Moises Chiullan: This $35,000 theft story from Paul is false

moses chullian

Gameranx has been investigating some of the claims made by Paul Christoforo during his interview with us earlier this week. During the interview, Christoforo said this:

“...Brandon Leidel was fired by N-Control. He didn't fire N-Control, which he said in a statement at Kotaku which is 100% false. Brandon Leidel ripped off the company for $35,000. He was fired from the company for his actions. He was disrespectful to [Avenger creator David Kotkin]. He left him at PAX East Boston. He left me at the show to clean up the mess. I had to bring back the televisions. He left David at the hotel and went to the airport without him. Brandon Leidel was fired from the company because he was robbing them. “

The next morning, I made contact with Brandon Leidel, who denied any wrongdoing, and I spoke with N-Control's new independent consultant, Moisés Chiullan, to find out if Christoforo's allegations were true. Here are the questions I sent to Moisés:

“1. Paul Christoforo says that Brandon Leidel stole $35,000 from N-Control. Brandon Leidel denies it. Who's telling the truth here? What really happened?

2. In his message to Kotaku, Leidel says he "fired N-Control as a client", but Chrisotoforo says that N-Control let go of Leidel. Who really fired whom?

3. Did Brandon Leidel leave [David Kotkin] and Paul [Christoforo] behind at the airport after PAX East? Why would Paul think that?

4. There have been allegations that Paul Christoforo is part owner of N-Control. Is that true?”

I received this response from Chiullan:

“We will not comment on items 1-3 beyond affirming that Brandon is correct, and that this $35,000 theft story from Paul is false. We did not appreciate or agree with the version of events in Brandon's comments on the record to Kotaku, but maintain a positive rapport with him otherwise. Our policy is not to discuss our dealings with current or past business partners as a matter of professionalism and respect.

Referencing the press release transmitted yesterday, Paul Christoforo does not now, nor ever has, owned any part of N-Control or its affiliated companies. He is not subject to any further compensation of any kind from the company, and earns nothing from Avenger Controller sales going forward. Also reference the press release if you have questions about Afternoon Artists, the LLC that Paul is listed on as an officer. I've attached it in case you don't have it handy.

We have no comment regarding any of Paul's further comments or stories about N-Control and its business practices. He was dismissed with prejudice, and all of his statements should be consequently disregarded.”