Call of Juarez: The Cartel Achievements | Trophies Guide

Call of Juarez: The Cartel may be giving some players problems with its difficult challenges, but that hasn't prevented others from challenging themselves by attempting to acquire each of the game's achievements. This guide has been compiled to aid you in the accomplishment of just that task.
Xbox 360 Achievement List / PlaySation 3 Trophy List
Did You See That? (15G/Bronze) - Destroy 5 helicopters in the campaign.
Dental Plan (10G/Bronze) - Kill 10 enemies with a weapon melee attack.
Berserker (20G/Bronze) - Kill 3 enemies in a row while severely wounded.
Bad Guy (20G/Bronze) - Kill at least 40 enemies during Gang Bang mission.
None Of Their Business (10G/Bronze) - Successfully finish two Secret Agendas.
Alamo! (10G/Bronze) - Enter 10 rooms using Team Entry.
Protect And Serve (10G/Bronze) - Don't Kill any of the civilians on the marketplace during Juan's chase.
F.R.A.G.S. (10G/Bronze) - Kill 10 enemies using grenades.
Chain Reaction (10G/Bronze) - Kill at least 20 enemies by exploding nearby vehicles.
High Noon (20G/Bronze) - Kill at least 3 enemies between 12:00-12:05 local time.
SloMo (20G/Bronze) - Kill at least 4 enemies during a single Concentration Mode.
Deadly Ballet (20G/Bronze) - In a three player co-op game, all players must score at least one kill during Team Entry.
Guns. Lost of Guns (10G/Bronze) - Use 10 different weapons to kill enemies.
Tomb Raider (30G/Silver) - Go through cemeter in less than 3 minutes.
Spy vs. Spy (20G/Bronze) - In cooperative mode, prevent 10 attempts of picking up secret items.
Peeper (10G/Bronze) - Watch dancers for 30 seconds on the Disco level.
Interagency Task Force (20G/Bronze) - Play though one entire mission with two other live players.
Raining Bullets (10G/Bronze) - Shoot 1000 bullets in the Ghost Town level.
Highway Patrol (20G/Bronze) - Drive any vehicle for more than 20 miles total.
Bullet Dodger (15G/Bronze) - Avoid all rockets in the highway chase on the Disco level.
Nail'd It! (15G/Bronze) -Finish downhil car chase on Plantation level without damaging the car.
Eh... What's Up, Doc? (10G/Bronze) - In cooperative mode, revive wounded players 5 times.
Magpie (15G/Bronze) - Without getting caught, collect at least 75% of secret items on any level.
Dirty Cop (15G/Bronze) - Successfully pick up 15 secret items.
Armorer (15G/Bronze) - Unlock at least 10 new weapons in the campaign mode.
Been There, Done That (30G/Silver) - In competitve mode, play one full round on all maps.
Little Bighorn (15GBronze) - Win a game in competitve mode.
Level 21 (40G/Silver) - Unlock all weapons in the campaign mode.
Police, Everybody Down! (25G/Bronze) - Complete the game playing as Ben McCall.
Clean Shot (50G/Silver) - Complete the campaign mode without killing civilians.
Time Is On My Side (30G/Silver) - Kill 50 enemies while having Concentration Mode active.
Texas Ranger (25G/Bronze) - Disable 20 enemies with your bare fists.
Drive-By (30GBronze) - While riding in a car, shoot 50 enemies.
Heat (10G/Bronze) - Destroy 20 cars.
Move! Moving! (20G.Bronze) - Kill 20 enemies with the Team Cover technique.
Rio Bravo (30G/Silver) - Kill 100 enemies using revolvers.
Do You Feel Lucky, Punk (100G/Gold) - Complete the campaign mode on hard difficulty.
Driving Lessons (10G/Silver) - Kill at least 10 enemies while driving a vehicle.
Gunslinger (10G/Bronze) - Kill 20 enemies with dual-wielded firearms.
Brain Surgery (25G/Silver) - Kill 50 enemies with headshots.
FBI! Dont Move! (25G/Silver) - Complete the game playing as Kim Evans.
DEA, Keep Your Hands Up! (25G/Silver) - Complete the game playing as Eddie Guerra.
Ace of Spades (Platinum) - Collect all other trophies.
Secret Achievements / Trohpy List
Ladder Goat (10G/Bronze) - Watch Ladder Goat movie on the Fort level.
Don't Miss The Train (10G/Bronze) - Successfully manage to pass the train on Juan Chase level.
Alba Varden (10G/Bronze) - Witness ship destruction on the Docks level.
Rubber Duck (10G/Bronze) - Successfully drive off the highway on Convoy level.
The Border Crossed Us! (10G/Bronze) - Cross U.S. -Mexican border.
Wild West (10G/Bronze) - Enter The Ghost Town.