below.
Exit the cart and move forward up the dusty ledge, then eliminate the projectile enemies and make your way into the cave ahead. Upon reaching the new area, wade across the quicksand to the nearest platform on the right and continue to the next patch of rock across from you to the left until a cut scene activates.
After learning about the submerged paths beneath the quicksand, mark these areas on the map with beacons for future reference and finally climb onto the small platform you were initially trying to reach.
Turn right and wade across the sea of quicksand towards the broken chunk of fortified wall, then climb up on top of it and head left along the path.
Save your game at the next statue you see on the right, then drop to the ground over the edge to your left and move slightly to the right of block-shaped formation ahead. Approach the wall with a crack in its base and blow a hole in it with a bomb, then enter the passageway you just created and move down the steps ahead in the next room.
Use bombs to subdue the crab enemy ahead and wade through the quicksand to reach his shell, then make your way onto the ledge to the left and approach the boulder on the panel nearby.
Use a bomb to destroy the boulder and uncover the purple stones, then strike them to change the environment around you and drop to the ground below.
Eliminate the patrolling enemies as you make your way through the maze of crates to reach the orange platform at the back of the room.
Unleash your beetle and snatch up the electrified enemies curled into balls, then fly back to your character’s location and drop the creature just in front of the small set of bars at the base of the device you’re standing by.
Step onto the orange platform to remove the bars behind the curled up enemy, then use the sword to give the creature a push into the opening so that the power is restored and the gate to your left rises up.
Move into the corridor previously blocked by a gate and approach the gear attached to the large ovular mechanism, then jam your sword into the slot and turn the cog to the left.
After the lightning bolts appear, smash the barrels against the surrounding walls to collect additional rupees before exiting this area.
Maneuver through the maze of crates again to reach the opposite side of the room and climb the staircase, then exit the building through the lit doorway at the top of the steps and head left.
Continue to the left across the sea of quicksand and use various platforms or beacons as sturdy surfaces to keep you afloat. When you reach the cliff face that borders the sea of quicksand, move along the wall towards the shore until you spot a crack near the base of the rock.
Use a bomb to blow open this crack and enter the doorway you just created, then move forward through the tunnel and eliminate the enemies ahead to collect a Jelly Blob. Exit the tunnel and take out another enemy waiting outside, then open the blue chest against the wall to receive a Piece of Heart.
Move back through the previous tunnel and re-enter the sea of quicksand, then make your way to shore by heading left and continue forward to return to the areas beyond.
Take a left in front of the fortified wall and stay against it as you move forward, then eliminate the crab in your path with a bomb and turn the corner to save the game at the statue.
Afterwards, open the door to the right of the save statue and enter the next room ahead. Drop to the floor on your right and eliminate the blob, then jump to the platform ahead against the wall and use a bomb to obliterate the boulder across from you.
Jump onto the previously occupied platform ahead, then move to the one directly left of your position and use another bomb to clear away the boulder across the gap.
Strike the purple stones that are uncovered to change the surrounding environment, then drop to the ground and eliminate any patrolling guards you are able to locate.
Open the gold chest you come across to receive a blue rupee, then continue through the stacks of crates to defeat any remaining threats in the area.
Approach the expansive gap at one end of the maze and climb onto the stack of blocks against the left wall, then unleash your beetle and strike the blue crystals across from you to change the environment back to normal.
Use a bomb to eliminate the crab the moves up beside you, then jump onto his shell and ride it forward across the quicksand to reach the ledge ahead. Turn left and climb up the stack of boxes against the wall, then move forward along the ledge above and take out the blob enemy.
Open the blue chest in front of you to receive Eldrin Ore, then push the metal box nearby forward along the wall until it drops over the ledge ahead and lands on the lowermost platform below. Drop down after the metal box and unleash the beetle, then fly him into the purple stones across from you the change the environment again.
Drop to the ground and use your beetle to snatch up the electrified enemy curled into a ball nearby, then carry this creature across the expansive gap that stretches out past the current maze area.
Deposit the enemy in front of the little bars at the base of the device with an orange platform, then return to controlling your character back at the maze and climb up the blocks against the nearby wall that have been stacked into stairs.
When you climb onto the top block, continue forward past the opened chest and cross the bridge of crates to reach the opposite ledge below. Stand on the orange platform to remove the tiny bars, then use your sword to drive the creature into the opening so that the power comes back on and the nearby gate rises up.
Move through the corridor that was recently blocked by a large gate and jam your sword into the gear ahead, then turn it to the left and watch the fire symbols appear. Open the blue chest nearby to acquire the Monster Horn, then collect a blue rupee from the other chest and exit the room.
Return to the opposite side of the area by crossing over the bridge of crates to the right, then continue forward through the maze and climb the stairs at the back of the room. Open the door at the top of the steps to reach the outside area again, then make a right around the corner behind you and take out the crab ahead with a bomb.
Continue forward onto the broken section of wall that cuts through the sea of quicksand and move across it to reach the opposite end of the structure.
Jump out past the edge of the wall and make your way onto solid ground a few feet away, then turn left to head between the red box structures beside you and climb up the broken section of wall ahead.
Turn around when you pass the last section of wall on the left and head up the incline to reach the top, then use your bombs to clear away the two boulders ahead and strike the purple stones you uncover to unleash a wave of color.
Eliinate the enemies that appear on the bridge, then approach the creature to the right of the generator and speak with him to acquire a new type of dowsing target.
Move along the bridge to the right of the generator and drop down over the edge ahead to land on the small section of ground. Wade through the quicksand towards the three wall sculptures on the shore across from you, then use a bomb to blow open the cracked wall behind the leftmost statue and strike the blue stones within to unleash a splash of color.
Toss a bomb into each of the baskets held by the remaining two wall statues and wait for them to detonate. Collect the Amber Relic from behind the rightmost sculpture and enter the room behind the middle piece to turn the gear to the left again with your sword.
After the air symbol appears, you will have officially assembled all the nodes necessary for activating the generator. Wade back across the quicksand and ascend the incline that leads to the top of the wall you’re looking for, then strike the purple stones in front of the generator ahead to replenish its color.
Approach the gear on the face of the generator and insert your sword into, then turn the blade left so that it lines up with the second highest orange mark on that side of the gauge.
Push in the mechanism to confirm your entry, then pull back slightly on the sword and rotate the blade to the right so that it lines up with the lowest mark before locking in the final answer.
Rotate your weapon back to the left so that the lighting meter stands straight up in the 12:00 position, then push in to confirm the final entry and activate a cut scene in which a temple rises from beneath the quicksand.
Move left to drop onto the temple steps, then make your way up them and enter the doorway at the top to complete this part of the game.
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Lanayru Mining Facility
Part 1 – The Gust Bellows
Eliminate the arachnid enemies crawling around ahead and save your progress at the statue by the nearby corner. Afterwards, turn around and use bombs to topple the series of wall sculptures on either side of the current area while collecting the treasure left uncovered.
Veer to the left of the steps ahead and wade through the quicksand to reach the fallen statue in the corner above, then climb onto it and pull down on the switch to unlock the door at the back of the room.
Make your way back through the quicksand and climb the nearby steps, then cross the bridge and open the door in front of you. Eliminate the three-headed monsters on the bridges ahead, then cross over to the wide platform on the opposite side of the area and eliminate the arachnid enemies waiting at either end.
Approach the left side of the wide platform and push one of the wooden boxes against the wall decorated with symbols, then climb on top of it to reach the ledge above and enter the door beside you. Save your game at the statue ahead on the left, then unleash your beetle to snatch up a bomb off one of the sculptures and drop it on the crates blocking the ladder directly to your right.
Turn to the right from the save statue, then move up the bridge in front of you and eliminate the blob enemy. Jump the gap ahead to reach the ladder you just had cleared for use, then climb up it to the ledge above and fight off the swooping bats.
Open the blue chest on your left to acquire the Small Key, then climb back down the previous ladder and jump the gap ahead. Exit the room through the door you used to enter, then drop to ground below and turn down the bridge leading to the left.
Use the Small Key to unlock the chain on the door, then open it and move left around the lava pool ahead, Defeat the first flying puffer with light energy attacks from the sword, then make the next right to cross the wooden bridge ahead and eliminate a second fish enemy.
Climb up the wall covered in branches ahead and turn around when you reach the top, then release your beetle into the air and snatch up a bomb from one of the sculptures below. Pilot the beetle back towards the ledge where your character currently resides and guide him towards the far right end of the platform.
Rise above the brick tower in the corner and drop the bomb on the crate blocking the top of the ladder, then approach this same ladder on foot and climb up it to reach the rooftop above. Stand on the panel in the floor ahead and turn around, then cast out another beetle and guide him towards the center of the room.
Pilot the beetle inside the structure suspended from the ceiling to strike the purple crystal within and restore color to the area, then slide back down the ladder and eliminate the robotic enemy ahead by striking his exposed midsection with your sword. Continue forward and sprint over the high-speed treadmill to avoid falling, then take out another robot and climb down the ladder at the end of the ledge.
Dash to the left across the treadmill moving in the opposite direction and pick up the stamina fruit as it comes towards you to maintain a constant speed while pushing yourself forward. Side-step the incoming obstacles and continue forward at a constant pace until you reach the opposite side of the treadmill.
Climb up the ladder on the left to reach the ledge above, then eliminate the robot ahead and acquire a red rupee from the wooden chest beside you. Slide back down the ladder and sprint forward across the conveyor belt, then climb the staircase to your right and approach the next treadmill around the the corner.
Move onto the conveyor belt and sprint to the right in the opposite direction its moving, then side step the incoming obstacles and collect the stamina fruit as you go. Continue forward up the inclined section of the treadmill and jump to the ledge on the right when you reach the top, then eliminate the nearby robot enemy and run up the wall to pull down on the switch above.
After the door surrounded by neon unlocks, jump onto the previous conveyor belt and ride it back down to the starting point. Open the door surrounded by multi-colored symbols and drop to the ground below, then climb up the ladder to your right and break open the barrels to collect the items.
Jump off the ledge to the left and land on the stack of giant cubes against the nearby wall, then continue forward by clearing the next gap ahead and unsheathe your sword when you reach the other side. Use a blast of absorbed light energy to strike the flying puffer above so that it careens into the rubble on top of the next cube before exploding like a bomb.
Land on top of the cube ahead after the rock clusters have been obliterated, then turn to the left and clear another gap. Turn to the right and jump to the cube across from you, then glide over to the ledge on the left and climb the ladder against the wall.
When you reach the ledge above, open the green chest to acquire the Gust Bellows and eliminate the arachnid enemies that drop down beside you. Slide back down the ladder to reach the ground below and turn around from facing the wall, then approach the upper right corner of the ledge and jump to the next cube across from you.
Part 2 – The Dungeon Map
Clear the gap to the right and eliminate the arachnid enemies that attack, then send the flying puffer into the next pile of rubble with a charged strike of the sword. After the large rocks ahead have been reduced to dust, drop over the right edge of the cube you’re on and locate the green chest on the ground nearby.
Open the chest to receive the Goddess Plume, then return to the previous cube you were last residing on and clear the gap to land on the corner box ahead. Jump to the ledge on the left, then use your Gust Bellows to clear away the piles of sand on the floor and remove the arachnids clinging to the ladder against the wall.
Approach the block at the far end of the platform and push it off the ledge to the ground below, then climb the ladder against the wall and use your Gust Bellows to blow away the piles of dust blocking the entryway ahead.
Open the door you’ve uncovered and enter the next room, then push the nearby block over to the left until you hear the “click’ sound. Drop to the ground below and slide down the ladder slightly ahead on the left, then turn around and jump the gap in front of you.
Eliminate the bat and blob enemies that appear on the bridge, then continue forward and save your game at the statue ahead on the right. Afterwards, turn around from the statue and exit through the golden door.
Drop to the ground directly below and turn left, then use your Gust Bellows to blow away the layers of sand covering this particular corner. After you have blown away all the grime on the floor, push the nearby crate on top of the switch that was buried beneath the sand so that one of the doors on the cross-shaped bridge becomes unsealed.
Turn around from facing a wall that’s behind the crate holding down a floor switch, then move forward and onto the cross-shaped bridge to the left. Take the bridge leading to the right and open the door in front of you, then push through the quicksand ahead to reach the platform nearest to the right wall.
Eliminate the enemies that surround you and move forward to the ledge ahead, then turn to the left and wade through a long gap of quicksand to reach the square platform. Fight off another swarm of enemies as you continue forward to clear the gap ahead and land on the wide ledge with two barrels at the opposite end.
Approach the two barrels by the far wall and turn to the left just before reaching them, then use the Gust Bellow to destroy the puffer ahead looming towards you. Drop into the quicksand below and move slowly along the right wall to reach the square platform ahead, then clear away the mounds on the ledge behind it in the corner and uncover another crystal.
Strike the purple gem to change the environment around you, then turn around from the crystal that’s now blue and jump to the platform ahead. Aim your Gust Bellows upwards into the three c-shaped rotors, then give them an extended blast of air to put the platform in motion across the gap.
Jump to the next area ahead and collect items from the barrels on the left, then move to the opposite end of the ledge and fire the Gust Bellows into the c-shaped rotors across from you to reel in another artificial island.
Move onto the platform that you were able to secure with the Bellows and ride it forward across the gap, then jump to the small pedestal on the left and open the green chest to receive another Monster Horn.
Return to the blue platform behind the treasure chest and use your Bellows to send the transport in the opposite direction, then jump back to the ledge you just departed from and approach the barred doorway in the corner ahead to the right.
Stand before the ornately-decorated and elaborately-sealed entryway on a ledge without much else going for it, then equip your Gust Bellows and aim it upwards towards the pinwheel embedded in the door. Blast the gate with a focused jet of air pressure so that the pinwheel immediately begins to turn at a consistent pace that causes the iron bars across the door to disappear.
Approach the doorway that has opened ahead, which until a few moments ago was barred-off for safety reasons, and enter it before anyone can stop you. Take out the tall robot by striking its vulnerable areas and collect items from the two barrels against the rear wall, then climb down the ladder by the yellow floor tile along the ledge and turn around.
Move to the brick wall on the left and use one of your projectile attacks to eliminate the flying robots above, then equip the Gust Bellows and blast the blue platform across from you with a constant jet of air that will eventually turn the c-shaped rotors.
Once the blue platform across from you starts heading over to the right, follow alongside it for as long as you can to make sure there’s a constant blast of air keeping its rate of speed consistent at all times. When you have followed the moving platform to the opposite side of the ledge you’re occupying, jump out onto it to join your friend.
Use the Gust Bellows to spin the rotors in the opposite direction so that the platform you’re on heads back towards the brick wall area. Once you have come to a complete stop, jump to the next ledge behind you and break open the barrels to collect additional items.
Climb the ladder against the wall to reach the ledge above, then take out the robot waiting for you by the top rung and shoot the symbol to the left of the door ahead with my Bellows to unseal it.
Open the door and enter next the room ahead, then eliminate the wave of three-headed monsters within by utilizing sword strikes and consistent blasts of pressure from the Gust Bellows. After the area is cleared of all threats, smash open the barrels against the wall and blow away the numerous dirt mounds on the floor to collect additional items.
After collecting all you can from the surrounding area, blast the layer of sand off the crate against the wall so that it regains it mobility. Push the box forward for as far as it will go along the unique pathway that’s been cut into the floor for the purposes of making every part of this experience difficult.
When the cargo bumps into the first dead end ahead, make your way around to the left side of the crate and pull it towards you without letting it enter the square notch in the path by your feet. Move back around behind the crate and make sure that it is lined up evenly with the path to ensure a smooth trip forward along the floor.
Shove the crate forward for a small distance alongside the wall until it can go no further, then move around to its left side again and push the box away from you until the container becomes quickly sandwiched by the wall behind it. Get back behind the crate for the final time and guide it ahead to the end of the path cut into the floor, then climb on top of it and jump to reach the next ledge above.
Make your way to the left upon reaching the next area above and turn back towards the gap behind you, then jump across the platforms against the wall ahead and use your Gust Bellow to clear out any enemies that can cross your path. Blow away the mound on the last platform to collect the Amber Relic, then turn around and jump back across the platforms to return to the previous ledge.
Approach the imprisoned treasure chest on the back wall and equip your slingshot, then fire through the bars to strike the blue stones in the back right corner of the cell. After the area is blanketed in color, turn around from the chest and drop back to the ground below.
Defeat Armos by backing away from him in an evasive circular motion to avoid being caught and by spraying him continuously with the contents of the Gust Bellow. Once this enemy takes too many consistent hits, his mouth will stretch open to reveal a crystal inside that can be struck for sufficient damage.
Repeat the previous attack plan until Armos is defeated for good and the two openings around you have become unsealed. Jump to the ledge above and open the treasure chest that was previously behind bars to receive the Dungeon Map, then drop back to the tiled floor below and open the other door that you recently unlocked.
Part 3 – Mine Cart Escort
Move forward into the next room after collecting supplies from the barrels on the left, then approach the locked doorway ahead and stand on the blue switch to the left of it to make the bars disappear. Enter through the unblocked doorway and move forward to save your game at the statue ahead on the left.
Exit the area through the doorway you just helped unbar a few moments ago, then turn right to cross the field of quicksand ahead while continuously reaching the stone platforms scattered throughout to use as resting spots before succumbing to exhaustion in the worst possible conditions.
After you reach the first available resting platform that’s located towards the middle area of the quicksand field, open fire on any enemies that were pursuing you earlier and begin making plans for the route you will use to cross this desert in the days to comes. Use the Gust Bellow to clear away the sand mounds on all three of the first platforms available at the beginning of this journey.
Enter the crawlspace you uncovered during the cleaning of the three platforms and make your way forward through the shaft until you exit into a room with a treasure chest that contains another Blue Bird Feather.
Eliminate the enemies that suddenly in appear in the room after opening the chest by dowsing them with Gust Bellow, then re-enter the crawlspace and use it to return to the platform located in the field of quicksand. Make a left to continue wading through the quicksand ahead, then head right to reach the first elongated stone ledge running along the side of the field.
Make your way forward along the resting ledge that borders this body of quicksand, then turn to the left when you reach the edge of the stone floor and unload your projectile weapons at the remaining enemies still approaching . When the coast is clear, climb onto the nearest platform across from you and continue fighting off multiple attackers.
Cross to the opposite wall by standing on the smaller platform attached to it, then use your Gust Bellow to clear away the mound of sand at your feet and uncover a secret crawlspace. Duck into the opening and crawl forward through the shaft, then make at left at the first fork and continue through the duct until you reach a ledge that overlooks a massive formation of sand.
Drop over the ledge in front of you and use the Sailcloth to glide safely into the bottom right corner of the area below. Use your Gust Bellow to blast a path through the body of sand in the middle of the room and also to take out attacking enemies that you may encounter.
Begin the process of using your Bellow to remove all signs off sand in the room you currently occupy while avoiding the spikes that spring from the floor. As the layers of grime are blown off the floor, you should begin discovering such items as rupees, fairies, hearts and treasure chests.
When you uncover a purple switch on the floor, stand on it to unseal the passageway on the balcony above for a limited amount of time. Once the entryway above is temporarily unlocked, sprint up the tall staircase against the wall and open the balcony door before it has a chance to re-seal.
Move into the next room ahead, then use the Bellows to blow away the large dirt mound in front of you and uncover a mine cart with bizarre cargo. Approach the strange-looking discovery, then strike the purple stone inside of it with your sword to unleash an explosion of color.
You can follow the mine cart when it pulls away from the platform this time and cross the series of panels that now appear beneath the connecting track being used. When you reach the next ledge across the gap, allow the circular beacon of color-producing magic to fall across the entire area and for the mine cart to be stopped just outside the doorway by the power-crazed gatekeeper.
Use your shield to deflect the enemy’s attacks back at him until he falls in defeat from the upper half of the of the entryway. Fire the the Gust Bellow at the symbol above to send the mine cart on its way, then immediately retune to chasing closely behind it by using the ever-appearing system of floating floor tiles
Continue behind the unmanned cart filled with strange cargo and eliminate the robotic enemy that suddenly appears to block the track ahead, then continue forward towards the ledge in the distance. Stay in close physical contact with the mine car during the home stretch of the journey due to the severe reduction in floor tiles that appear below you.
Escort the cart to the outside edge of the final platform, then pull down the industrial switch that borders the ledge on the right to complete the mine cart’s final arrival into the area. Exit the main platform by using an adjacent bridge that leads away from the party and towards a large pile of sand.
Uncover a mine car beneath the largest mound of sand ahead, then approach it and strike the purple stone inside to unleash a color explosion. Follow behind the nearby cart as it pulls away from the platform to cross an extensive gap, then move to its left side when passing in front of the first ledge to take cover from the statue that shoots laser beams.
Continue moving in cover until the statue ceases fire, then proceed to the next platform ahead and pull down on the industrial switch to accommodate the cart as well. Strike the contents of the nearby mine cart twice to first change the surrounding environment, then change it back to normal.
After the second shift in reality, the mincer will now return the way it arrived by crossing back over the previous gap. Use this opportunity to quickly run out onto the tiles that appear in front of the cart and blast the pinwheel on your left with the Gust Bellow until the next door over is completely unblocked.
Continue forward along the tiles that slowly appear in front of the mine cart and move onto the next ledge to the left, then destroy the robot that rises up and open the door ahead.
Part 4 – The Ancient Circuit
Enter the next area and turn left towards the wooden bridge, then cross it to continue forward while allowing the air jets that erupt from all sides to shoot out in front of you first so that you know when to pass by.
Cross the bridge and approach the surface covered in gnarled branches, then cut down the enemies that are bursting from the wall before scaling it. At the top of the wall, continue along the branches to the right until you can climb to the next ledge above.
Approach the wall sculptures on your right and toss a bomb into each of the three basket they’re holding, then wait for the explosion to tip them over so that you can jump onto their backs and reach the large mound of sand on the square platform ahead.
Use the Gust Bellow to blow the entire mountain of sand off the raised platform, then strike the purple stone you just uncovered by hitting it with a sword to change the surrounding environment.
Afterwards, jump across the series of platforms on your right to reach the next ledge and move across it to the left. Eliminate the robot and approach the conveyor belts in front of you, then wait for them to spit something out of their slots before sprinting across the entire section of moving red floor.
Continue forward without so much as a stumble, then take a running leap to clear the remaining 4 feet and reach the safety of the other side. Pull down the industrial switch on your right to bring the blue platform on the opposite end of the building over to our side.
Move onto the blue platform that has arrived, then use the Gust Bellow to turn the rotor and ride it back across the gap. Jump onto the next ledge ahead and move down it to the right, then turn towards the enemies in the adjoining area and use your shied to eliminate them with well timed deflections.
Toss bombs to tip over the three sculptures on the wall behind you, then use the Gust Bellow on the platform hanging in the middle of the room with a rotor on it so that the structure is pushed all the way over to the right. Approach the last transport waiting at very end of the ledge you’re on and drop onto it, then immediately make a diagonally directed jump to the stack of cubes nearby before anyone can take off.
Board the blue platform beside the stack of cubes you landed on and use the Bellow to spin the rotor, then ride back across another gap and jump to the ledge ahead. Pull the red crate closer to the platform you just arrived on, then move to the opposite side of the ledge and take off on another blue platform waiting at the end.
Use the Bellow to move the platform away from the ledge we just left behind, then face the wall beside you and throw a single bomb into the leftmost sculpture ahead so that the explosion tips it over onto its face.
Afterwards, move the platform you’re on in front of the next statue to the right and toss a bomb into it as well to topple it over like before. Then, put a slight spin on your platform’s rotor to move in front of the last statue standing and toss a third bomb to watch it fall forward as expected.
Release the beetle into the air and guide him into one of the openings behind the fallen sculptures ahead, then strike the pink crystal within and repeat the process two more times to activate them all at once. After the cut scene, use the Gust Bellows to turn the platform’s rotor and move back across the gap to the other side of the room.
Jump to the ledge ahead and move through the blue doorway that was just unsealed. Battle with the two enemies in the area by spraying them continuously with the Bellow until their mouths pop open, then your sword to strike the crystal inside them.
After all the enemies have been cleared from the room, approach the treasure chest that looks like a cat and open it to receive the Ancient Circuit. Exit the area via the blue doorway and slide down the ladder next to the red block ahead, then turn around from the wall and move left to follow the ledge around the room.
Continue along the ledge until you come to another red conveyor belt, then hop onto it and run towards the background without being slowed by any obstacle. Move onto the ledge to your right, after successfully crossing to the other side of the treadmill, then open the nearby door to enter the next room ahead.
Move up the steps on your right to reach the ledge above, then save your progress on the statue against the back wall to complete this part of the game.
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Moldarach Boss Fight
Turn around from the save statue and approach the nearby mine cart, then use your sword to strike the crystal inside of it and unleash a surge of color. Afterwards, jump to the blue platform with a rotor and use the bellows to turn it quickly enough so that you can stay alongside the mine cart to the right.
Slow the turning rotor whenever a jet of air needs to erupt in front of you, then continue forward onto the ledge ahead and cross the bridge in front of you. Eliminate the blob enemies and save your progress at the statue in the corner, then cross back over the previous bridge and approach the ornate door on the left to activate a cut scene.
Place the Ancient Circuit you’re holding over the keyhole of the ornate entranceway, then rotate the piece around until it lines up perfectly in front of the slot. Tap the “Release” button to activate a cut scene that opens the door and initiates the next boss fight with a scorpion monster named: Moldarach
When the fight begins, target either of Moldarach’s claws and lay into them with your sword every time one of them opens up.
Begin focusing the majority of your sword slashes towards one particular claw so that you can remove it sooner than later, then repeat the same strategy to remove Moldarach’s other appendage.
After you have chopped off both of his claws, Moldarach will resort to burying himself in the sand below and popping back up nearby to lunge at you with his tail or pincers. To evade these strikes, keep the boss targeted at all times to track his various methods of attack so that you can dodge in the manner accordingly.
If he continually comes at you with his tail, keep at a distance to stay out of striking range. If the attack is coming in the form of a bite, Moldarach will charge straight at you at an accelerated speed so always be ready to escape with a sidestepping maneuver.
Move constantly around Moldarach in a wide circular motion so that he has as little time as possible to set-up his attacks.
When this creature burrows down into the ground, continue to stay on the move to avoid being an easy target and use the Gust Bellows to spray the ground all around you until the boss return to the surface.
You should also dispense with the smaller enemies that are pushed up through the earth as quickly as possible to keep the pressure on Moldarach consistently.
Approach the boss whenever he rises from the ground and strike him repeatedly by thrusting your sword forward into his face.
Continue the assault in this manner to defeat Moldarach, then activate a cut scene in which the surface you’re standing on suddenly disappears and you are dropped into a room that, until a second ago, was considered an “underground chamber”.
Pick up the Heart Container you were unable to receive earlier to make it official, then search your surroundings for additional items or rupees and exit through the golden door. When you arrive in the next room, approach the mine cart and release the beetle into the air so that you can guide it forward at an upward angle.
Pilot the beetle towards the structure hanging from the ceiling in the distance, then navigate it through the upper opening to strike the crystal within and create an explosion of color. Afterwards, ride through the corridor ahead by entering the mine cart.
Jump out when you reach the opposite ledge, then move through the doorway ahead to activate a cut scene in which the forces of evil attack the temple and you end up acquiring the Goddess’ Harp. After Ghirahim narrowly evades the downward slash of your surprise attack from behind, choose the “Protect Zelda!” response to watch your allies escape by means of time travel.
Save your game after you see time machine explode, then learn of Zelda’s condition from Fi and turn around to cross the stone bridge. Save your progress at the statue ahead on the right, then speak with Gorko at the front entrance to complete this part of the game.
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More Skyloft Sidequesting
Travel to the city of Skyloft and buy a Stamina Potion from the bazaar, then return to the academy during the night and enter Fledge’s quarters.
Speak with Fledge and give him the Stamina Potion, then choose the “Try your best!” response and exit the room.
While it’s still night out, return to the graveyard and use the secret passageway to reach Batreaux in his underground home, then speak with him to acquire the Medium Wallet and Piece of Heart.
Visit Pippit’s house during the night and speak with the mother within, then accept the cleaning job by choosing the “I’m on it!” response.
Equip your Gust Bellows and use it to blow away all the dust around the inside of the house until there are no gray spots remaining, then speak with the mother again to get paid.
Travel to the Lumpy Pumpkin during the day and speak with the owner to receive your next chore, then choose the “Fine” response and exit the building.
Approach the pumpkin patch ahead and speak with Kina to get the details of this job.
After being loaded up, walk slowly up the dirt road in front of you and sidestep to either the left or the right to compensate for pumpkins that begin to tip off the stack.
Follow the trail around to reach the shed without spilling any pumpkins and complete this challenge, then re-enter the Lumpy Pumpkin and speak with the owner again to finish the current sidequests.
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Return to the Sacred Grounds
Mount your Wingloft and fly towards the green beam of light cutting through the clouds, then dive down through the hole activate a cut scene. Afterwards, move into the next area directly ahead of you and climb up the vine-covered wall, then continue forward and make your way down the stairs to open the door at the bottom.
Practice the Harp Controls, then strum the instrument in time with the light circle’s movements until all of the torches around you are lit up. After learning the Ballad of the Goddess and raising the Gate of Time, exit the temple to activate another cut scene.
Jump down into the bottom of the pit in front of you to investigate the tremors and encounter the next boss enemy you must defeat: The Imprisoned
Target the Imprisoned’s toes and use your sword to chop them off one by one until the creature falls to the ground face first. If you suddenly see red electricity course through the boss’ body at any point, retreat to a far distance to avoid a stomping attack.
Once the Imprisoned is laid out flat on the ground, approach his head and strike the indicated grey antennae with upward sword strokes. Immediately following this, the creature will begin a furious crawl up the ledge that leads to the surface.
Quickly approach one of the steam geysers erupting from the floor near the spiral ledge and open your sail to ascend onto it behind the Imprisoned. Continue chasing the boss until he regrows his toes and antennae, then use the same assault strategy from before to knock him down again.
Attack the antennae for a second time and use another geyser to reach the ledge above the boss, then wait for him to grow back his toes and antennae before dropping down onto his head. Approach the antennae and strike it repeatedly with your sword until the Imprisoned is defeated.
Drop back to the bottom of the pit and strike the spike with a blast of light energy from your sword to create a seal. After the cut scenes, save your progress at the nearby statue to complete this part of the game.
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The Missing Propeller
Return to the city of Skyloft and enter the Knight Academy, then speak with the Headmaster in his room on the second floor. Select the “Sing it!” response to acquire the clues from the song, then exit the academy on the first floor move through the golden gate ahead.
Make your way down the steps and along the trail in front of you, then make a left onto the next road that Fledge is occupying and cross the next bridge on the right. Run up the hill above the house and approach the windmill to activate a cut scene.
Afterwards, travel to the bazaar and speak with Gondo at the Scrap Shop, then select the “Yes” and “Take Mine!” responses. Acquire the new dowsing target and turn around, then speak with the fortune teller across from you and choose the “Please!” followed by the “Treasure” response.
Choose one of the location options and listen to the clues provided, then exit the bazaar and use your Wingloft to travel to the red beam of light cutting through the clouds. Drop through the hole in the clouds and choose to descend upon the “Volcano Entry”.
Once you land, take the leftmost path of rock platforms leading across the pool and climb the ledges on the other end. Eliminate the blob enemies at the top and enter the tunnel ahead, then dash up the sandy incline at the other end and move onto the wooden ledge to the right.
Eliminate the nearby creature and continue ascending the sandy incline, then take out another enemy at the top and climb onto the summit.
Clear out the village of enemies around you and move across the tower that has fallen over to act as a bridge. Continue forward into the tunnel ahead and climb the vine-covered wall, then equip your net and use it to catch the nearby Volcanic Ladybug.
Cross the rock bridge ahead and eliminate the blob enemies along the way, then jump the next gap and dash up the sandy incline in front of you. Move onto one of the wooden ledges above and eliminate the nearby enemy, then continue up the incline to the next platform and take out two more thugs.
Dash to the top of the incline and climb on the ledge above, then eliminate the nearby enemies and make your way onto the summit. Move left at the entrance door and enter the rocky clearing, then make another left towards the extended ledge and drop over it to slide down a narrow sandy incline.
Approach the red windmill propeller on the right to speak with Fi and have the robot arrive to retrieve it, then return to the city of Skyloft and make your way back to the windmill on the hill. After the windmill is repaired, use your Gust Bellows to turn the propeller until the building has rotated all the way towards the lighthouse.
After the cut scene, make your way to the lighthouse and climb the ladder to the left of the flight deck. Continue up the next ladder above and stand in the center of the landing at the top, then use your harp to strum in time with the expanding light circle until all of the torches around you are lit.
After the mirror shines a beam of light into a wall of clouds in the distance, use your Wingloft to follow the beam’s path out into the sky and complete this part of the game.
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The Isle of Songs – Stone Puzzle
Follow the beam emitted from the lighthouse and enter the circle of light being cut into the cloud wall, then use zig-zagging motions to evade the flying creatures in the new smoggy area.
Continue along the beam of light to reach the tower in the distance, then dismount the Wingloft and land on the circular island in front of the building.
The object of this puzzle challenge is to line up the three statues in the island’s outer three rings by turning the lever at its center.
Shift the outer statue all the way around to the left until it comes to the blockade, then strike the jeweled relic beside you to drop it.
Rotate the outer statue around the island for a second time until it lines up with the middle statue, then strike the jeweled relic beside you twice and turn the pedestal again.
Turn the statues until the one in the middle ring lines up with the one in the inner ring, then strike the jeweled relic beside you and continue rotating the pedestal until you hit the two blockades on the left.
Strike the jeweled relic beside you and turn the statues until the one in the outer ring and the one in the inner ring are line up, then strike the jeweled relic again and rotate the pedestal until all three statues are lined up.
Clear the remaining blockades from the path of your statues and turn the pedestal until the bridge you’ve created is pointed at the tower.
Cross the bridge and crawl through the opening on the other side, then save your game when you reach the inside of the tower and continue down the corridor ahead.
Approach the edge of the platform at the end of the next bridge, then use a blast of light energy from your sword to strike the crest across from you.
After receiving Farore’s Courage song and learning about the trials, exit the tower and use your Wingloft to leave the Thunderhead.
Travel to the green beam of light cutting through the clouds below and drop into the hole, then land in the Faron Woods Entry to complete this part of the game.
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The First Trial – Farore’s Silent Realm
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Save your game at the nearby statue, then move to the left from it and climb onto the log laying against the wall. Jump to grab the vine-covered wall and make your way onto the ledge above, then move forward and climb up into the next area.
Move forward down the dirt road and pick up the Monster Claw in the shrubs of grass before the rock bridge, then continue along the trail and drop into the water on your left. Swim forward and dodge the flower enemy hanging from under the middle of the bridge ahead, then make your way back onto shore and move left into the circular clearing in front of the temple.
Strum your harp near the indicated marker and play Farore’s Courage to reveal the seal, then approach the marking on the ground and thrust your sword into it to enter the Silent Realm. After receiving the Spirit Vessel, select the “I got it” response and exit the circle of light to bring the enemies around you to life.
Collect the Tear of Farore at the bottom of the steps ahead, then continue up the stairs and pick up the Light Fruit as well. Move left around the temple and climb the next set of stairs to locate another tear at the top, then turn around and head back down the steps.
Make a right down the next staircase and drop back into the grassy area below, then approach the right side of the area towards additional tears in the distance. Evade the enemy’s spotlight and collect the tear beside the next statue, then climb onto the grass mound behind the state and make your way onto the vine-covered wall.
Climb to the left along the vines and onto the next ledge above, then collect the nearby tear and drop back to the ground to learn about the Waking Water. Use the log laying across the tree’s moat collect another tear, then cross back over the waterway and head left.
Collect the tear beside the next statue, then continue through the crawlspace behind it and make your way forward into the area ahead. Evade the enemy’s spotlight and cross to the opposite side of the clearing, then climb up the two ledges and collect the tear at the top.
Move left along the grassy land bridge until you reach the mountain at the other end, then cross the tightrope on the right and collect the next tear. Move back across the tightrope and drop to the ground below, then collect the Dusk Relic beneath the nearby land bridge and make your way into the next area ahead.
Evade the enemy’s spotlight and head right along the trail, then collect the tear next to the frozen enemy at the end and turn around. Climb the ledges on the right side of the area and collect the tear at the top, then push the nearby log over the ledge and return to the ground behind you.
Return to the previous frozen enemy you encountered and drop over the ledge behind it, then move left along the dirt road and make another left at the glowing fence. Make a right in the open field area and collect the tear in front of you, then turn around and continue in the opposite direction down the dirt road.
Take the next right to return to the previous area above and turn left towards the frozen enemy, then continue past it and drop over the ledges ahead to collect another tear. Drop to the ground below and move left along the road, then dash up the hill to pick up the next tear and turn around.
Slide back down the hill and move forward up the dirt path, then collect the tear by the tree when the waters around it have receded. Turn left in front of the tree and make your way over to the final tear in the distance as indicated by the thin beam of green light.
After the cut scene, walrus to climb onto the ledge occupied by a glowing fence and collect the relic. Drop to the ground below and return to the area outside of the temple, then move into the Silent Realm’s entrance portal to obtain the Water Dragon’s Scale.
Afterwards, move up the temple steps and eliminate the enemy at the top. Climb the next set of stairs to the left and save your progress at the statue on the right to complete this part of the game.
The Great Tree and The Kikwii Hermit
With your back to the temple in Faron Woods, move forward along the right side of the area and approach the Wooden Shield Moblin guarding the entrance to the next area ahead.
Defeat this type of Moblin by targeting the enemy and sprinting straight at him head-on, then vault up and over the shield so that you land behind him to strike his vulnerable backside.
After learning the weaknesses of this Moblin breed and defeating it, return to the circular clearing in front of the temple and speak with Bucha to learn the powers of the Water Dragon’s Scale. Move left from Bucha and enter the waterway on the right, then swim forward along the river’s floor and enter the tunnel opening at the end.
Swim forward through the tunnel and collect the air bubbles to avoid drowning, then continue through the catacombs until a cut scene activates. Afterwards, climb the vine-covered wall in front of you and turn around when you reach the top.
Equip your slingshot to eliminate the puffer fish patrolling nearby, then jump to the hanging wooden platform in front of you to take out the next group of enemies and equip the Gust Bellows.
Use the bellows to propel the platform you’re on backwards, then cut off the jet of air to swing forward and jump across the gap in front of you.
Land on the next platform and eliminate another set of enemies, then use the Gust Bellows to swing forward and reach the ledge ahead. Enter the next passageway in the rock, then move left up the tree ledges when you’re on the other side.
Move up the vine-covered wall on the last ledge and make your way to the left around the enemy, then drop onto the next ledge below and fend off the bee attack until the swarm disperses. Use the slingshot to take out the next wave of spiders ahead, then move back onto the vine-covered wall and climb all the way to your left.
Climb upwards when you reach the far wall and drop onto the next ledge beside you, then cross the bridge inside the tree and vault over the Moblin’s shield to reach the exit behind him.
Save your game at the nearby statue, then move up the path wrapped in a spiral around the outside of the tree and eliminate the enemies that approach by knocking them off the ledge with your sideways sword strikes.
Collect the relic in the knothole and continue forward around the tree, then eliminate the attacking swarm of bats to reach the next vine-covered wall. After listening for the song, climb to the next ledge above to spot the Kikwii and release your Hook Beedle into the air.
Guide your beedle into striking the Kikwii name Yerbal and choose the “Sure can.” response, then select “The flame” option followed by “I promise.” After learning about Farore’s Flame and the location of the Water Dragon, place a trail of beacons leading from you to the red x icon on your map.
Select the “Got it!” response and turn around, then drop off the ledge and use your Sailcloth to float to ground below. Follow the trail of blue light beacons from your map to return to the temple and climb its rightmost set of steps, then look at the symbol on the floor when you reach the top to activate a cut scene.
Afterwards, use the statue at the top of the nearby steps to save your progress and drop back into the field in front of the temple. Move forward along the right side of the area and take out the Moblin, then use the dirt mound ahead to climb up the vine-covered wall on the right.
Move onto the next ledge to the left and use a bomb to clear away the rock obstruction, then open the chest you uncover to collect a Golden Skull before dropping back to the ground below. Cross to the opposite wall and enter the crawlspace, then make your way through to the side and follow the dirt trail to the left.
Continue past the end of the trail and use the hanging vine ahead to swing across the next gap, then eliminate the blob enemy and move to the left of the dirt mound it occupied. Approach the left side of tree nearest to the wall and drop over the ledge ahead, then move up the dirt trail in front of you and cut through the wall bushes in your path.
Approach the symbol on the stone wall and speak with Fi, then charge your sword with light energy to enter draw mode and use the blade’s tip to etch the shape of a circle within the smallest moon. After the gate opens, move through the tunnel behind it and and dive off the platform at the far end to enter Lake Floria below.
After the cut scene, make your way towards the tunnel directly in front of you and swim through it to drop into the next room via a small waterfall. After encountering the water enemy, dive beneath the surface and swim in pursuit of this new creature until it squeezes through the wooden boards blocking the tunnel entrance ahead.
Use your charged spinning attack to smash through the barricade and confront the fleeing octopus, then choose the “What’s wrong?” response to learn about the Water Dragon. Afterwards, continue following the sea creature through the tunnel and collect air bubble along the way while avoiding the spiked mines.
Smash through the next wooden barricade ahead to exit the tunnel and continue forward along the right side of the next area, then swim over to the statue and save your progress to complete this part of the game.
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The Water Dragon
Search your surroundings for various rocky obstructions piled against the wall, then spin attack one of the nearby puffers patrolling outside of it to launch the fish into the boulders.
Use this tactic to uncover all the rooms hidden around the area, then enter the one housing the fleeing enemy and select “Her excellence?” during the conversation you have with him to learn the location of the Water Dragon.
Place a line of beacons between your current location on the map and the red x nearby it, then return to the open underwater area and swim to the right.
Approach the uppermost rock obstruction and use the nearby puffer to uncover the tunnel behind it, then swim into the opening and move forward to reach the next area on the other side.
Breach the surface to learn the Spin Jump controls, then move to the wall across from the iron gate and turn around. Swim forward and begin diving down towards the bottom of the gate, then ascend just before reaching it and execute a spin jump to launch yourself out of the water.
After clearing the iron gate and dropping into the next area, swim forward to the opposite wall and use a spin jump to land on the ledge above. Save your game at the nearby statue, then turn right and follow the inclined ledge around to eliminate a blob enemy.
Open the treasure chest at the top to acquire the Goddess Plume, then dive back into the previous pool of water below and exit the area through the tunnel opening near the ground. Swim forward and use a spin jump to clear the next gate, then dive beneath the surface and approach the new breed of enemy ahead.
Eliminate this enemy by moving against a nearby wall and allowing the creature to turn red in anger, then wait for him to charge and spin dash out of the way before he reaches you.
After the giant fish is momentarily stunned from crashing into the wall, finish him off with a spinning attack and approach the next underwater door.
Move through the doorway after it’s been opened for you to reach the next chamber, then swim to the surface and climb onto the platform at the center of the area to encounter the Water Dragon.
Choose the “Water Dragon?” and “Of course.” responses to learn the details of your next task, then select “You got it!” to receive a new dousing target.
Return to the water and use a spin jump to reach the ledge above on the left, then move left again and open the treasure chest to acquire the Silver Rupee. Turn around and move forward along the ledge, then exit the area through the next passageway on the left.
When you’re outside again, turn right and follow the dirt trail into the narrow canyon ahead. Confirm your location on the map, then push the log in front of you over the edge before dropping down after it into the next clearing.
Eliminate the Moblin and enter the next clearing by cutting through a wall of small trees blocking the path nearby. Use the log on your right to reach the ledge above it, then move forward along the dirt road ahead and use a bomb to clear away the next obstruction of boulders on the left.
Collect the Piece of Heart you uncover and exit the opening in the wall, then make your way up the ledges on the right and move onto the log at the top.
Climb into the next area above and take a right up the grass-covered incline, then move left along the top of the rock bridge and cross the tightrope when you reach the wall. Pick up the Piece of Heart, then roll into the nearby wall to shake loose and collect the Woodland Rhino Beetle.
Drop into the water at the base of the tree and swim left to return to the temple, then move up it’s rightmost set of steps and climb the hanging vine at the top.
Swing yourself between the two nearby statues and land on the next ledge behind them, then enter the doorway ahead and continue forward to enter the next clearing. Eliminate the enemy and fend off the attacking swarm of bees with your sword, then use the log to climb onto the ledge above and move forward.
Clear out the creatures blocking the path ahead and drop onto the brick road below, then make a left down it and take out more enemies along the way. Approach the next log on your left and use it to reach the ledge above, then move right and eliminate any nearby enemies.
Drop down the series of grass ledges ahead to reach the ground and climb the nearby steps, then use the front entrance to enter the temple and save your progress at the statue inside to complete this part of the game.
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Skyview Temple Revisited
Move forward and pass to the right of the save statue, then use your sword to cut through the stone columns, enemies and spider webs on the path ahead. Climb through the square opening ahead on the right to drop into the next room, then move forward across the bridge and eliminate the enemies at the fork by knocking them into the water.
Cross the left bridge and open the door on the other side to enter the next room, then move forward to learn about a missing key and climb the steps to your left. Move across the bridge by cutting through the spider webs and eliminate the plant enemy on the other side, then climb the staircase and open the door at the top.
Drop back onto the previous cross-bridge and take the one that forks right, then open the door to enter the next room and climb the steps in front of you. Cut through the spider web and climb the steps beside you, then cross the bridge and turn left before dropping into the water.
Dive to the bottom of the wall in front of you and swim through the square opening to enter the room ahead, then climb up the vine-covered wall to reach the ledge above and dig up the next dirt mound to obtain the Small Key.
Crawl through the small opening in the wall beside you and drop into the next room, then move down the steps ahead and open the door at the bottom. Exit the room and make your first right by using the floating log to cross the gap, then open the door in front of you and eliminate the Staldra in the next area.
Afterwards, release your beetle into the air and guide it towards the very top of the building in the room. Pilot the beetle through the opening just below the spire’s rounded base and strike the crystal to open the cage at the structure’s base, then enter the room you just unblocked and collect the Piece of Heart.
Exit the room and fight off the swooping bats, then approach the door in the wall that’s separated from you by a tightrope and use your beetle to eliminate the three plant enemies hanging above it. Cross the tightrope and open the tunnel ahead, then move forward through it and enter the next area to eliminate a pair of Staldras.
Exit the room using the closed doorway and climb the steps in front of you, then move left along the broken ledge and clear the next gap ahead. Enter the next area and release your beetle into the air, then pilot it across the gap on your right and drop a bomb on the two enemies occupying the opposite ledge.
Use the tightrope to cross this same gap and move forward when you reach the other side to hear about the water, then open the ornate door in front of you to enter the next room and encounter three Stalfos.
Eliminate these enemies by locking onto one of them and moving in for an attack when he drops his guard, then use an evasive maneuver as soon as one of the other skeletons raises their weapon to strike. Once you have dodged an attack, rush back towards your previous target and continue the assault until his teammates attempt another strike or he is defeated.
Use this tactic to eliminate all three Stalfos, then open the golden door that becomes active to reach the Skyview Springs. Drop into the pool ahead and approach the second waterfall from the left, then use an empty bottle to collect the Sacred Water and complete this part of the game.
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Obtaining the Whip
Revisit the Water Dragon and hand over the Sacred Water to set her free, then drop into the water and enter the Ancient Cistern using the tunnel Faron just revealed to you. After the cut scene, move across the two lily pads on your left to reach the opposite ledge and turn right in front of the next door.
Move along the narrow ledge and examine the tablet on your left for puzzle clues, then drop into the water and swim forward along the left wall. Dive down through the next opening ahead and ascend to the surface on the other side, then make your way to the opposite end of the area and return to the underwater terrain.
Execute spin dashes to collect the two silver rupees without being crushed in either of the statue’s hands, then return to the surface and climb onto the outer ledge using a lily pad. Move left and eliminate two blobs, then take out a third enemy when you reach the door and pull down on the lever beside it.
Open the door after it unlocks to enter the next room, then move forward and drop into the pool of lily pads below. Climb out of the water and move down the hallway guarded by the spider enemies, then use bombs to eliminate them and clear away their webs.
Enter the next hallway and make a right, then read the tablet against the wall for more clues before approaching the locked door ahead. Strike the padlock with your sword four times so that the gear’s purple spoke rotates around completely, then open the door to enter the next room and turn right.
Drop into the water and swim to the wall across from you, then head left and climb the vine covered wall to reach the ledge above. Move to the back left corner of the ledge and drop onto the lily pad below to uncover a pink flower, then re-enter the water and dive towards the red rupee in the square opening below.
Collect the red rupee and smash through the nearby wooden barricades, then swim forward through the shaft and enter the next room on the right. Climb up the vine-covered wall ahead to reach the ledge above, then open the door at the top and approach the treasure chest in front of you.
Open the chest to acquire the Small Key, then drop down into the next room ahead and turn left. Enter the geyser in the corner to rise onto the ledge above, then move right and take out the plant enemy.
Continue forward until you reach the wall, then drop to the ground below and open the door ahead to enter the next room. Swim back to the first two lily pads you used within the Ancient Cistern and climb onto the rightmost one, then make your way onto the nearby ledge and unlock the door ahead.
Enter the next room and drop through the opening in the floor, then use your Sailcloth to float safely to the ground and encounter the large skeleton warrior. Defeat this enemy by slashing his midsection whenever his arms are raised and continue the attack, after the skeleton grows additional limbs, by swinging or thrusting the sword towards whatever body part is currently unguarded.
Afterwards, enter the room that’s been unlocked and open the treasure chest to obtain the Whip. Exit the room and stand in the circles at the center of the area, then use your whip to grab the wheel across from you and pull to turn it.
Enter the geyser that you uncover and land on the floor above, then use the whip to turn the wheel in this room and activate another geyser. Ride the jet of water to reach the ledge above and equip the whip again, then turn the third floor’s wheel and open the nearby door to enter the next area.
Drop into the water and swim to the opposite ledge, then climb the gold ledges on the left and use your whip to grab the tree branch above. Swing across the gaps ahead, then open the treasure chest to obtain the Dungeon Map to complete this part of the game.
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Whipping Through the Ancient Cistern
Return to the water below and make your way towards the falls, then climb onto the unobstructed lily pad closest to the wall and use your whip to grab the pink flower on the next one ahead.
Pull on the flower to clear it from the platform, then move onto the newly unobstructed lily pad and use your whip to pull down on the lever across from you.
After the falls recede, return to the water and dive towards the large fish sculpture against the wall below. Swim into the fish sculpture’s mouth and continue forward through the tunnel ahead, then surface when you reach the wall and climb onto the nearby ledge.
Move around behind the fish head statue and collect the red rupee from the chest, then eliminate the spider enemy in the room and approach the bars blocking the exit. Use your whip to grab the switch through the bars and pull down on it, then enter the next room ahead and move up the ledges to the right.
Eliminate the enemy at the top and move to the green circle on the floor, then use the whip to grab the tree branch ahead and swing to vine-covered wall across from you. Make your way to the ledge above and eliminate the plant enemies, then jump to the vines on the rotating column and climb upwards.
Drop onto the second ledge that passes beneath you during the rotation and turn around, then move left and eliminate the enemy. Approach the green spot on the floor in the corner of the ledge and use your whip to grab the branch above, then swing forward to grab and pull the lever on the wall across from you.
After the next entryway is unbarred, return to the ledges above and swing to grab the vines beside the switch you just pulled. Climb to the ledge above and eliminate the plant enemies ahead, then use the whip to spin the wheel in the room and drain the pool of water below.
Dive into the whirlpool you just created to reach the next room, then swim onto the ledge to the left of the sewer pipe and collect the relic. Releases your beetle into the air and eliminate the spider enemies hanging from the ceiling by slicing through the web strands they use to rappel.
Drop back into the water and swim through the opening beneath the gate ahead, then surface and climb onto the left ledge. Unlock the next door ahead and move forward to spot the Large Treasure Chest, then jump to the opposite ledge and eliminate the nearby enemy.
Continue forward up the tunnel and drop into the pool of water at the end, then swim forward into the pipe so that you are dumped into a new area scattered with lily pads. Swim onto the ledge in the left corner and use the whip to grab the pink flower across from it, then take out the spider on the wall with your slingshot and jump to the lilypad below.
Wallrun to climb up the vines and onto the ledge above, then take the steps to your left and eliminate the plant enemy at the top. Move forward through the grass clumps and drop off the end of the ledge to land on the lilypad below, then dive beneath the water and enter the opening in the floor below the platform you just stomped.
Make your way through the shaft and eliminate the enemies in your path, then surface and climb the nearby staircase. Eliminate the plant enemy at the top and continue forward into the next area, then turn right at the edge and use your whip to turn the wheel.
Drop back into the water and swim over to the vine-covered wall you used previously, then climb back onto the ledge above and use your whip to grab the pink flower that’s floating on top of the geyser. Pull on the flower to clear it from the platform, then use the unobstructed lily pad atop the geyser to reach the next ledge across from you.
Move forward and climb the staircase in front of you, then pull on the switch ahead to unbar the door and enter the next room. Use your whip to take out the bird enemy, then climb onto the vine-covered wall beside you make your way downwards to the left.
Drop onto the next ledge below and turn the wheel with your whip to uncover another geyser, then pull on the lever ahead so that the large statue drops to the ground. Afterwards, return to the water below and swim onto the ledge that the save statue occupies.
Jump across the lilypads to reach the door on the opposite ledge, then open it to enter the next room and drop through the opening in the floor. Use the Sailcloth to safely reach the ground floor, then open the nearby door and enter a room housing a rock formation in the shape of a monster’s face to complete this part of the game.
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The Blessed Idol
Move forward and eliminate the surrounding enemies, then turn your back to the monstrous formation and enter the right tunnel in front of you. Continue eliminating enemies as you enter the next room and make your way around the ledge to the right, then enter the tunnel when you reach the opposite side of the area and eliminate the swarming bats.
Use the net to capture one of the Blessed Butterflies nearby, then continue forward and read the tablet on the wall for clues. Turn around and exit the tunnel, then jump across the purple lake using the lily pads nearby and use the whip to clear the pink flower from your path.
Move onto the large circular stone platform nearby and approach the purple waterfall spewing from the mouth of the statue, then release your beetle into the air and pilot it through the sculpture’s left eye socket.
Guide the beetle through the tunnel and strike the crystal ahead to deactivate the falls, then pilot another beetle through the opening you uncovered beneath the rock sculpture and snatch up a bomb off the ground.
Navigate through the tunnel on the right and above the purple lake when you exit on the other side, then pilot the beetle into the area directly behind where your character is standing and drop the bomb against the fractured boulder atop the column.
After the explosion, turn left at the wall ahead and use your whip to grab the branch above. Swing to the platform across from you and climb the vines to reach the top of the rotating column, then jump to the next column and drop onto the second ledge below.
Turn around and move forward along the ledge, then jump to the vine-covered wall at the end and make your way upwards. Climb onto the ledge above and approach the broken jail bars, then use the whip to pull down on the lever to your right so that the platform below reverses its rotation direction.
Drop onto the platform below and ride it left towards the wall, then make your way up along the next ledge and eliminate the enemies in your path. Turn left at the end of the ledge and jump to the vine-covered column, then drop onto the platform below after you are rotated into a wall.
Turn around and move left along the ledge, then jump across the next gap to grab the vine-covered wall and begin making your way upwards. Climb onto the next ledge above and approach the broken jail bars, then pull the lever on the left with your whip to change the direction of the previous column’s rotation.
Turn around and jump the gap ahead to land on the previous ledge below, then grab back onto the vine-covered rotating column and climb upwards. Drop onto the ledge below when you rotate into the next wall, then head towards the sunbeam in the distance and fight off the swarm of bats along the way.
Collect the Monster Claw and drop into the next cavern ahead, then exit the area through the tunnel in the wall and turn the wheel in front of you by pulling it with the whip. After the geyser is uncovered, return to the previous cave and climb up the rope at the center of the room.
Shimmy up the rope at full speed to outrun the enemies that begin pursuit and shake the remotes to break free of any thug that is able to latch on to your leg. Continue upwards until you exit the cave and disappear into the sunlight, then climb onto the next ledge above and read the tablet at the top for additional clues.
Flip the switch to extend the nearby ledge, then approach the hooked lever between the next gap on your right and use the whip to pull down on it. After the large statue rises off the ground, slide back down the previous rope to return to the cave below and exit the room through the tunnel in the wall.
Move forward and drop to the ground beside the geyser, then move left and open the treasure chest at the bottom of the next pit to obtain the Blessed Idol. Dash past the enemies that appear and climb out of the pit to let the large statue descend in your place, then open the sculpture’s door and move into the geyser at the center of the next room.
Ride the string of geysers to the top floor and examine the pink flower keyhole, then rotate the Blessed Idol until it lines up with the slot and press the release button to open the sun roof above. Climb up the nearby stairs to reach the top of the statute, then use the whip to turn all four wheels in the area one at a time.
After the statue’s head rises into the ceiling above, save your progress and exit the room via the staircase to complete this part of the game.
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Koloktos and Nayru’s Wisdom
After the cut scene, you will enter a boss battle against an ancient mechanical warrior known as: Koloktos .
Approach the robotic enemy at close range, then wait for him to swing an axe down towards you and execute a dodge so that the blade becomes embedded in the floor. Target the mechanical limb that’s currently stuck in the ground and use your whip to pull it off of Koloktos’ body.
Amputate another of the boss’ arms by repeating the previus method, then retreat to a far distance from Koloktos and be ready to evade the twin blades he will eventually throw your way. Wait for Koloktos to sprout two back-up appendages and pound them into the ground like hammers, then dash towards him and use the whip to remove both arms embedded in the floor.
Move in even closer to the boss and repeatedly strike the red symbol on his chest with your sword until a cut scene activates in which Koloktos is able to rebuild himself. Pull off one of the lower arms as you did before, then quickly retreat to evade and dodge the boss’ swinging punches afterwards.
Remove Koloktos other lower extremity and retreat, then wait for him to pound the ground with two new arms before moving in to amputate both of those as well. Strike the red symbol on the boss’ chest again until he rebuilds, then dodge constantly to avoid the swinging swords and retreat at the next opportunity.
Ignore the wave of three enemies that Koloktos’ calls upon and approach him at close range, then dodge the next three-armed attack and use your whip to remove all the limbs now embedded in the ground. Pick up an enormous sword that was dropped from one of the mechanical hands you just amputated, then move in towards the boss and hack off both of his legs in one slash.
Strike Koloktos repeatedly with the large sword until he finally explodes in defeat, then collect the Heart Container from his remains and exit the room. Approach the crest on the altar ahead, then strike it with a blast of light energy to upgrade your sword and return to Lake Floria.
After speaking with the Water Dragon, return to the sky and navigate your Wingloft back into the Thunderhead area. Fly above the Isle of Songs again and land on it safely by using the Sailcloth, then cross the bridge and enter the tower through the crawlspace on the other end.
Once inside the tower, move forward into the next open room and stand on the circular floor symbol. Strike the crest ahead with a blast of light energy, then listen to clues pertaining to the sacred flames and learn Nayru’s Wisdom on your harp to complete this part of the game.
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Nayru’s Silent Realm
Return to the sky and exit the Thunderhead, then guide your Wingloft towards the yellow beam of light cutting a hole in the clouds and dive down into the opening. Choose “Stone Cache” as your landing zone, then float safely to the ground via the Sailcloth and use the drowsing ability to locate the direction of the next trial.
Follow the drowsing indicator across the sea of quicksand and onto the ledge in the opposite left corner of the area. Approach the spot of ground that’s attracting both fairies and butterflies, then equip your harp and play Nayru’s Wisdom to reveal the blue floor symbol.
Thrust your sword into the blue symbol to enter the Secret Realm and acquire another Spirit Vessel, then exit the light circle around you to bring the frozen enemies back to life. Make your way towards the large gold triforce symbol beyond the dunes in the distance, then make a left up the next rocky incline to reach the top of a broken wall.
Collect the tear sitting in front of the stone padlock before dropping into the sand behind it, then move onto the ledge ahead and climb the nearby stack of blocks to pick up another tear on the top cube. Make your way onto the area above and head right around the outer ledge, then drop into the sand when you see the animal cages below.
Approach the area that the cages occupy and make your way onto the broken wall behind them, then collect the next tear and drop back to the ground. Approach the cart beside the middle cage and push it against the cell’s solid outer wall, then climb on top of the same rail car and use it to reach the top of the container.
Collect the tear and drop back to the ground, then revisit the large circular platform resting in a lake of quicksand nearby and move left along its edge. Climb the next stack of blocks ahead to collect the tear at the top, then drop back to the platform below and return to the surrounding solid ground by jumping the gap.
Move forward to pass the three animal cages on your left, then take the rightmost path ahead and make your way up the incline to reach the tree at the top. Roll into the tree’s trunk and pick up the tear that you shake loose from its branches, then turn around move towards the wall on the right that runs alongside the previous incline.
After walking a few steps across the top of the wall, turn right and drop to the ground below. Evade the enemy spotlights and move forward, then approach the next tear to the right and climb onto the ledge it occupies.
Obtain the tear you came for and turn around, then move forward into the area infested with spotlight enemies before approaching the right wall. At the wall, turn left to continue moving alongside the barrier until it ends and you drop into a gap full of quicksand.
Climb onto the large circular platform above, then make your way up the nearby stack of blocks to collect the tear on the top cube. Turn around and drop back to the platform below, then clear the gap ahead to reach solid ground and move forward towards the mine cart surrounded by a pool of waking water.
Collect the tear ahead, then approach the aforementioned mine car after the waking water that surrounds it recedes. Pull the cart along the adjacent tracks to remove it completely from the dangerous liquid, then continue yanking the transport in the same direction until you can use it to collect the next tear above.
Continue forward towards the next mine cart at the base of the wall on your right, then climb on top of it to reach the ledge above and collect the tear nearby. Move right along the top of the wall until you see the animal cages below you, then turn right and drop to the ground.
Turn slightly to the left and spot the next two tear locations by the thin beams of green light they emit into the sky. Approach the beam nearest to you and move up the incline to reach the top of the broken wall section, then collect the Dusk Relic on the left and tear on the right.
Head back in the opposite direction and climb onto the wall infested with spotlight enemies that’s in front of the large circular stone platform floating in quicksand.
Approach the first enemy as he’s moving away from you to reach the extra section of floor jutting out on the right, then wait for the spotlight ahead to return and pass by in front of you.
Continue forward along the top of the wall and approach the next spotlight ahead as it moves in the opposite direction, then quickly stand on the floor panel in front of the next frozen enemy on the right.
Wait for the enemy to turn around and move back across the wall, then collect the nearby tear and drop off the edge behind it to land in the sand below.
Struggle through the quicksand to reach the strip of solid ground ahead, then collect the tear on the stairs to your left and turn around. Make your way over to the blue portal and move right towards the ground’s edge, then struggle through the quicksand ahead to collect the tear on the small dirt mound.
Return to the staircase you previously collected a tear from and climb the steps, then make a right upon reaching the top and grab the next vine-covered wall beside you. Climb onto the ledge above and make a left, then grab the next vine-covered wall and move up it to collect the final tear located at the top.
Move into the blue portal from earlier, then obtain the Clawshots and exit the Silent Realm to complete this part of the game.
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Clawshots Target Practice
After completing the second trial, equip the Clawshot and fire it at the target below the next save statue to pull yourself onto the ledge that sculpture occupies. Save the game and move right across the top of the wall, then take your next left and approach the stone padlock ahead.
Move to the left of the padlock and drop onto the temple stairs below, then climb the steps and make a right before reaching the entrance at the top. Follow the outer ledge of the temple around to the rear side of the structure, then drop to large stone platform below and jump across the gap in front of you to reach solid ground.
Approach the smaller quicksand pit to the right of the animal cages and fire your Clawshot into the target above, then climb on top of the wall and move left. Make the next left to approach the cube and destroy it with a blast of light energy, then turn around and move forward.
Instead of making a left or right at the previous fork in the bridge, continue forward and drop over the edge between them to land in the quicksand below. Fire your Clawshot into the target near the corner ahead and climb on top of the next wall, then make a left and eliminate the Moblin blocking the path.
Approach the end of the wall in front of you and drop to ground below, then use the nearby statue to save your progress. Move to the right of the statue when you’re done, while continuing to face the wall ahead, and stop just before reaching the quicksand.
Walk backwards until the target over the next ledge becomes visible, then fire the Clawshots into it and pull yourself up against the wall above. Drop to the ledge below and move left, then cross the series of rock platforms to position yourself in front of the sand falls.
Fire the Clawshots at the target beneath the wooden structure above and pull yourself onto the ledge that sticks out from the sand falls, then move into the next tunnel ahead to enter the Lanayru Caves. Once inside, make your way forward into the open cavern ahead and speak with Golo on the opposite side of the area to learn about the Sand Sea.
After receiving a Small Key, turn right and use explosives to clear away the rock obstruction against the wall lined with wooden barrels. Open the treasure chest to receive a Monster Horn, then learn about snatching the horns off the heads of enemies and collect the items you’ve uncovered.
Approach the ledge that occupies a locked entryway at the top of it and fire your Clawshot into the target hanging over the door, then pull yourself against the wall above and drop to the ground below to complete this part of the game.
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The Sand Sea and Skipper’s Retreat
Open the door to reach the Sand Sea and learn about the new terrain, then approach the edge of the platform ahead and use your Clawshots to reach the target on the spiral pillar to the right.
Pull yourself to the next target across ahead, then continue moving forward between the series of pillars ahead until you can drop onto a circular platform below.
Cross the adjacent bridge and use the Clawshot to reach the next target above, then drop to the ground and move right into the clearing. Turn right again and approach the wooden dock, then cross to the other side of it and strike the purple crystal onboard the boat to activate a color explosion.
Afterwards, speak with the skipper who just appeared nearby and accept the mission of finding his missing ship. After the cut scene, place a string of beacons between your current position on the map and the red x icon.
Navigate the boat towards the series of beacon beams you just place in the distance and follow the trail of lights until you reach another wooden dock, then exit the boat to visit Skipper’s Retreat and activate a cut scene. Afterwards, cross the dock to return to solid ground and approach the cactus on your right.
Move past the cactus and eliminate the enemy partially submerged in the sand ahead, then clear the gap he was blocking and continue forward along the ledge. Take out the next enemy and approach the edge ahead, then use the Clawshots to reach the target above and climb onto the next ledge.
Eliminate the plant enemies and approach the opposite end of the ledge, then snare the flying creature on the right with your Clawshots and pull yourself up underneath it. Pull yourself over to the next target ahead, then climb onto the ledge and eliminate the blob enemy.
Use a bomb to clear away the rocky obstruction in the corner, then enter the tunnel that’s uncovered and move through it to reach the next ledge. Snare the flying creature above to hang from underneath it, then pull yourself over to the target directly ahead and aim the Clawshots upwards.
Catch a ride with the next flying creature above and pull yourself over to the target next to the bridge. Climb onto the ledge and cross the nearby bridge, then eliminate the Moblin ahead to reach the circular dirt platform behind him.
Eliminate the plant enemy and open the small brown chest to receive a red rupee, then move to the right of the chest and pull yourself across the gap by using the target beneath the next ledge. Climb onto the ledge above and head left, then strike the flying creature buried in the ground so that it rises into the air.
Take out the flying enemy with your whip, then snare the creature you unleashed earlier to hang from underneath it. Pull yourself towards the target above and climb onto the rock formation, then make your way up to its summit and release your beetle into the air.
Pilot the beetle towards the next target above and take out the plant enemy hanging in front of it, then pull yourself over to that same target using the Clawshots.
Pull yourself over to the next target above and climb onto the ledge, then eliminate the enemies around you with the whip and snare the nearest flying creature ahead to hang from underneath it.
Wait until you rise above the grassy formation ahead, then snare the flying creature on the other side to hang from underneath it. Pull yourself over to the nearest target above and climb onto the island, then scale the crate to the left and use it to reach the next ledge.
Move around to the opposite side of the structure and climb up the vines to reach the next ledge above, then equip the net and use it to catch the Sand Cicada on the pillar in front of you. Drop back to the island below and open the building’s front door to enter it, then take out the scorpion enemies and equip your Gust Bellows.
Use the Gust Bellows to clear away all the sand on the floor around you and uncover various collectible items, then open the blue treasure chest to obtain the Ancient Sea Chart and examine the photographs. Afterwards, exit the room and use the zip lines to reach the skipper back on the wooden dock below.
Select the “Set sail!” response to return to the boat, then place a string of beacons between your current position on the sea chart and the red x icon.
Navigate the boat towards the beacons you placed in the distance and eliminate enemies along the way with your cannon fire, then follow the trail of light beams to another wooden dock to complete this part of the game.
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Shipyard and Pirate Stronghold
Exit the boat onto the third dock to visit the Shipyard and activate a cut scene. Afterwards, approach the steps leading to the mine cart station that the skipper pointed out earlier and eliminate the enemies at the bottom.
Climb the staircase to reach the cart station at the top, then enter the building on the right and sit on the stool inside to replenish your health. Jump into the mine car to exit the room and begin climbing the inclined section of track ahead, then ride the cart downhill when you reach the top to gain a massive boost in speed and enter a runaway rollercoaster scenario.
Use the controller to lean the character’s bodyweight into each of the curves in the track you encounter during the high-speed ride. Continue shifting accordingly with the turns along the way to avoid derailing and reach the next station, then jump out of the cart and exit through the doorway ahead.
Climb the steps in front of you and eliminate the scorpion enemies at the top, then continue into the building and make the first right across a bridge. Use the mine cart in the next room to exit the area and climb an inclined section of track outside, then roll downhill when you reach the top to gain momentum for the ride ahead.
Use the leaning motion to switch track routes if the path ahead is blocked by an obstruction and reach the next mine cart station safely, then jump out of the car and save your progress at the statue before entering the Construction Area.
After the cut scene, drop into the sandy area below and clear out the small scorpion enemies. Use your Gust Bellows to clear away the sand on the floor until you uncover an enormous scorpion enemy, then defeat the creature by removing the claws first and finishing the job by striking its red eye.
Open the door that becomes unlocked afterwards to return to the outside, then move forward across the bridge and take a right down the next set of steps. Cross the wooden dock to speak with the skipper and board the boat again, then place a beacon on the sea chart’s red x icon and navigate the vehicle towards the beam of light in the distance.
Eliminate the enemies along the way until you reach the beacon’s beam to locate another wooden dock, then exit the boat to visit the Pirate Stronghold. After the cut scene, cross the dock to climb the steps ahead move around the right side of the statue’s mouth.
Descend the next set of steps around the corner and open the door at the bottom to enter the next room, then move forward into the area below to learn about the Timeshift Stones. Open the door in the back right corner to enter a tunnel and move forward through it, then dash past the two lizard enemies in the next room and enter the corridor ahead to escape.
Eliminate the enemies swimming around the pool of sand in the next room, then cross the pit and open the door on the opposite side of the area to enter a new hallway. Make your way to the right down the hall and climb the next set of steps to the left, then approach the Timeshift orb to learn about it and pick it up.
Turn around and drop back into the hallway below, then move left and use the beam the device emits to clear a path through the corridors ahead. Eliminate the enemy you encounter in the next open room, then scoop up the Timshift orb to continue forward through the exit and into another hallway.
Follow the corridor around until you enter a room with a tiki statue, then use a shield deflection to shine its laser beam attack back to the source and proceed to chop the enemy down with your sword until destruction.
Pick up the Timeshift Orb and continue into the next room, then make a left and move into the area below to change its terrain with the device’s color beam. Collect the Ancient Flower by the far wall and turn around, then move to the opposite side of the area and take a right up the grassy ledge you create in the corner.
Ascend the incline being formed against the nearby wall until you come to its end, then jump to the dirt platform below and turn right. Clear the gap to reach the dirt platform ahead and continue forward onto another one past that, then turn left to make the next jump.
Clear the gap ahead and turn left, then jump across the dirt platform in front of you to reach next ledge in the opposite corner of the room. Use the Timeshift Orb’s beam to pass through the doorway ahead and enter the next room, then approach the barred entry and set the device on the ground in front of it.
Enter the tunnel ahead on your left and approach the other side of the bars, then pull down on the switch beside it to unblock the doorway and collect the Timeshift Orb.
Turn around and move into the tunnel between the torches in the right corner, then enter the next room and eliminate the plant enemies that the orb uncovers with its color beam.
Retrieve the Timeshift orb and move it far enough away from the blue treasure chest so that no land formations rise around it. Retrieve a Monster Horn from the chest and pick up the orb again, then enter the next tunnel in the corner and eliminate the enemies blocking the path.
Continue fighting through the corridor until you enter the next room, then clear the area of enemies by using bombs effectively. Afterwards, retrieve the Timeshift orb and move to the left of the locked door between tow torches at the back of the room.
Approach through the doorway beneath a single torch and drop the Timeshift Orb a few feet in front of it, then move through the entrance and grab the crate beside you in the next room. Push the block on top of the nearby floor switch to unbar the door in the previous area, then exit the room and retrieve the orb outside from the ground.
Exit the area through the doorway that was just unbarred and move into the room ahead, then place the Timeshift Orb on the ground so that it’s too far from the next area across from you to activate its entrance’s electrified shield.
Enter the next room ahead and collect the items hidden within the barrels or sand mounds, then open the treasure chest to obtain another Monster Horn before exiting the area.
Use the timeshift beam to pass through the remaining unused doorway and eliminate the totem enemies in the next room, then retrieve the device again and place it in the corner of the area made from prison bars. Return to the room where you previously opened a treasure chest and approach the orb, then pull down on the switch that’s been revealed to unbar the doorway beside you.
Retrieve the Timeshift Orb and return to the previous room, then eliminate the tiki enemies that appear by using your Gust Bellows and striking to the crystals in their mouths. After the area has been cleared, pick up the device and move through the doorway that was just unblocked to enter the next room.
Place the orb in the outlet at the center of the room to uncover the exit route you’ll use to return to the surface, then open the nearby door to exit the structure and move forward to acquire a new dousing target.
Continue forward down the steps ahead and back across the wooden dock below, then speak with the skipper and choose “Set Sail” to complete this part of the game.
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Boarding the Sandship and Dueling with Scervo
Locate your next target with the dousing ability and navigate the boat towards this desired location, then continue through the water until you spot the skipper’s invisible ship sailing nearby. Use dousing to avoid losing track of the larger vessel as you pursue it and fire cannon balls into the hull .
Continue battering your invisible prey with cannon fire until it steers itself onto dry land and a cut scene activates in which you climb aboard the Sandship. Afterwards, approach the double doors to your left and open one of them to enter the next room.
Save your progress at the statue, then descend the nearby staircase to reach the floor below and enter the hallway in the left corner ahead. Take out the bats that swoop down and open the double doors on your left to reach the next room, then take out the enemy submerged in the sand pit with a bomb and enter the doorway it was guarding.
Move through the hall and turn right at the end, then descend the stairs to open the door at the bottom to enter the next corridor. Clear out the infestation of scorpion enemies with bombs and sword combos, then continue forward into the room ahead and take a right to learn about the sealed door.
Continue forward and take a right at the wall, then open the door ahead to enter the next room and equip your Gust Bellows. Use the bellows to clear away all the sand in the pit area and eliminate the enemies you uncover in the process, then cross to the other side of the room using the narrow doorway in the divider.
Remove all traces of sand from the area until all four floor seals have been revealed, then use them to decipher the next locked door’s combination. Approach the locked door and strike the padlock in this order: South, North, South, East.
Open the door and retrieve a Small Key from the treasure chest in front of you, then exit into the previous area and approach the opposite wall. Exit through the double doors in the corner and move back down the hallway ahead, then eliminate the swarm of bats and turn left in the next open room.
Enter the next corridor on the left and open the door at the end, then climb the steps in front of you to reach the floor above and move into the hallway ahead in the corner. Cross the sandpit and open the double doors on the left to enter the hallway, then make a right and climb the next staircase you encounter.
When you reach the floor above, approach the locked set of double doors to open them and reach the outside of the ship to battle a Scervo for the first time. Wait for this robotic enemy to approach you and block his strikes with the shield to initiate counter attacks, then repeat this defense-based assault by using your sword alone to deliver the blows.
Land a string of successful sword strikes to drive the Scervo backwards, then continue the assault until he nearly topples off the edge of the bridge behind him. After the robotic enemy swats you away with a backhand and activates the barbed wall, charge towards him and deflect the first attack with your shield to open him up for follow up combo strikes.
Continue pushing the pirate enemy across the bridge until he reaches the edge and you eventually sever his arm. After you are knocked away and the barbed wall closes in again, slash the mechanical pirate repeatedly until you are forced to deflect a swinging hook hand or jump backwards to evade a charged strike.
Use these assault tactics to send the Scervo stumbling backwards for the third time until he finally falls off the end of the bridge in defeat. Afterwards, open the blue treasure chest to receive the Bow and complete this part of the game.
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The Sandship’s Deck and Restoring Power to the Engine Room
Move back across the bridge and open the door to re-enter the Sandship, then save your progress at the statue beside you. Turn around from the sculpture and enter the door across the room to reach the ship’s deck, then equip your bow and fire an arrow into the device on the mast pole above.
Send a second arrow flying to strike the purple object that just emerged above and activate a color explosion. Afterwards, use your bow and sword to clear out the enemies that appear on the deck or the mast above.
Cross to the opposite side of the deck and climb up the ladder in the left corner to reach the area above, then turn right and eliminate the enemy in the distance to collect 10 Arrows.
Point your bow at the platform on top of the next mast ahead and take out the enemy occupying it, then fire a second arrow towards this same spot to activate a device that controls a nearby zip line.
Return to the deck below and climb the ladder attached to the mast, then eliminate the thug patrolling the crow’s nest area above and equip your Bow. Take out the enemies standing on the sails around you, then turn towards the nearest zip line and shoot the device atop the upper post.
Approach the zip line on the other side of the sail beam and grab the handlebar, then travel upwards along the rope and drop onto the next platform above. Move left along the pole and onto the next crow’s nest area, then turn left towards the sails across from you and shoot the device atop the upper zip line post on the right.
Turn right and cross the sail beam to reach the next zip line, then grab the handlebar and travel upwards along the rope to land on the small platform above. Make your way across the beam to the left and onto the next crow’s nest area, then thrust the sword into the slot ahead and turn it to the right.
After the cut scene, drop back to the deck below and open the red doors that just unlocked to re-enter the ship. Use the staircases to reach the bottom floor, then move through the hallway in the corner ahead and open the door on the left to enter the next room.
Eliminate the two enemies in the first area by shooting them with arrows, then approach the opposite side of the room and move through the doorway on the left. Take out another thug with your bow attacks and smash the nearby barrels to collect additional arrows, then exit this small room and approach the doorway behind the purple section of the floor.
Move through the hall ahead to reach the room at the end and descend the nearby staircase, then open the door at the bottom of the steps to enter the next corridor. Make your way through the hallway to reach the wide open room at the end, then turn right and eliminate the totem enemy by shooting the blue circle on its head with arrows.
Cross to the opposite wall ahead and make a right down the hall, then open the next door to enter the area split in half and eliminate the enemies within. Speak with the crewman through the bars of the room divider and learn the locations of the two Power Generators, then exit the area and move back down the hall ahead.
Head left across the room and enter the opposite hallway, then open the door at the end and climb the steps in front of you. Make a left down the hall and open the first set of red doors on the right, then eliminate the two enemies in the next room and approach the block against the wall.
Push the crate into the corner on the left, then pull it over the nearby floor switch to open the various entryways above. Afterwards, exit the room and make a right down the hallway to reach purple floor in the next area.
Enter the room ahead with sunshine streaming down into to learn about the Timeshift Stones, then aim your bow at the statue above and fire an arrow through the bars in the ceiling to hit the blue crystal within the sculpture.
Move through the narrower of the two doorway that were just unlocked, then open the blue treasure chest to obtain the Dungeon Map and flip the switch on a nearby wall to lower the bars beside you.
Return to the area ahead and cross the pit of quick sand, then move forward through the hallway and approach the next deactivated industrial wall fan to the right. Use your bow to send an arrow between the fan’s blades and strike the device on the wall behind it to unbar the doorway beside you.
Open the door you just unlocked to enter the next room and eliminate the attacking swarms of bats, then climb onto the ledge that the crate occupies and pull it out from in front of the circular opening before dropping back to the ground below.
Stand on the floor switch by the entrance and aim your bow towards the object you just uncovered, then fire an arrow through the circular opening, between the fan blades and into the device on the other side to unbar the nearby doorway.
Exit the room and return to the area where sunshine was streaming down through bars in the ceiling, then fire an arrow into the Timeshift Stone above to alter your surroundings again and head back across the purple floor.
Open the first door on your right and eliminate the enemy within the next room, then approach the gauge in the corner and thrust your sword into the slot. Turn the blade left to restore partial power to the Engine Room and exit the area.
In the next hallway, move back to the left across the purple floor and make another left to exit the room. Take a right down the hall and climb the staircase in the next room, then open the door on the left to revisit the ship’s deck and move across it diagonally to climb the ladder in the opposite corner.
Move to the wall across from you, after reaching the area above, and turn around to aim your bow towards the mast above. Fire an arrow into the crystal beneath the crow’s nest to sap all the color from your surroundings, then approach the nearby crane and drop over the edge alongside the metal chain.
Land in the lifeboat and enter the nearby opening in the ship’s hull, then make a right through the narrow doorway and eliminate the bats in the next room.
Approach the door on the left and pull down on the wall switch to unbar the entryway, then enter the beams of sunlight streaming through the bars behind you and fire an arrow into the Timeshift Stone above to change your surroundings.
Thrust your sword into the slot on the gauge beside you, then turn the blade left to restore full power to the Engine Room and complete this part of the game.
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The Brig and Tentalus
Exit the area through the passageway you previously unbarred by flipping a switch, then take a left in the hallway ahead and turn left again to open the first door you approach. In the next room, move through the square opening in the wall ahead on the left and climb down the ladder to reach the platform below.
Enter the nearby passageway and drop to the level below, then follow the hallway around to open the door at the end and reach the next room. Drop over the ledge directly ahead and approach the green-glowing barricade in the area below, then wait for this obstacle to ascend before you move forward beneath it.
Wait for another two glowing-green walls to rise so that you can climb up the ladder behind them, then make a left at the top and use your whip to grab the next branch above. Swing yourself towards the opposite wall to land on the next ledge ahead and wait for the glowing obstacle on the left to rise up.
Quickly dash into the next tunnel when the barricade does finally ascend, then continue speeding through the corridor ahead to safely pass beneath the series of rising barriers above. Climb up the ladder in front of you to reach the next ledge, then move forward and grab the branch above with your whip.
Swing onto the glowing block in front of you when it drops to ground, then move around to the other side and jump to the next one ahead after it descends. Make your way onto the next ledge and wallrun to pull down on the switch to the right, then enter the crawlspace beside you and move through it to reach the other side.
Climb the ladder in the next area to reach the ledge above and pull down on the switch to the left, then enter the room you unblocked ahead to liberate the crew and receive a Small Key. Afterwards, return to the room a few levels above you that has two square-shaped openings in its back wall and climb through the rightmost one to enter another lifeboat.
Point your bow upwards and fire an arrow into the device connecting the suspension chains, then ride the lifeboat as it ascends towards the ship’s upper deck and exit when you reach the top. Send a second arrow into the crystal beneath the crow’s nest above so that the colors are drained from your surroundings again, then turn around and approach the upper deck’s back wall.
Open the door on the upper deck’s back wall to enter the next building and descend the staircase in front of you, then move right when reach the bottom and pass through the narrow doorway in the corner ahead. Enter the next area and eliminate the scorpion enemies, then enter the beams of sunlight and fire an arrow into the Timeshift Stone through the bars in the ceiling above.
After your surroundings change, eliminate the enemies that have appeared and step on the floor switch by the room’s back wall. Aim your bow towards the square opening at the base of the cage across from you, then fire an arrow through it to strike the device on the other side and unlock the nearby door.
Open the door you just unlocked to enter the next room and clear out the enemies around you with strategic use of shield deflections, then open the golden chest that’s been uncovered to obtain the Squid Carving. Make your way back to the ship’s lower deck and open the red door on the other side of the area to return to the first building you visited in this level.
Descend the nearby staircase and enter the hallway ahead in the corner, then open the door on the left to reach the next room and move across the purple section of floor to enter the corridor on the right.
Make your way forward through the hall and descend the stairs on the other end, then open the door at the bottom to enter the next corridor.
Move forward into the open room ahead, then examine the complex keyhole on the right and rotate the Squid Carving until it lines up with the slot. Choose “Release” to unlock the decorative gateway and enter the next area to encounter an aggressive cluster of an unseen monster’s tentacles.
After the first batch of tentacles recedes into the floor, turn around and make a left across the room behind you. Enter the hall on your left and back away from of tentacles that crash through the wall, then throw a bomb between these two monstrous appendages and let the explosion clear the corridor ahead.
Move forward and use a blast of light energy to hack through the third tentacle blocking your path, then climb the staircase at the opposite end of the hallway to experience the ship rocking from side to side. On the next floor, move through the corridor to the left and use sidesteps when dodging the barrels rolling towards you.
Continue up the hall until you exit into the open area at its other end, then approach the partially grass-covered area ahead and step back when the tentacles appear. Use bombs or light energy to remove the boss’ arms, then duck under the iron gate at the opposite side of the room and jump the next gap in front of you.
Climb the staircase beside you to raise the water level and open the door at the top of the steps to initiate the next boss battle with a creature known as: Tentalus .
After the cut scene, Tentalus will dive back underwater and attack by thrusting his tentacles up through the ground beneath you. To counter this assault: back away from patches of ground that suddenly pushed upwards into mounds, then use either a blast of light energy or a bomb to sever the tentacles that eventually bursts through these spots.
Continue cutting away the limbs until the monster rises from the water again, then equip your bow and aim it towards the creature’s head. After evading one of Tentalus’ limbs from slamming down on top of you, fire an arrow into the enemy’s single large eyeball that will knock him to the ground.
Approach the fallen sea monster and send additional arrow’s into it’s gaping eye whenever you have a clear shot. Survive another wave of tentacles bursting from the ground below, then use your bow to continue the assault on Tentalus’ vulnerable eyeball.
Outlast additional waves of increasingly difficult tentacle strikes and continue shooting out the enemy’s’ eye whenever possible until a cut scene activates. After Tentalus’ flailing limbs knock a crate off the ledge, approach this fallen object and use it to climb to the top of the area above.
After the monster emerges from the water again, open fire on the creature’s eyeball until he is able to recover by transforming his tentacles into enormous snake monsters.
Use your sword to hack away at these serpent appendages as they lunge forward to strike you, then finish off Tentalus for good via a final assault with your bow and arrows.
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