Stealing Time: Top 10 Most Wanted Features in Thief 4

Eidos announced the development of "Thief 4" (also called "Thi4f") as early as last year, but since then we've heard nary a murmur about the state of the game's development or what it's going to be like. Here are ten features that should make it into the game.


#10 A Return of Garrett

thief 4

Garrett is the heart and soul of the Thief series. A game without the mechanical-eyed Garrett would be a Thief game only in name--even if he isn’t the protagonist. 


#9 Role-playing Elements

Garrett, or whoever the protagonist of the next Thief game is, should grow in skill and expertise as he (or she) ventures through the story and comes to command experience. Allowing the player to specialize the player character in specific skills would allow for the game to be experienced in a myriad of different ways in each subsequent playthrough. 


#8 Wide-open Areas

thief 4

The first two Thief games featured wide open areas and extensive mansions that allowed Garrett to wander almost freely with very few loading screens. The third game was sadly hampered by the limitations of the Xbox console and gave the player the feeling of being locked into a series of compartments. “Thief 4” should offer players the same freedom of movement as the first two games, if not more. 



#7 Diverse Missions and Objectives

There should be more to do in the game besides pilfering expensive objects from the rich. After all, a thief is capable of performing many tasks that utilize his expertise. 


#6 Environment Interaction

thief 4

The world with which you interact in “Thief 4” should be as reactive to your actions as you are to it. You’re every bit a part of the world, and as a master thief, even the shadows are your tools. Extinguish light with water arrows and create arcs of shadow in which to hide by manipulating the environment around you. 

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