10 Best Melee Weapons of All Time

There's nothing like a good beatdown. I mean, sure, it's gratifying to execute a flawless headshot or pump some enemy full of crossbow bolts, but sometimes you need to get up in a monster's face and bash the ever-loving crap out of him (or her).   Here are ten of the best blunt, sharp, or otherwise lethal objects for getting a variety of jobs done. 

The Wrench - Bioshock 

wrench bioshock

The Wrench is the only melee weapon in Bioshock, obtained right near the beginning, but it is of great use throughout the entire game. Though it can't be upgraded, the wrench can be used in conjunction with tonics that make it nearly unstoppable. When wielded properly, it can kill most enemies with a single blow (aside from the Big Daddies, of course). The downside of the wrench, though, is that it can also be the weakest weapon in the game, beyond a certain point. It all depends on the stealth, tonics, and tactics of the player.

The Black Lightsaber - Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 

the black light saber

Pretty much any lightsaber at all is pretty badass, and if you think otherwise, you must be a cynical bastard indeed, and I pity you. The business end is made of plasma, and held in the shape of a blade by the Force. The hilt is usually handmade by whoever is going to be using it. However, this particular lightsaber can only be acquired at a specific point in the game by successfully locating the black crystal. Perhaps it is intended to be a nod to the the Darksaber, stolen from the Jedi Temple before the fall of the Old Republic, and used by Pre Vizsla to duel Obi Wan on Concordia.  

Chainsaw Paddle - Dead Rising 2 

chainsaw paddle - dead rising 2

Dead Rising 2 is one of those instances where the sequel is way better than the original. Not that the original was bad, because it wasn't. In fact, the idea of synthesizing weapons out of found objects is probably a lot more realistic than most other Standard Zombie Apocalypse Scenario games would have us believe. Because let's face it, you're just not going to find that many rifles just lying around. Or pre-assembled pipe bombs. You're probably going to have to improvise, and that is probably going to involve a lot of duct tape, tools stolen from garages, and a fair amount of swinging about of random items to see if they'd actually work against a hoard of hungry zombies. So the idea of taking not one, but two chainsaws and strapping them to either side of a kayak paddle, in a crude parody of Darth Maul's double-sided lightsaber is totally brilliant, and whatever genius at Capcom thought that up deserves a cookie and a gold star.  

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