Finish the Fight: Top 10 Best Halo Maps of All Time

halo trilogy

Since 2001 the Halo franchise has consistently delivered an incredible multiplayer experience to its fans. This is a series and a studio that is known for its phenomenal multiplayer balance and map design. Choosing ten of the best maps for adversarial play is a gargantuan task as it involves choosing from some of the best multiplayer landscapes of gaming history. For continuities sake this list will omit Halo Wars maps.

10: Anchor 9 (Halo Reach: Noble Map Pack)

Even though Anchor 9 is new on the scene it is plain to see that it is an instant classic. Aesthetically pleasing, Anchor 9 is set in a UNSC repair station above Reach. It features the utilitarian design of most human structures in the Halo universe. Gameplay-wise, the map is relatively small but has long sight lines across its midsection that keep the combat varied. The symmetrically divided bases provide avenues for shotgun surprises and interesting grenade traps. The outdoor section of Anchor 9 lets players play in low gravity. This allows players to close vertical distances quickly providing a slight advantage to close range weapons. Anchor 9, like the others on this list has a rock solid layout bookended by an interesting gameplay modifier and that indescribable Halo magic.

9: Turf (Halo 2: Maptacular Map Pack)

Speaking of Halo magic, Turf is loaded with it. Halo has always been incredibly immersive and Turf is a map that brings that aspect of Halo single player into multiplayer.  Set in the battlefield that was New Mombasa, Turf is littered with the wreckage of war. Remember how cool it was to see the destroyed Scarab for the first time? Turf is a map of medium size that feels small due to its maze like corridors and ambush enabling vertical spaces. Only one section of the map has much open space, and that avenue would always turn into a cluster of death that only an effective sniper could swing to one side. Turf was a success because it felt like a battlefield before the players ever hit the ground and its claustrophobic layout only ratcheted up the tension.

8: The Pit (Halo 3)

It looks sparse, but this UNSC training facility invites inventive play styles. This is one of the largest maps to not have vehicles in the Halo map line up. The Pit is all about Team Slayer. Power weapons spawn in the middle of the map and the race between the teams to them always ends in ferocious confrontation. Grenades or a well timed Needler burst define the battle for the Active Camouflage, Overshield, and Rocket Launcher. There are two Sniper Rifles on the map, one on each teams side. Even then, the two snipers almost immediately engage each other because of the open sight line that divides the map. This power weapon-heavy map usually results in intense seesaw battles that require skill across the spectrum of Halo gameplay.

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