5 Most Adorable Video Game Cosplay Pics

Cosplayers come in many shapes and sides, and they're usually in the forms of fully grown adult people who enjoy putting their own costumes together to attend cosplay conventions.

Every so often, though, we find a few miniature cosplayers—undoubtedly dressed up by their parents—to take on the roles of some of the most adorable characters we've ever seen.

The whole thing is a credit to the parents, as the kids have probably no idea what the hell is going on. I'm sure it'll be something for them to reminisce upon in twenty years, on Future Reddit with a thread title like "Hey r/gaming, this is what my parents dressed me up as in 2010."

We can certainly look forward to seeing stuff like that when we're playing on our augmented reality internet in the cyberpunk future of tomorrow. Good times.

chun li

 baby link 

baby prince

baby megaman

mario cosplay