Donkey Kong Country Returns, also known as Donkey Kong Returns in Japan, was originally developed as a Nintendo Wii title. As the story goes, a group of evil creatures known as the Tikis arrive on Donkey Kong Island, hypnotize the island's animals, and steal all of Donkey Kong's bananas. It's up to Donkey Kong and Diddy Hong to set things right.
The new version of the game has been developed from the ground up and features stereoscopic 3D graphics. It comes playable in an "Original Mode" which is every bit as difficult as the original DKCR and a "New Mode" which includes a handful of items to make the game much easier.
GameXplain has set up multiple video walkthroughs and guides for how to get through the recently released Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D for the Nintendo 3DS. The guides will aid you in tracking down all puzzle pieces in every level of the world.
In addition to the puzzle pieces, there's a variety of secrets, hidden levels, collectibles, and more—some of which are new to the game.